One Piece Cosplay

Chapter 164 Fierce battle against the Chitauri

Chapter 164 Fierce battle against the Chitauri

Lynch instantly killed the villain's leader, Killian, and immediately calmed down everyone present.

Pepper was frightened by Lynch's fierceness, while Killian's subordinates couldn't believe that Killian, who had been injected with the Extremis virus, could be so weak.

And just as these people were stunned, Lynch attacked in an instant. He would not give these people injected with the first version of the Extremis virus a chance to attack or self-destruct.

The few so-called terrorists who broke into the Stark Tower hadn't done anything yet, and they were dealt with in an instant by Lynch. It can only be said that the time they chose was too unlucky.

In normal times, Lynch might still play with them, but now the Chitauri outside are almost here. In order to ensure the safety of Pepper, Lynch can only make a quick decision.

After finishing killing Killian and his group, Lynch and Pepper continued to run towards the secret escape passage of Stark Tower.

And along the way, Pepper pulled a large number of Stark's employees, and everyone wanted to take refuge in that escape route.

It took more than ten minutes for a large group of whirring people to reach the place, and the panting Xiaojiao and others could finally take a rest.

And Lynch took a look at this so-called escape route, and found that it was an underground air-raid shelter!

However, this air-raid shelter is quite tight and stable, and there are transportation vehicles that can go directly outside New York City. It is a very huge project, and Stark must have spent a lot of thought and effort on this.

At this escape route, Pepper and the others are considered safe, and Lynch doesn't want to hide here anymore.

The Chitauri outside will be here soon, and Pepper and the others are going to escape along the escape route.

But how could Lynch run away so uselessly?He didn't pay attention to the Chitauri, so Lynch decided to go out and meet these so-called aliens.

So after talking to Chili Pepper, Lynch ran out of the escape route and rushed outside.

At this time, New York City was already caught in the flames of war, and the huge teleportation channel in the distant sky was constantly sending the Chitauri army here.

As soon as Lynch showed his head, he was followed by several Chitauri riding a flying machine, and several energy beams shot over immediately.

Lynch dodged quickly, and then took out the "Hequan" sword from the system space, and a huge sword qi slashed through it.

A few Chitauri didn't even have time to dodge before they were cut in half and fell from the sky.

At this time, Lynch looked at the Chitauri who were making trouble everywhere and suddenly thought of a question, how can people who don't have the spiritual scepter to reunite close the transmission channel?
You must know that the spiritual scepter is in your own hands now, even if Fulian has found the teleportation setting that supports the Rubik's Cube, there seems to be no way to close it.

Thinking of this, Lynch suddenly felt a headache. It seemed that he had to close the teleportation device himself. Others might not have the ability.

So Lynch immediately rushed towards the building in the distance that emitted a huge beam of light, but there were some Chitauri blocking the way, so Lynch couldn't rush over immediately.

And Lynch started to collect the Chitauri's weaponry while cleaning up the Chitauri he met on the road.

These are some good things, which can be used for research or directly equipped with the army, so Lynch did not miss this good opportunity.

But in this way, the time was delayed a lot. By the time Lynch arrived at the destination, the Chitauri had already sent a large number of troops.

The sky is full of Chitauri flying machines and biological and chemical weapon giants, and the human army has been beaten to pieces.

Now the only ones who can hold on to the scene are the superheroes Steel, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk.

However, it is impossible to repel the Chitauri army with three people. The key is to close the transmission channel and cut off the connection between the Chitauri base and the army.

Because the various weapons and armies of the Chitauri are commanded by remote control, without this connection, these Chitauri armies would be considered useless.

Lynch saw the opportunity, and immediately stepped on the moon and flew up to the top of the building.

But halfway through the flight, a strong wind suddenly hit, and Lynch hurriedly turned sideways to avoid it.

A huge figure collided with the building next to Lynch. Lynch took a closer look and found that the Hulk Hulk had landed there.



Lynch and Hulk looked at each other speechlessly.

Bruce Banner, a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, was like a fool when he became the Hulk. He only knew how to use brute force and had a strong desire to destroy.

Although Bruce Banner can easily control his emotions now, he can only control whether he transforms, but cannot control the transformed personality.

So after the Hulk transformed, he was still that stupid big guy, just because he was so busy beating up a Chitauri biochemical behemoth, he was knocked into the air by another biochemical behemoth.

Lynch and the Hulk were still in a daze, but the two biochemical behemoths had already chased them, and a huge laser shot towards Lynch and the Hulk.

Lynch sensed the danger and quickly avoided it.

But the sluggish guy, the Hulk, couldn't do it, and was hit directly by the solid.

However, the Hulk's skin was rough and fleshy, so he didn't suffer any damage at all. He shook his head and stood up again.

Glancing at the biochemical behemoth in the air, it immediately rushed towards it angrily.

Lynch felt relieved after seeing this scene, and continued to fly towards the roof of the building without caring about the battle between the Hulk and the biochemical behemoths.

But although Lynch didn't want to make trouble, the Chitauri army would not let him go. A giant biochemical beast and dozens of soldiers frantically rushed towards Lynch.

Seeing this, Lynch stopped helplessly, and the "Hequan" sword in his hand turned into a cloud of thunder.

"6000 million volts Thunder Dragon!"

Lynch yelled, and the lightning in his hand gushed out instantly, turning into a huge lightning dragon, roaring and rushing towards the Chitauri people.


Under a flash of lightning, all the Chitauri who rushed towards Lynch turned into ashes, and the thunder and lightning created a vacuum in the sky, and all the Chitauri soldiers who approached here would be turned into ashes by the lightning.

And this scene happened to be seen by Thor, the God of Thunder, who came to support him.

At this moment, Thunder God was also stunned, there was actually someone who was better at controlling thunder and lightning than himself, who is the Thunder God!
But Lynch didn't care what Thor thought, he wanted to take this opportunity to quickly climb to the roof of the building, and that guy Loki was still waiting for him up there.

(End of this chapter)

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