Chapter 151

Looking at the Baiqi army waiting in full force outside the Wangcheng, Qian Sun was dumbfounded. He wondered when the Beiming Army had managed to avoid Hu Yanzhuo and Liu Daogui without anyone noticing and touch the Wangcheng?

Unexpectedly, Bai Qi was so bold that he went deep alone, avoided the big eastern city of Xiaocheng, and approached the king's city. Now Qian Sun was really at a loss.

In the royal city, there are only [-] old, weak, sick and disabled people. It may be difficult to defend against the murderous [-] tigers and wolves. Hearing the news that the Beiming army is besieging the royal city, Qian Sun can no longer sit still. , I had no choice but to invite Liu Muzhi, my own think tank.

When Liu Muzhi heard that Bai Qi didn't play cards according to common sense, and made a surprise attack from thousands of miles away, he took a breath, and didn't know how to deal with it for a while, and now all the combat power in the royal city has been dispatched, clever woman It's hard to cook without rice, he is helpless.

"My lord, the only way to do it now is to issue Daoist regulations. The two of you, Hu Yanzhuo, will lead the army to serve the king. Otherwise, the king's city will be destroyed, and we will all be killed by him..."

Bai Qi's move was ruthless, he stabbed the king of Qianzhou directly into the heart, and forced the strong man of the king of Qianzhou to sever his wrist. He either abandoned Jibei City, Yuexi City and other major counties, or gave up his life to fight him head-on.

"Daohe, send a letter to Hu Yanzhuo and Liu Daogui, let them come to King Qin as soon as possible..."

The King of Qianzhou was full of anger and helplessness, looked at Liu Muzhi who was kneeling below, and sighed after a long time. After speaking, his eyes were full of exhaustion, as if he had aged dozens of years all of a sudden.


"Boss, this time, with Qian Sunxiao'er's always greedy for life and fear of death, we must send someone to invite Hu Yanzhuo and Liu Daogui to come to the rescue. At that time, I'm afraid there will be no return. Qianzhou is at your fingertips, hehe... "

Long Qi, Luo Cheng, as Bai Qi's powerful general in this raid deep into the hinterland of Qianzhou, is naturally very excited, because the outcome of this battle depends on their results this time.

"Hmph, want to go in after going out? It's just a dream..."

Bai Qi glanced coldly at the Qianzhou King City, his eyes were full of disdain and evil spirit, as if he didn't take the little Qianzhou King seriously at all.

"Long Qi, Luo Cheng obeys orders!"


"Order the two of you to lead an army of [-] troops to garrison Huyanzhuo and Liu Muzhi on the only way. Once the two of you arrive with your troops, launch a surprise attack immediately, show the unparalleled fighting power of our Yanhuang Tiger Guards, and crush Qian Sun in one fell swoop. I want Qian Sun to die in remorse..."

Bai Qi's voice was emotionless, as if he was the killing god from Jiuyou, who came only for killing

In Jibei City, Liu Daogui, as the main general, naturally sat on the main seat, next to him was Li Song, the guard of Jibei City.

"The general has come from a long way, it's been hard work, Mr. Li will offer a toast to the general first, and wish the general a successful start and defeat the invading Northern Underworld Army in one fell swoop..."

As a native of Jibei City, Li Song naturally didn't know how powerful Xue Rengui and Bai Qi were. Although he had heard that Xue Rengui and Lu Bu had a close fight, he knew how to measure Xue Rengui's battle without seeing Lu Bu. He is too strong, so he speaks boldly, is arrogant, and arrogant.

"Hmph, I hope so, Bai Qi can come?"

Liu Muzhi's face was frosty, and he didn't show much favor to Li Song. He snorted coldly and asked about Bai Qi's whereabouts.

"Uh, Bai Qi, I really don't know Bai Qi's whereabouts. Although this army is fighting under the banner of Bai Qi, they haven't seen him in the past few days. On the contrary, the person he saw the most is a man named Xue Rengui!"

Li Song didn't know what he meant, and his face was full of doubts. He didn't know the grievances between Liu Mu and Bai Qi, so he had to say it in a heartfelt manner.

"Trash, I don't even know if Bai Qi is in the enemy camp, he's just a trash..."

Since being redeemed by Liu Muzhi, Liu Daogui has become very violent and cold, and he treats his subordinates extremely cruelly. If he makes a mistake, he is often punished with whips, and the soldiers dare not speak out.

Being scolded by Liu Daogui, Li Song's face was naturally full of anger, but he didn't dare to explode. As the coach of this trip, Liu Daogui had the right to kill first and play later. In his heart, but a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

The next day, Liu Daogui personally led troops out of the city to confront the Beiming army.

"Let the bastard Bai Qi come out, I, Liu Daogui, will kill him today to vent my hatred..."

Standing in front of the Qianzhou Army, Liu Daogui roared at the opposite Beiming Army with a vicious face, his voice was full of hatred.

"Brother Gongsun, what did you do to make Liu Daogui so resentful that he wanted to fight to the death?"

Looking at Liu Daogui's face full of hatred and eyes that seemed to be breathing fire, Xue Rengui was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked Wu Song next to him.

"Uh, General Xue doesn't know something. It is said that last year when the Qianzhou Army attacked our Huangzhou, General Bai showed his might in a rage and wiped out the [-] troops led by Liu Daogui in one fell swoop, and captured Liu Daogui at the same time. When he was dying, if his elder brother, Liu Mu, the Prime Minister of the Qianzhou Kingdom, had not come to redeem him, he would have died in Huangquan long ago. He was probably ashamed and wanted to kill General Bai to vent his anger. Hahaha, what a pity he wanted to Disappointed, General Bai is not here, hehe..."

Wu Song, who is tall and long-armed, is half a head taller than Xue Rengui, holding a long knife, riding on a horse, watching Liu Daogui jumping up and down like a clown not far away, with disdain on his face, At the same time, there is a hint of pity.

"Bai Qi, you cowardly person who is afraid of death, come out for me, I will kill you, ah..."

Seeing that this guy was completely crazy, he stood under the city and angrily scolded Bai Qi, neither launching an attack nor calling for gold to withdraw his troops.

"Brother Wu, go meet this Liu Daogui, I must be tired of scolding Liu Daogui now..."

Xue Rengui rolled his eyes, and felt a little bored and bored watching this guy keep scolding.

"Don't Liu thief want to scold my coach, Wu Song will meet you..."

After finishing speaking, he carried the big knife and killed it. The big knife in his hand was about five feet long, jagged and emitting a cold light. It looked extremely intimidating, and Wu Song himself wore a bronze mask, which added a bit of mystery.

"What the hell is Wusong, Bai Qi is greedy for life and afraid of death, sending a young general like you to die, is simply not worthy of being called a hero..."

"Stop talking too much, look at the knife!"

"Uh, don't be aggressive, go back and let Bai Qi out..."


Seeing this Liu Mu who hadn't seen him for a year, he even looked down on Wu Song. He scolded and underestimated Wu Song.

"You, how dare you sneak up on me..."

"I'll fuck you, uncle, if you dare to babble, I'll cut you off..."



Compared with Liu Daogui's long spear, Wu Song's broadsword was like a pocket version. Every time he resisted hard, the force from the long spear made his hands tremble unconsciously, and the tiger's mouth burst open.

Liu Daogui looked at this big man, vomiting blood angrily, he wanted to hit Bai Qi, not this guy, this guy actually entangled him endlessly, he was so depressed that he vomited blood several times.

"Retreat, retreat..."

Seeing that Bai Qi hasn't come out for so long, he has given up his heart. He said in his heart that when he launched a night attack tonight, he must personally kill Bai Qi, a shrinking turtle, so that he can vent his hatred. Wu Song the bastard.

The same thought as Liu Daogui is Xue Rengui. Seeing the enemy's general is so unbearable, he will lose an inch just because of hatred. He doesn't realize that there is an opportunity to take advantage of, so naturally he will not let it go in vain. As the commander of an army, he must be good at seizing the opportunity , to a fatal blow to the enemy.

So Xue Rengui planned to launch a surprise attack when he was young, and caught the enemy by surprise in one fell swoop, took the opportunity to rush into the city, killed him, blood flowed into rivers, and he was turned on his back, making this great achievement.

As dusk fell, whether it was the Qianzhou army inside the city or the Beiming army outside the city, they all had their own ideas and wanted to take the opportunity to go straight to the enemy's lair and wipe out the enemy army in one fell swoop.

The autumn wind at night carried a hint of coolness. For some reason, the moonlight above the sky seemed extremely hazy, and the surroundings were silent, only the sound of cicadas remained...


At this time, Liu Daogui was sitting on the general platform of the military camp, looking at the Qianzhou army below, full of vigor and high spirits. After this battle, Dongzhou will never rise again in vain, only Liu Daogui...

Seeing that Zishi had finally arrived, he quietly opened the city gate with an army of tens of thousands, rushed out from the city, and went straight to the Beiming army camp.

At this time, the Beiming army had all left the camp, and the soldiers were divided into two groups, waiting outside the city on the one side, many soldiers had already touched the city wall quietly; on the other side, traps had been set up, waiting for Liu Daogui to enter the net.

Because Liu Daogui was out of the city, the defense on the city wall seemed a little lax. Except for a few people who were stationed to watch, the others fell asleep staggeringly.

"Puff puff…"

The well-trained Beiming army was extremely capable and decisive. They wiped the necks of the unsuspecting defenders, cut their throats, and dragged them to a dark place to change their uniforms.

At the same time, commanding more people to touch it quietly, and they continued to pretend to be the ghosts of the night, and kept harvesting one fresh life after another...

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the defenders on the city wall were sent to the underworld, and the defenders were completely disguised as the Northern Underworld Army. At the same time, Xue Rengui sent clever people to go down the city wall and garrison the city. All the thieves at the door were beheaded and replaced with their own people.

At this time, Xue Rengui immediately ordered the [-] troops outside the city to enter Jibei City silently. The whole process was unknown, and even Li Song, who was stationed in Jibei City, was unaware of it.

On the other side, Liu Daogui rushed into the camp of the Beiming army excitedly, imagining how Bai Qi would crawl under his feet, but as soon as he entered, he was poured with cold water and felt cold from head to toe. , Looking at the empty barracks of the Northern Underworld Army, his expression changed drastically.

"Not good, withdraw with me..."

He would be a fool if he didn't react when he saw this scene. Although Liu Daogui was overwhelmed by hatred, he still had basic thinking ability. When he saw that there was no one in the tent, he knew he had been tricked.

Immediately urged the soldiers to leave the barracks of the Northern Underworld Army and retreat to Jibei City.

"Kill...kill these damn Qianzhou Army, soldiers, kill with me..."

At this time, there was a lot of fire all around, and countless torches surrounded Liu Daogui's army, and the surrounding was completely tight.

"There is no plan to defeat the general, today is your death day, suffer death, follow me to kill..."

Wu Song, as the general who stayed here, saw that Liu Daogui came to rob the camp as Xue Rengui said, and he immediately looked up to Xue Rengui a lot.

"Soldiers, the enemy army is despicable and shameless, they even set up traps in advance, let us drill, kill them, kill these despicable Northern Dark Army, kill..."

Liu Daogui saw that he was caught in the trap again, and he wanted to die. He was too impatient, and for the sake of revenge, his rationality was abandoned. Now it's all right, repeating the same mistakes, and being ambushed again.

"Ah, dog thief, die for me..."

Furious and ashamed, Liu Daogui couldn't take it anymore, his canthus cracked, and his eyes widened with anger and glared at Wu Song who had killed him, his eyes were full of madness and determination, and at the same time he rode his horse to kill him.

"Well done, look at the big sword of Mou..."

I am not afraid that you will not dance, but I am afraid that you will not fight.

Seeing that Liu Daogui gave up the breakout and came straight to him, Wu Song was overjoyed. This is a head. Killing generals and capturing the flag is what every general likes to do most, and Wu Song is no exception.

And Liu Daogui is a weak person, he is not afraid at all, even if he is furious, he is not afraid at all.



The enraged Liu Daogui really made a few moves. He fought Wu Song for dozens of rounds, and he didn't see him at a disadvantage. Seeing that the general was so brave, the Qianzhou Army tried their best. Damage is inevitable.

Wu Song was not happy, because he couldn't take this guy for a long time and caused huge losses. That was absolutely impossible, and he didn't allow it.

"Drink, Chi Yan Slash!"

"Phoenix Chasing Spear!"




The enraged Liu Daogui's strength has improved a lot, coupled with his desperate fighting style, if he wants to kill this guy, Wu Song has no choice but to cut off his wrists like a strong man.

Liu Daogui's spear pierced Wu Song's left rib, and Wu Song's Guan knife also cut off Liu Daogui's right arm. Liu Daogui screamed and fell to the ground, holding his blood-spitting right arm, his eyes full of hatred and misery.

Cold sweat broke out unconsciously from his forehead, while Wu Song stood there in a daze, grabbed the handle of the gun with his right arm, and drew it out.


In an instant, blood flowed profusely, staining the battle armor red, and Wu Songrao was a hero, the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously, and even the muscles all over his body twitched unconsciously.

At this time, because of the pain of the broken arm, he finally woke up the furious Liu Daogui. Holding the bloody right arm, Liu Daogui glanced at Wu Song with incomparable resentment, and then roared "Retreat" extremely unwillingly, and left angrily , like a bereaved dog.


And as the Qianzhou army fled away in embarrassment, Wu Song would not let the hateful Liu Daogui go so easily, tore off the battle armor, tore off the enemy's battle flag, entangled his left rib wound, and endured the pain. Chase and kill the enemy.

"The whole army obeys the order, follow me to chase the bandit army..."

And Wu Song's face on the horse was pale, and blood soon oozes out, but Wu Song clenched his teeth and persisted, not to kill Liu Daogui, and vowed not to be a human being.

And Liu Daogui's face was also pale, he gritted his teeth and looked at the gradually clear Jibei City, he was relieved immediately, and there was a trace of joy for the rest of his life on his face.

"Wu Song, the revenge of a broken arm is irreconcilable, I swear to kill you..."

He roared at Wu Song who was chasing behind him, his voice was extremely shrill, like a wronged soul, which made people shudder.

"I am Liu Daogui, General of Zhendong, quickly open the city gate..."

"General Zhendong is back..."


The gate of the city opened suddenly, and Liu Daogui looked happy when he saw this, and he rode his horse to rush over.

But just as he was about to rush in, the gate of the city was closed again, and before he could think about what was going on, flames all over the sky fell from the sky and rushed straight towards his subordinate, Erlang.

"Soldiers, the time has come to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. Kill Liu Daogui and let the arrows go..."

At this moment, Wu Song also arrived. Looking at the fire arrows shot down from the city wall, a trace of astonishment appeared on his face, and then a trace of joy appeared on his pale face. Jibei City could finally be taken.

And he immediately asked soldiers to surround these bandits, and asked for a dumpling. He wiped out Liu Daogui's troops in one fell swoop, captured Jibei City, and opened the passage to the hinterland of Qianzhou.

And Liu Daogui looked at the fire arrows shooting down from the city wall, and knew that the situation was over. Because of his own carelessness, the [-] army was about to be wiped out, and he felt a little desolate and lost his soul.

He knew that he had lost, completely and innocently, and that he could only bear the name of a mediocre general in this life. Looking at the wound where the blood had begun to coagulate, he knew that his life was over as a crippled person. There was a flash of determination.

Pulling out the saber, he waved his hand, a trace of blood spattered up, and then Liu Daogui rolled off the horse and fell into the plasma.


Following Liu Daogui's suicide, the Qianzhou army lost all fighting spirit, dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground to express their surrender.

At this time, the fighting in the city also stopped, and the guard Li Song was stabbed with holes all over his body by the swarming Northern Dark Army. He was the most miserable death.

At this time, Qian Sun's letter of appeal for help came late, Xue Rengui seized the letter history, asked about the situation, and immediately wrote a letter to Bai Qi, and at the same time asked someone to escort Wu Song, who was seriously injured behind him, back to Yanhuang City.

And he himself started to appease the soldiers while making a list to appease the people, and at the same time, he took all of Jibei City into his hands.

At the same time, guard against reinforcements from King Xiongxin of Yuzhou in the northeast, because the Beiming Army had previously received news that King Xiongxin of Yuzhou had formed an alliance with King Qianzhou. Naturally, it was impossible not to be on guard against Yuzhou. Chief counselor Fan Zeng is not easy to deal with.

As soon as Hu Yanzhuo, who was far away in Yuexi City, received Qian Sun's request for help, he immediately abandoned Yuexi City, swung his troops and rushed towards the Wangcheng, and wanted to quickly reinforce the Wangcheng to prevent it from being quickly captured by Bai Qi. Did he know that The Northern Underworld Army has a big killer weapon, and it can never fail to attack the city. The princes of all states are extremely afraid.

And just when Xue Rengui took down Jibei City with lightning speed, the news of the great victory sent by him was finally sent to Bai Qi after thousands of miles of urgency.

Looking at the letter Xue Rengui sent back, Bai Qi flashed a look of surprise and admiration. The surprise was that Xue Rengui could take down Jibei City in just a few days, which was beyond his expectation.

And what admired was Bei Minghao's Bole's actions, he could see the abilities of his generals with only a few clues, which even the first emperor could not do.

Bei Minghao didn't know what Bai Qi was thinking, if he knew, he might say: "If you were born 2000 years later, you might also get Bole's wisdom eye..."


And at this moment, the king of Yuzhou finally sent a support army to Qianzhou, and went straight to Jibei City, an important town in the north.

Just as the Northern Underworld Army on the Western Front was reaping the results in full swing, the Northern Underworld Army on the Southern Front was also unwilling to lag behind, blowing the horn of attack and launching an attack on Chaoyang City.

And Liu Bei finally ushered in its spring at this time, that is, after Wei Yan came to protect his children, he once again gained the role of a fierce general.

This man wields an iron spear and is extremely brave. Even Wei Yan is no match for him...


 Today's codeword is [-] plus, I hope everyone will support it, thank you Fengshang Xueyin
(End of this chapter)

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