Call of the Deer

Chapter 371 Make a comeback and win the first battle

Chapter 371 Make a comeback, win a round for the first time

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Black Jade City, northwest.Qinglong Zhanwei Barracks.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this old thief Ouyang to do all kinds of bad things, and finally received the punishment of God. Tens of thousands of soldiers were buried alive outside Black Jade City. It's really satisfying."

The general of Qinglong, Long Zaiyuan, had a happy expression on his face, and he drove quite happily.

"Is it really a natural disaster? It only sank into the ground with a radius of three hundred feet."

Listening to Long Zaiyuan's words, Dongfang Lingyu fell into deep thought, and at the same time only murmured softly in a voice he could hear.

Besides Dongfang Lingyu, there was another person who looked puzzled and was also thinking.

This person is Xing Feng, the general of the Black Dragon Warrior. This person is usually silent, but his eyes are shining with the light of wisdom.

"Fourth, what do you think?"

Dongfang Lingyu had never seen such a strange phenomenon before, confused and looked at Xing Feng who was in deep thought.

"In my opinion, this is a man-made disaster. There are experts in the Beiming Army."

After Xing Feng finished speaking, he stopped talking and continued to sit there indifferently.

"Isn't it a natural disaster? Is there an expert?"

When Dongfang Lingyu heard the words, he didn't condense slightly, and repeated again.

"Well, big brother, do you remember that three months ago, Xiongxin built an embankment on the upper reaches of the canal gorge, and was later destroyed by the Northern Dark Army?"

"There's also the heavenly water at Luguan half a year ago."

Xing Feng's eyes shone with wisdom. Although he was bloodthirsty, he was calm and strategic.

"You mean that the Beiming army still has the secret weapon that can open mountains and crack rocks, so that the ground outside Black Jade City collapsed and tens of thousands of Azure Dragon Blood Guards were buried?"

Speaking of this, if Dongfang Lingyu still couldn't understand clearly, then he would be a fool, his heart was extremely shocked, and his eyes showed a slight look of astonishment.

"No wonder you are confident, so you have such a hole card in your hand."

"However, the Northern Underworld Army has a very small number of such weapons with large-scale lethality, or even no more. Otherwise, how could Ouyang Long be allowed to dominate outside the Black Jade City?"

Thinking of this, the doubts in Dongfang Lingyu's heart were finally dispelled, and he was relieved a lot.

"However, with Ouyang Long's temperament, he will never let it go, and his strength is more than that. It depends on how King Yanhuang responds."

Suddenly Dongfang Lingyu's voice changed, and his brows were serious, quite dignified.

"Brother, Ouyang Long has his trump card. Is our Qinglong Zhanwei just a persimmon? We must kill that despicable villain Ouyang Long this time."

Long Zaiyuan's eyes revealed evil spirits, and he roared fiercely.

"Ouyang Long must die!"

Xing Feng only said one sentence, but he was full of evil spirits, with a firm attitude and determination.

"The old thief Ouyang will not die, and I, Zihuang, will live without a face!"

The man in the purple battle armor raised his cold eyes, and with one sentence, he was full of domineering and murderous intent.

"Brothers, I, Dongfang Lingyu, swear here that this time I will kill Ouyang Long and Lei Qian'er. The two thieves will not die and will not return!"

Hearing the words, Dongfang Lingyu also slowly stood up on the chief seat, his eyes resolutely roared, and his murderous intent shook the sky.

"Master, where are we going? We've been walking for so long, Lihua is hungry, let's eat something first."

Two women were wearing battle armor and riding war horses, walking in the forest. One of the women looked at the forest where there was no way back, and said.

"Huh? Lihua, what's the matter? Okay, let's rest for a while. Black Jade City is fifty miles ahead."

The other middle-aged woman was obviously thinking about something and didn't pay attention to the young woman's words
"Mother, we will arrive at Black Jade City soon, why are you taking me north this time?"

In Crouching Tiger Mountain not far from Black Jade City, two more women rode war horses and galloped through the mountains and forests.

One of them was wearing a blue battle armor, and this person had a golden phoenix mask on his face, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

The other person is wearing a red battle armor, with a handsome and heroic face, a small pink cherry mouth, a strand of long hair fluttering in the wind, and novelty in his eyes
"Hehe, silly girl, didn't you always want to be a female general who fights in the battlefield? Mother brought you to Black Jade City this time because you were asked to join the army."

"Really? Liangyu can really gallop on the battlefield and kill the enemy? Mom, you're so kind, hee hee"

"Mom, hurry up, hurry up, drive"

The woman in red armor was overjoyed when she heard the words, her face was full of excitement, and then she waved her whip and galloped wildly.

"Oh, silly girl, the killing is ruthless on the battlefield, how can it be as good as you think, I hope you don't blame mother."

Looking at the woman in red armor who was drifting away, the woman in green armor sighed slightly, looking rather heavy.

Outside the Black Jade City, people's heads are rolling around, full of evil spirits, as if they have entered the Nine Nether Hell Prison
Ouyang Long, who fled in embarrassment, made a comeback again, commanding an army of nearly 20, stationed outside Heiyu City mighty and mighty, and dispatched generals to call for battle.
"Listen to the turtles in the city, my king has an order to order you to open the city and surrender within an hour, otherwise when the city is broken, it will be time to massacre the city."

A man in red armor, holding a battle ax and riding a war horse, wandered outside Heiyu City, cursing
On the wall of Heiyu City, Bei Minghao was wearing Jiuyoudi Mingjia, looking at the man in red armor calmly, showing off his power outside the city, frowning tightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Is there any reason for this? You dare to underestimate us like this. You should be damned. My lord, please let the last general go out and kill this thief!"

How could the hot-tempered Zhang Hao tolerate this kind of jumping clown, humiliating Bei Minghao in front of him, and immediately begged for his life.

"The last general, Yang Yansi, invites you to fight, my lord, please give me an order!"

"The last general is going to fight with high spirits, my lord, please allow the last general to fight!"

"The last general, Ma Chao, invites you to fight. My lord, please allow the last general to go out and kill this official!"

"The last general Wu Song invites you to fight and vows to kill this thief"

Afterwards, Bei Minghao and other generals knelt down to ask for a fight, not wanting to let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Hehe, everyone, please, this thief is nothing more than a clown Liang, Zhang Hao."

"The end is here!"

"I ordered you to lead ten thousand horses to go out of the city and kill this thief. There must be no mistakes."

"The last general takes orders!"

Hearing this, Zhang Hao's eyes flashed with joy, he raised his eyebrows, grinned, then picked up the blood spear, led an army, and rushed out of the city in a mighty manner, heading straight for the blood armored general.
"Huh? How dare you come to fight? Hmph, since you're looking for death, don't blame me, Jabas, for being ruthless."

The man in blood armor holding a battle ax was taken aback when he saw that the Beiming army came out to fight, and then sneered.

"Who is coming? I, Jabas, is an immortal and nameless ghost, why don't you get a name quickly?"

Looking at Zhang Hao who was rushing towards him, Jabas didn't pay attention to him, his eyes slanted, and he roared indifferently.

"Fuck your mother's (of) fake tricks, die for me, you are not worthy of knowing the name of this general!"

Zhang Hao doesn't care whether he is a fake or a real one, anyway, under his bloody spear, he will become a deadly one in no time.

"Court death, go to death, Whirlwind!"

"Lack of spears, broken hearts and broken limbs, die!"

"Bah ah!"

This "false style" looks rough, but the martial arts are extraordinary, and it even resisted Zhang Hao's sharpness.

In a short while, the two had already fought for forty or fifty rounds. This "false style" with a battle ax made the whistling wind, and the wind and rain did not lose the wind at all.

Every ax is powerful and heavy, fierce and domineering, with all its strength.

On the other hand, looking at Zhang Hao, seeing this guy has been attacking desperately, he couldn't do anything to him for a while, but he was a little anxious.

Bei Minghao asked him to go out on the horse, if he couldn't cut this person off the horse, he would be ashamed of himself.

"Go away, the sky is broken, the earth is missing the spear, the sky is broken, the soul is broken, die!"

With an angry blow, Zhang Hao knocked the tomahawk flying, and at the same time took advantage of the opportunity to strike with a spear, stabbing out like lightning.



"General Zhenwu is mighty! General Zhenwu is mighty!"

As Zhang Hao killed the "false style" with a spear, the battlefield suddenly froze, and then the Northern Underworld Army shouted wildly behind them.

"Huh, I finally killed this 'false style', this guy is too strong."

Zhang Hao took a deep breath, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and muttered to himself.

Looking at Zhang Hao who beheaded the invading enemy general outside the city, Bei Minghan smiled and nodded slightly, looking quite satisfied with Zhang Hao's performance.

(End of this chapter)

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