Call of the Deer

Chapter 307 No Man's Land, White-robed Ghost General

Chapter 307 No Man's Land, White-robed Ghost General

At this time, Cao Jingzong's troops were less than [-] people, and they were surrounded by the East Qin army.

He also witnessed the battle between Zhang Ji and Hou Junji, and the whole process of Zhang Ji being attacked and killed by Hua Rong's secret arrow.

"Hey, Zhang Ji is worthy of being a veteran on the battlefield. This fearless spirit is beyond my reach"
Xie An looked at the fallen Zhang Ji, feeling empty in his heart, quite emotional.

"Hmph, you are a literati, you know what a shit, Zhang Ji is obviously a fool, he could have killed Hou Junji, but he withdrew his killing move."

When Wang Shunchen heard this, he laughed contemptuously.

After all, he is too young to understand the experience of Zhang Ji, a veteran on the battlefield.


Regarding this, Xie An just snorted coldly and turned his head away.

"Cao Jingzong, do you want to continue to resist? Or surrender?"

At this time, Hou Junji was very angry and ashamed in his heart, and it was hard to let go of Zhang Ji's death.

He couldn't take responsibility for Huarong, after all, Huarong killed Zhang Ji by mistake out of his original intention.

However, Cao Jingzong and his group were different. If they still dared to resist, he would not mind killing them.

"Hmph, although I, Cao Jingzong, am not a man of integrity, I don't even think about surrendering."

There are very few warriors who can fight to the death on the battlefield and are afraid of death.

Even in the face of dozens of times the number of enemies, if you want them to retreat, it is better to kill them.

"Hmph, you're a dead duck, Cao Jingzong, the so-called one who knows the current affairs is a hero, I will give you a quarter of an hour to think about it, I hope you will not be ignorant of good and evil"

"Of course, when the time comes, if you still don't surrender, then don't blame me for killing."

Hou Junji's combat strength was not at its peak at this time, his tiger's mouth was stinging faintly, it was already red and swollen, and he didn't want to do more evil.

"Marshal, do you think Cao Jingzong will surrender to our army?"

Hua Rong stood behind Guo Ziyi, in shock.

Now that the number of Yongzhou Army is less than [-], the Eastern Qin Army should go all out and wipe out all of them.

Why did Hou Junji go so far as to persuade him to surrender?
"Hehe, Hou Junji is indeed the one who can make Zhang Ji cherish his talents and show mercy to his subordinates. This plan is very clever."

Guo Ziyi looked at Hou Junji outside the city, his eyes glistened, showing a strong fighting spirit, and he clapped his hands in praise.

"Oh, please forgive me for being ignorant, I don't know how clever General Hou's plan is."

Hua Rong's wisdom is limited, so it's hard to see the ingenuity within a short period of time.

"Hehe, Hou Junji's words instantly disintegrated the morale of the Yongzhou army, just like beheading the enemy's general, it has the effect of setting a benchmark."

"You have to know that the surviving Yongzhou army are all warriors who fought fiercely. If they don't persuade them to surrender and directly besiege them, these Yongzhou army will definitely resist to the death."

"At that time, it will cause huge casualties to our army, and persuading them to surrender will let them see the hope of life and will not resist desperately. This is the difference."

Guo Ziyi saw it very thoroughly, and pointed out the depth of Hou Junji's strategy in one sentence.

And Cao Jingzong and Wang Shuncheng also guessed Hou Junji's intentions, and their expressions immediately turned ugly.

As for the remnants of Yongzhou, the aura of fighting to the death has dissipated completely at this time, and they no longer have the determination to fight to the death.

"Okay, what a Hou Junji. Sure enough, he is despicable enough, shameless enough, and treacherous enough. Cao admires him so much."

Cao Jingzong gritted his teeth and said, his eyes spewed fire several times, and kicked Hou Junji angrily.

"hehe, thanks for your complement"

Hou Junji smiled indifferently, quite contemptuously.

"Hmph, but if you think you can break the morale of our army so easily, then you are very wrong."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Cao Jingzong's mouth, and he stared at Hou Junji with cold eyes.

"Athletes in Yongzhou, for the dignity and honor of soldiers, are you willing to fight to the death with this general?"

Cao Jingzong is not mediocre, and his prestige in the army is quite high. It can be said that he will respond to everyone.

"Willing to fight bloody battle with the general, fight to the death and never retreat, fight! fight! fight!"

The more than 2000 Yongzhou Army, all of them regard death as home, their morale is high, and their momentum has once again jumped to the top.

"Hey, that's right. Facing such a situation, Cao Jingzong can still arouse the fighting spirit of his soldiers, but he has some skills."

Guo Ziyi wrapped his arms around, and he was a little surprised to see the morale rising.

Outside Cloud Cloud City, in the mountains and forests several miles away, there is an army lurking.

"Marshal, now they are surrounded by the East Qin army. I'm afraid they won't be able to rescue them. If you go in rashly, if you are not careful, you will get yourself in. Our army should not take risks."

A young general in a white robe, riding a war horse, stood on a high place, overlooking the Yongzhou Army under the city of Poyun, expressionless.

A small school behind him persuaded in a low voice, in fact the most important thing was that the small school was greedy for life and afraid of death, afraid of rushing in, and would not be able to get out.

"Cao Jingzong's second battle, although the crime is very serious, but the crime is not worthy of death, and Jinglue, let's save him."

The young general in white robe looked into the distance, murmured softly, and then seemed to have made up his mind.

"The whole army mounts for me to prepare for battle, and prepares to rescue the besieged Paozhe."

After speaking, he slowly pulled out the three-foot blue pin on his waist, and slowly wiped it off.

"Cao Jingzong, have you thought about it? It's up to you to die or live."

Hou Junji was afraid that Wang Shunchen would stab someone in the back, so he ordered the East Qin army to surround him and protect him layer by layer.

"Hmph, Hou Junji, you son of a bitch, do you only have the guts? If you have the ability, let me out, I will never use bows and arrows."

Wang Shunchen rode his horse and stood in front of the Yongzhou army, holding a bow in his hand, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

At the same time, he yelled at the East Qin army formation without fear, quite frivolously.

"Arrogance, you are just a villain who stabs people in the back, and you dare to show off your power?"

"Cao Jingzong, it seems that you are determined to fight to the end? Anyway, good words are hard to persuade, damn it, since you want to die with all your heart, then I will fulfill you."

Hou Junji never thought that Cao Jingzong would surrender, but it was just to break the morale of Yongzhou's army.

"Hmph, the cat cries and the mouse pretends to be merciful. You are not qualified to decide whether I, Cao Jingzong, live or die."

"Boys, follow me."

Facing the gradually encircling Eastern Qin army, Cao Jingzong dared not neglect, held a blood blade in his hand, roared angrily, took the lead, and charged forward.

At this moment, he couldn't care about the pain in his chest, and Wang Shunchen kept shooting and killing the Eastern Qin army with his bow and arrows.
As soon as they met each other, the Eastern Qin army was killed by the fearless Yongzhou army, and they kept retreating.
"Hold it, stand it for me, they are too few in number, they must not be our army's opponents, kill them for me."

Hou Junji held a long saw knife in his hand, screamed and cut down two or three people in an instant, roaring angrily.

"Tap Tap"

At this critical moment, the sound of rolling iron hooves came from the distant horizon, distant and vibrating.

At this moment, everyone stopped fighting and looked towards the distant horizon in horror.
"Commander, look, it seems to be General Chen's cavalry."

"General Chen? Chen Qingzhi? Why is he here?"

Cao Jingzong was stunned for a moment, unable to react, then ecstatically, he roared loudly.

"Boys, hold on, General Chen Qingzhi brought his cavalry to rescue us, cheer up and kill the enemy."

With Cao Jingzong's stern roar, all the Yongzhou soldiers were like wolves and tigers, their morale doubled, and their killing became more ferocious.

A group of cavalry, the number is about [-], all of them are full of fierceness, after all, they are ghost troops raging in Dingzhou.

As Chen Qingzhi led a group of cavalry into the Eastern Qin Army, there was an instant mourning, death and injury.

Carrying momentum, the horse shattered the bodies of each of the Eastern Qin soldiers, killing thousands of Eastern Qin soldiers on the spot.

Soon, Chen Qingzhi led a group of cavalry to pierce through the defense of the Great Qin Army and charged in. Wherever they went, people turned their backs on their backs, and there was no single enemy.

"Hold on, they only have three thousand riders, don't be afraid, go up."

Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly, how could Hou Junji be reconciled?roared loudly.

It's a pity that the gap between cavalry and infantry is too great to be made up by manpower.

But in a short while, Chen Qingzhi led his troops to the side of Cao Jingzong and the others, relieved them of a lot of pressure.

"Cao Jingzong, you immediately lead them to break through the siege and go north. I will type first and hold off with the sons for a while. After a quarter of an hour, I will catch up immediately."

Chen Qingzhi's refined face was bloodshot, but it wasn't his.

"Okay, Brother Chen, please be careful, the Great Qin Army has sharpshooters, so be careful."

At this time, Cao Jingzong was very grateful to Chen Qingzhi, who he usually despises, and reminded him.

"Oh, sharpshooter? I see, I'll be careful."

Chen Qingzhi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a light smile.

Then Cao Jingzong rushed to the north with a group of exhausted Yongzhou troops, and soon disappeared from people's sight.

"You are the chief culprit who ravaged Dingzhou, Chen Qingzhi?"

Hou Junji stared at Chen Qingzhi angrily, gritted his teeth and asked.

"Haha, General Hou is safe and sound. You have such a humble name, and you are lucky enough to be known by the general. Ziyun is flattered."

Chen Qingzhi said with a light smile, as if he was not afraid of Hou Junji, and bought time for Cao Jingzong and others at the same time.

"Hmph, stop the fucking nonsense, kill me Dingzhou Erlang, do you think you can still escape?"

Hou Junji's complexion was sullen, and he roared rather unkindly.

"Then maybe, I, Chen Qingzhi, can come and leave whenever I want. With you, Hou Junji, you really can't stop me."

Chen Qingzhi frowned, sat on the horse, looked sideways at Hou Junji, and said confidently.

"Boys, follow me to fight for a while."

After speaking, he rode his horse and charged towards the East Qin army without fear, with three thousand horsemen behind him, even more closely following behind.

"Change, Crane Wing Formation, Shock"

After speaking, the three thousand riders transformed into a formation like lightning, changing into a formation of crane wings, crushing towards the Eastern Qin Army.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

"Pfft!" "Pu!" "Pfft!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Then, there was a one-sided massacre, but in a short while, the Great Qin Army had thousands of casualties, while Chen Qingzhi's cavalry had only a hundred casualties.

"Hahaha, Hou Junji, let's stop here today, and you and I will compare each other in the future, and Chen will leave."

Soon, Chen Qingzhi pierced through the formation of the East Qin army and broke out from the siege.

The whole process was extremely relaxed and stress-free, like entering a no-man's land.

"Hmph, don't go, dog thief, take an arrow from me."

"Shoot the moon god's arrow, and you will live forever with one arrow!"

"call out!"


Suddenly a roar sounded from a distance, Chen Qingzhi's back felt cold, as if falling into an ice cellar, and his beloved horse stood up suddenly.

A shooting star passed through Chen Qingxia's lungs and pierced fiercely in the grass.

"Remember the dog thief who shot cold arrows, today's gift will be returned in the future"

Chen Qingzhi let out an angry roar, his voice extremely cold
(End of this chapter)

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