Call of the Deer

Chapter 346 Yansi kills, Bei Ming chooses

Chapter 346 Yansi kills, Bei Ming chooses
In Yanhuang City in the cold winter, although it is still cold, pedestrians on the street are constantly hawking, and no one has closed their doors because of the harsh winter.

"Sixth Brother, is this the Yanhuang City? It is more prosperous than our Huizhou City."

A heroic woman in a green long dress was walking in Yanhuang City, looking around with a curious face, chatting non-stop.

And there was a woman beside him, although she was also very beautiful, but she was quite quiet.

But behind the two women, there were five majestic and powerful men with broad shoulders and a broad body.

One of them was quite obese, carrying a gossip Xuanhua axe, walking in the middle of the street without any scruples.

Beside him is also a tall man holding a long gun. This man has tall horns and rather cold eyes, but his appearance is extremely handsome.

And there are three men behind him, who seem to be about the same age, one of them is carrying a bundle of thorns, and holding a thick golden ring knife in his right hand, but his left arm is missing, and his cold eyes are fixed on the front.

Then there are two people, one of them has a handsome complexion, a strand of long hair that dances in the wind, cold eyes, firm steps, carrying a long bronze-colored stick, which is shining blue-red in the sunlight.

The last person, wearing silver armor and holding a silver gun, had dark eyes, but his eyes were extremely firm. Hearing the woman's question, he responded lightly.

Isn't this group of people just the generals of the Yang family who escaped their lives in the battle in Linyuan City?

When the woman heard this, she closed her mouth tactfully and stopped talking, but her eyes kept scanning her surroundings.

"Liulang, are you really going to meet King Yanhuang just like this?"

The man with the bronze rod on his shoulders spoke lightly, but no waves could be seen in his eyes. This person was Yang Yande, the fifth son of the Yang family.

"Guo Chongtao is not dead, how can I, Yang Yanzhao, be worthy of the spirits of the dead brothers in heaven?"

Hearing this, Yang Yanzhao stopped in his tracks, glanced at Wulang, and said in a hoarse voice, his eyes were already blood red.

"Hmph, kill Guo Chongtao first, and then kill Lu Bu in the future to avenge my brothers."

And Yang Yansi, who was the most reckless and irritable, also roared through his teeth, and his voice exploded in the crowd.

Now people around looked sideways, whispered, pointed and talked.

Looking curiously at this group of "ignorant people" who came out of nowhere, they dared to utter wild words that they wanted to kill Lu Bu, who was as famous as General Xue Rengui, who had set three arrows in Jibei.

"Who do you think these people are? How dare you speak such wild words that you will kill Lu Bu, the wolf rider, under his horse?"

"How do I know, I guess he came from another state, I haven't seen Lu Bu's fierceness yet."

"Yes, yes, it is said that in the battle of Linyuan City, Lu Bu beheaded more than [-] generals of our Northern Dark Army one after another. The ferocious power can be seen."

Many people were recalled and began to talk about Lu Bu's unparalleled record in Linyuan City.

Now the irritable Yang Yansi was stabbed and dared to tell him about Lu Bu beheading his brothers. Isn't this the old birthday star eating arsenic and looking for death?

"What did you say? Say it again, believe it or not, I shot you dead?"

"Who are you, I can say whoever I like, do your shit, don't meddle in your own business, this is Yanhuang City, how dare you use force here, are you tired of work?"

The person who talked about it unscrupulously in public just now is naturally not an ordinary person, but a member of the royal family of Yanhuang City.

Today's Wang family is a respectable family in Yanhuang City, so he naturally wouldn't be afraid of this group of "hillies" who looked like they came from the backcountry.

"You are looking for death, go to death!"

At this time, Yang Yansi's eyes were blood red, full of bloodshot eyes. With a roar, he raised his spear and thrust it. The spear flashed a cold light, and stabbed at the person who provoked Yang Yansi.

"Yansi, stop!"

At this moment, Yang Yanzhao's face changed drastically, and he shouted angrily to stop him.

It's a pity that it was still a step too late, the furious Yang Yansi couldn't pull back even ten cows, let alone Yang Yanzhao.


"Uh you. How dare you kill me, uh."

The man in brocade clothes never dreamed that this seemingly "refined" young man would dare to draw his saber at him, attack him and behead him in public.

"It's not good, it's murdered, Wang Chen, the son of the Wang family, was killed, it's murdered, come quickly."

"Not good, Yansi, you have caused a disaster, I told you to stop, you...what are you doing?"

When Yang Yanzhao heard that the deceased was the prince of the Wang family, his eyelids twitched, and he secretly exclaimed that something was wrong, staring at the troublesome Yang Yansi, he was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"Who dares to commit murder in the street in broad daylight, arrest me!"

At this moment, a lot of patrolling Northern Underworld Army had already arrived, and when the chief commander saw the already dead Young Master Wang lying on the ground, the corner of his mouth twitched, thinking that something was wrong.

This Wang Chen is the grandson of Wang Jin, the elder brother of Princess Yanhuang and Wang Zhaojun. To have someone dare to commit murder openly in broad daylight is going to break the sky.

If this matter is not handled properly, even he will lose his head, so naturally he dare not neglect and directly order people to arrest him.

"I see who dares to arrest me, Yang Yansi? Get the hell out of here!"

At this time, Yang Yansi was furious to the extreme, and his spears swept across. Several Beiming soldiers who wanted to get close were almost shot by the spears. They were all frightened and dared not approach Yang Yansi again.

"Hmph, if you dare to resist after killing someone, are you going to catch him without a fight? Or do you want to fight stubbornly? You have to think clearly, this is Yanhuang City, not a place where you should come to act wildly."

When the little commander saw that he had killed someone, he still dared to resist, so he naturally drew out his long sword, stared at Yang Yansi coldly, and said with a sneer.

"Don't force me, I don't want to kill people, get out of here."

Yang Yansi looked at the nearly a hundred Beiming Army behind the little commander, smiled contemptuously, and roared coldly.

"Hey, you actually learned to resist, fuck me, catch the living!"

When the little commander saw that this fellow dared to threaten him, he rolled his eyes, shouted angrily, and ordered everyone to surround him again.

At this time, Yang Yanzhao was already an ant on a hot pot, flustered, and didn't know what to do.

Even Yang Yande felt that this matter was extremely tricky after hearing about Wang Chen's identity. If he failed, he would end up being separated.

"If you dare to come up, die to me!"

Seeing this group of mobs coming up again, Yang Yansi became angry immediately, and he was about to kill with a gun.

"Yansi, stop!"

At this moment, Yang Yanzhao hurriedly yelled angrily, maybe he could explain the killing just now, if he was killing the Beiming army, he would die a hundred times.

"You are General Yang Yanzhao?"

At this moment, when the little commander saw Yang Yanzhao standing in front of Yang Yansi, his face changed, and then he stared at Yang Yanzhao as if seeing a ghost, and said in a trembling voice.

"Ah you are?"

When Yang Yanzhao saw that this person knew his name, he was a little surprised and asked.

"Subordinate Zhao Lin, pay your respects to the general. God has eyes. General, you are alive. That's great. I want to tell my brothers the good news."

The little commander suddenly knelt on the ground, with tears in his eyes, weeping with joy, talking indiscriminately, his hands were at a loss, and he was about to leave to tell others the good news.

"Wait a moment!"

When Yang Yanzhao heard the young general's words, it seemed as if he had passed away, and his eyes were moist.

But when he saw that the guy was about to leave, he hurriedly stopped him. Yang Yansi's matter had not been resolved yet, so how could he leave.

"General, do you have anything else to tell the last general?"

The little commander asked a little puzzled.

"The man who killed people in the street is my seventh brother Yang Yansi!"

Yang Yanzhao touched his nose and said in embarrassment.

"What? You said that this ruthless man who commits crimes in the street is your seventh brother?"

The little commander was stunned when he heard Yang Yanzhao's words, and stared blankly at Yang Yanzhao and Yang Yansi who was glaring at him behind him, confused.

"Ahem, general, the prince violated the law and committed the same crime as the common people, not to mention that your younger brother openly beheaded the prince of the Wang family in broad daylight. Please don't embarrass me, general."

Seeing this, the little commander began to pray with a sad face.

"Brother, it's serious. What I mean is that you take my seventh brother back so that he can be imprisoned. Don't use lynching. I will immediately ask the lord to forgive me and forgive my seventh brother."

Yang Yanzhao is naturally a reasonable person, how could he embarrass the young generals below and say what he wants.

"General, don't worry, as long as the king doesn't give an order, I guarantee that no one will touch a single hair of your brother."

When the little commander heard that Yang Yanzhao didn't intend to make it difficult for him, he immediately agreed.

"Yansi, you go back with Zhao Lin first, I think he won't let you be wronged, I will go to see the king with Brother Wu, for the sake of my Yang family being the king's charge, the lord will definitely be lenient and forgive you crime."

Yang Yanzhao persuaded Yang Yansi and looked at Wu Song at the same time.

"Yan Zhao don't worry, even if I risk my life, I, Wu Song, will save Yan Si's life!"

Wu Song nodded, his eyes were firm, and he said in an uncompromising tone, because he knew that he owed Brother Yang Yanzhao four lives.

"Yan Si, don't worry, go, I believe that the sixth brother can save you, of course, there will be brother Lao Wu!"

"Brother Yande, you are being polite. If it weren't for me, Yansi would be so reckless."

Wu Song waved his hand, with regret and guilt in his eyes.

"Hehe, Brother Wu, let him pass the past. It's not your fault, and don't worry about it."

Yang Yande patted Wu Song's shoulder, and said lightly, but Wu Song still noticed the fleeting hatred in his eyes, and felt even more guilty in his heart.

Later, the little commander Zhao Lin escorted Yang Yansi to the prison, and after Yang Yanzhao settled Yang Yande and the others, he went to see Bei Minghao together with Wu Song.

And not long after Yang Yansi killed Wang Chen, Bei Minghao, who was walking with Wang Zhaojun in the palace, received the news immediately.

When Wang Zhaojun heard that his compatriot brother had been killed, he was stunned, and then passed out.

"Yang Yansi? Killed Wang Chen? Well, alas, this Yang Yansi brought me such a big problem as soon as he came back, what should I do?"

Bei Minghao frowned and stroked his forehead, looking extremely depressed and lost in thought.
After a long time, he looked up to the east.

"Yang Yansi, you can't be killed, not only can't be killed, but when you are employing people, you have to be promoted heavily. I hope Zhaojun can understand me."

(End of this chapter)

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