Call of the Deer

Chapter 327 Peerless iron cavalry, a desperate move?

Chapter 327 Peerless iron cavalry, a desperate move?
At this time, Lu Bu sneered, looked at Liu Sheng contemptuously, and a trace of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He knew how terrifying it was when Ji Wushuang used the spear and halberd together.

Even with Ma Chao and him, they are no match for Ji Wushuang.

"My lord, Ji Wushuang, the God of War, is your mentor?"

Wu Yong looked at the man in golden armor holding a spear in the field in shock, and his heart was full of turmoil.

"That's right, the Unparalleled God of War is the general's mentor and the person who will raise me from a young age, why?"

Lu Bu stared at the two people who were already facing each other without blinking, without even looking at Wu Yong, he said indifferently.

"It's nothing, it's just a little weird."

A trace of hatred flashed in Wu Yong's eyes, and then he covered it up in a panic, but at this moment, he clenched his fists tightly and his nails sank into the flesh without knowing it.


When Lu Bu saw that Wu Yong's tone sounded wrong, he glanced at Wu Yong indifferently, said "I'm sick", and then turned his gaze to Ji Wushuang.

At the same time, Ji Wushuang and Liu Sheng had already fought for dozens of rounds.

Ji Wushuang relied on the powerful damage of the Panlong Halberd and the lightness and changeability of the Fierce Tiger Spear to beat Liu Sheng to the ground, making him extremely embarrassed.

At this time, Liu Sheng was no longer as aggressive as before, but his face was livid, his helmet was missing, his hair was in a mess, and his armor was full of cracks, which were scratched by the fierce tiger gun.

Ji Wushuang became more and more courageous as he fought, and the bigger he became, the more domineering he became. The Coiling Dragon Halberd flashed a cold light in the wind, like a falling comet, and slammed hard at Liu Sheng's right shoulder.

And the Fierce Tiger Spear flashed a cold light, dotted with cold stars, silvery and sharp, like a phantom gust, stabbing viciously at Liu Sheng's abdomen.

The spears and halberds attacked Liu Sheng's vitals. If he was hit, Liu Sheng would definitely die without a place to bury him.

Liu Sheng was cornered at this time, he had to check for gaps and make up for the omissions, resisting desperately, Ri Ax threw all his strength at Ji Wushuang's Coiling Dragon Halberd.

But the Moon Ax followed the trend and slashed horizontally, only hitting the tip of the Fierce Tiger Spear, sparks splashed everywhere, clanging powerfully.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The two passed each other amidst the sound of horseshoes. This time, Liu Sheng once again blocked Ji Wushuang's embezzlement by relying on his own experience.

"Hmph, that's right, Liu Sheng, you can withstand hundreds of rounds with my Ji Wushuang's full strength, which shows your combat power."

"However, in the next round, I will kill you under the horse"

"Tap Tap"

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes came from afar, causing the ground to tremble a little.

"What is that? Cavalry, cavalry in golden armor, whose army is it?"

Everyone took a closer look, but they saw more than [-] cavalrymen all wearing golden armor.

Everyone was inexplicably surprised, there was an uproar, there was a lot of discussion, staring at those golden armors with envy in their eyes.
"Master, what are you going to do? You actually brought Dongzhou's most powerful unparalleled cavalry with you?"

Surprise flashed in Lu Bu's eyes, and he muttered to himself, feeling a little excited at the same time.

"Ji Wushuang, you really are a villain. You brought the Wushuang iron cavalry together with that little beast snake mouse to try to steal Lao Tzu's family business. I will kill you, a shameless thief, even if I die."

When Liu Sheng saw this scene, infinite anger flashed in his eyes, he stared at Ji Wushuang angrily, and roared.

"Pull me to act as a backstop? Don't be ashamed to say it, hum, stop talking nonsense, think about it first, how can you survive my next move?"

Ji Wushuang laughed angrily, glanced contemptuously at Liu Sheng, who was livid, and shouted coldly.

On the other side, more than 5000 unparalleled cavalry rushed to the battlefield, and all of them looked at Ji Wushuang and Liu Sheng in the middle of the battlefield, with murderous intent in their eyes and full of fighting spirit.

"Hey, look, that's Liu Sheng? I used to see him always wearing a mask, but now he doesn't."

The brawny man with a bright head, holding a pair of golden hammers, said curiously.

"Well, it should be Liu Sheng without a doubt. The elder brother has already made contact with this old boy. I wonder how many tricks this guy can survive in the hands of the elder brother?"

The man in the animal skin battle armor looked at the two people facing each other in the field, and asked curiously.

"No, before that, Liu Sheng had already fought against big brother for quite a few rounds. You can tell by his embarrassed face that he was beaten hard by big brother."

The cold-faced man's eyes were sharp, and his observations were meticulous, and he could see the situation in the field at a glance.

"Then what if Liu Sheng and Bu'er fight against each other?"

The brawny man with his head rubbed was a little unconvinced and asked.

"Do you think that if you fight against Bu'er, can Bu'er force you into the same embarrassment as Liu Sheng?"

The cold-faced man glanced at the strong man, and asked indifferently.

"How can it be? If Bu'er wants to force Lao Tzu into such a mess, he will have to eat steamed buns for a few more years. Second brother, why are you mentioning this?"

"Fifth brother, second brother means that even you can resist Bu'er's attack, let alone Liu Sheng who is stronger than you."

The man with a charcoal complexion chuckled lightly and began to explain.

"Third brother, who said that I can't beat Liu Sheng, a son of a bitch? Hmph."

The brawny man with a bright head was not happy when he heard it.

"Hmph, every time you face off, you only rely on brute force to fight against the enemy. Then Liu Sheng's strength is not much weaker than yours, and his moves are even more fierce. How do you compare with others?"

The cold-faced man glanced at the strong man indifferently, and reprimanded him coldly.

"However, that time he was beaten for half a month and couldn't get out of bed."

When the strong man heard this, his face was a little embarrassed, and he argued in a low voice.

"You idiot, do you still have the face to say it? Have you forgotten how long you couldn't get out of bed after being beaten?"

The man with a cold face rolled his eyes when he heard that, gave the strong man a hard look, and said coldly.

At this point, the strong man didn't dare to continue talking, and hurriedly turned the topic to Liu Sheng.

"Second brother, how long do you think Liu Sheng can last under the hands of eldest brother?"

"If you can't support one move, the next move will definitely kill you"

The cold-faced man looked at the two people in the field and said indifferently.

"Second brother, how is it possible? Even I can support a hundred rounds under the hands of big brother. This Liu Sheng is stronger than me, why can't he hold on to one move? You lied to me on purpose, right?"

As soon as the strong man heard this, he immediately quit, threatening that his second brother was playing tricks on him on purpose.


The cold-faced man ignored the strong man, and said "stupid" and looked at Ji Wushuang and the two in the field.

"Third brother, what I said is wrong? Then Liu Sheng is better than me. I can last a hundred rounds in the hands of big brother. Logically speaking, then Liu Sheng should be more than me."

The strong man looked at the man with a charcoal complexion in confusion.


"Don't ask, let's see how big brother kills that Liu Sheng."

The man with a charcoal complexion shook his head when he heard the strong man's words. He had nothing to do with the strong man, and seemed a little helpless.

At the same time, thinking about his apprentice, he suddenly felt that this guy still has medicine to save him.
"Okay, I get it now."

Seeing that the charcoal-faced man didn't answer, the strong man stopped looking at himself, and focused his eyes on the center of the field.
(End of this chapter)

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