Chapter 315
But at this time, Xu Chu led people to bring a large bathtub filled with hot water, carried Bei Minghao in, and ordered his servants to wash Bei Minghao.

"My lords, King Yanhuang got a blessing in disguise this time, and has been completely reborn."

Looking at Bei Minghao who was in a coma, Huangfumi explained in great surprise.

"What? A blessing in disguise? Reborn? What's going on here?"

Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia were taken aback when they heard this, and then looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

At the same time, I was secretly vigilant, could it be that this guy is a quack who deliberately talked nonsense in order to shirk his responsibility?
"My lords, look, the black layer on King Yanhuang's body should be the old skin that has been peeled off."

"There are also those black and smelly substances, which are likely to be impurities accumulated in Yanhuang King's body."

Huangfu Mi pointed to Bei Minghao in the bathtub in amazement, and carefully looked at Bei Minghao's strong body.

Soon, the black substance from Bei Minghao's body was washed away.

What was presented in front of everyone was a body as white as suet white jade.

On that delicate face, the fair skin can be broken with a blow, and it is a bit whiter than that of a woman, like a baby's skin.

Even Ma Chao, who has a beautiful face, is not consciously amazed when he sees it, and feels ashamed because there is no comparison.

"Sir, it's a miracle. You are simply a miracle doctor. You have rejuvenated my master with such a wonderful hand. Please be respected by Mr. Guo."

Seeing such a miracle, Guo Jia was overwhelmed with admiration for Huangfu Mi's medical skills, and hurriedly knelt down to thank him.

"My lord can't do it, I just"

At this time, the more Huangfumi explained, the more Guo Jia felt that Huangfumi's medical skills were superb and amazing.

In the end, Huangfumi didn't explain, but acquiesced, and let the white lie continue.

Anyway, except for himself, no one has treated Bei Minghao, and he will not be suspected, so naturally it is harmless.

But what he never expected was that this miracle had nothing to do with him.

After about an hour, when the sky darkened, Bei Minghao slowly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, Guo Jia and the others were surrounded by the bed, looking at him nervously, with expressions of concern on their faces.

"My lord, how do you feel now? Are you better?"

After all, Guo Jia was the most familiar person with Bei Minghao, so regardless of the difference between the monarch and his subjects, he helped Bei Minghao up and asked with concern.

Bei Minghao looked at everyone in confusion, then stretched out his arms, and stretched, he felt extremely light all over his body, as if in a cloud, and felt extremely comfortable.

In particular, I feel warm inside my body, and I don't feel cold at all.



There was also subconsciously pressing the bed with his left hand, and when he was about to get up, there was a sudden "click", and the iron fist crushed the bed, and he sank into it.

"Come on, there are assassins."

This change caught everyone off guard, not knowing what happened.

Dian Wei, in particular, was startled by the turmoil, and the grass and trees were all soldiers. Before he could figure out the situation, he roared loudly.

Everyone hurriedly helped Bei Minghao out of the bed, trembling with sweat on his forehead.

I thought there were ghosts and monsters coming out to play tricks, intending to do bad things.
Soon hundreds of guards poured into the room, staring at Bei Minghao nervously.

"Come on, let them go back, I'm fine, there are no assassins"

After finishing speaking, he was about to take a sip from the water glass. Thinking of his sudden increase in strength, he retracted his arms again, finished the water with great greed, and swallowed his saliva.

Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang were thoughtful and focused. They quickly picked up the water cup and fed Bei Minghao with water.

Bei Minghao was naturally so happy, opened his mouth, and drank the water in the glass with a sip of wine.
After drinking the water, Bei Minghao stood up slowly and walked slowly in the house, with every step, a footprint appeared.

At this moment, Bei Minghao's heart was turbulent and surging, and he felt that his whole body was full of explosive power.

When you move your fingers, you can feel the crackling of the bones, causing endless power to surge in the arms.

At this moment, as long as he uses [-]% of his strength, he can easily lift a giant object of two thousand catties.

Compared with before, there is simply a difference between cloud and mud.

"This, is this my power? How is it possible?"

Bei Minghao shouted from the bottom of his heart, very excited, and felt a little unreal at the same time.

He had previously cultivated the Bahuang Zhan Shijue to the peak of the fourth level, and with all his strength, he could only lift a weight of two thousand catties.

Now he can lift a heavy object of two thousand catties casually.

Thinking of this, Bei Minghao was extremely excited, and hurriedly opened the attributes to take a look.

Bei Minghao【Shocking】

Strength Rank: King (Peerless General)

Emperor Level: Level 3

Upgrade Requirements: 0/40
Imperial Luck Points: 2
Force: S, Commander: S-, Military Strategy: S-, Intelligence: A+, Internal Affairs: A-
Qualification: SSS+
Skills: The dragon and the phoenix sing in harmony; the overlord carries the tripod; the emperor kills the sky;

Divine Weapons: Nine Dragons Splitting Heavenly Halberd, Emperor Ming Nine Nether Armor, Tianshang Sword, "Sun Tzu's Art of War"

Mount: Jiuyou Dragon Horse

Cultivation techniques: Overlord's Battle of the World Jue, Xuanwu Yutian Jue
Combat Skills: Divine Phoenix Immortal Halberd, True Dragon Stepping Heaven Halberd
When I looked at the attributes, I was stunned. Didn't the attributes deduct 20 points?Why does it seem that there is no deduction, but it is added?
Bei Minghao was a little messy, so he hurriedly asked the system wizard.

"Host, please pay attention. This system has said before that you can only gain if you give up. After quenching your body with the blood marrow of the black dragon, your quality has improved in all aspects, making up for the lost attribute points."

Hearing what the system said, Bei Minghao knew why he had increased so much strength out of thin air, and his attributes had also improved. Feelings are the benefits brought by the blood of the black dragon.

I really want to do it again, but unfortunately, this is just a dream. Of course, it's okay to think about it.

"My lord, the last general has caught the assassin's accomplice and has been imprisoned. Would you like to interrogate him?"

At this moment, Ma Chao suddenly remembered the bearded man in the prison, and said.

"Oh, have you caught an assassin? Alright, bring it to me right away. I want to interrogate myself to see which son of a bitch sent me to assassinate Gu."

When Bei Minghao heard it, the tiger's eyes were evil, and his tone was very unfriendly. Although the assassination this time was a blessing in disguise, it was also quite dangerous. If he could not wake up, he would really be dead.

Soon the big bearded man was brought in. When Bei Minghao saw this person, his tiger eyes gathered on the big bearded man coldly, and he made no secret of his murderous intentions.

But when the bearded man saw Bei Minghao, his back felt chills. Although he didn't do anything wrong, he also broke into a cold sweat. At the same time, he realized that this person should be Yanhuang King, and his body trembled slightly.

"Tell me, who sent you to assassinate the lonely king?"

"What? Who sent me to assassinate you? No, no, no, my lord, no one sent me, and I didn't assassinate you, misunderstood, I am a good citizen, a loyal and honest person."

The big bearded man was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then he began to defend himself very nervously, becoming more and more nervous as he spoke.

"Uh, good man? What's your name?"

When Bei Minghao heard this, he rolled his eyes. From looking at you, you don't look like a good citizen, but like a prodigal son.

"Return to the king's words, grassroots Zhang Zhongjian"

Seeing that the murderous intent in Bei Minghao's eyes suddenly diminished, the bearded man heaved a sigh of relief, and replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Ma Chao, what's going on?"

When Bei Minghao saw this person's expression and demeanor, he didn't seem to be fake, and he didn't think it would be like him at this moment.
"My lord, this, this was reported by a woman"

Ma Chao also noticed something strange, sweat immediately appeared on his forehead.

"A woman reported it?"

Bei Minghao was startled again, and then, a little confused, asked Ma Chao to bring someone.

"What kind of woman reported it, bring her here."

After finishing speaking, Ma Chao left immediately, and Dian Wei and Xu Chu stared at Zhang Zhongjian, a big bearded man with unfriendly expressions, looking ready to move.

And Bei Minghao fell into memory.

"Zhang Zhongjian Zhang Zhongjian."

Muttering in his mouth, it seems that he has heard of such a person
(End of this chapter)

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