Chapter 397

[It's the end of the month, give me monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, etc., why keep them?Are you waiting for a baby?]

Outside Heiyu City, the smoke of wolves was densely covered with blood mist, countless corpses were lying all over the place, and countless soldiers were fighting, groaning in pain.
On the blood-colored glaciers, a dazzling red light shines.
There are also those lingering enemy troops, howling in pain, they are the abandoned, the saddest existence.
There are also those Azure Dragon Blood Guards with pale faces and wandering eyes, their eyes are full of confusion and fear!
Standing on the city wall, looking up, there is misery everywhere, red blood everywhere, and death everywhere
"Pharmacist, clean up the battlefield, check the losses on the battlefield, those who died in battle will be generously pampered and martyred, and those who are not in place will be severely punished!"

"The lord is benevolent, and the general will worship you!"

Looking at the gradually quiet battlefield, Bei Minghao said to Li Jing, the commander of the whole army behind him.

But he stood here motionless, like a king overlooking his own territory.
"My lord, our army suffered 500 casualties in this battle, of which more than 4 were killed, more than [-] were seriously injured, and more than [-] were slightly injured."

"Beheaded more than 6000 enemy soldiers, captured 11 enemy soldiers, and escaped more than [-] enemy soldiers."

After a long time, after checking the casualties, Li Jing endured exhaustion and rushed to report.

Hearing this, Bei Minghao fell into silence. Although the enemy army lost more than half, it was not enough to kill them. Fortunately, Ouyang Long and Lei Yan, the backbone of the enemy army, had already been beheaded.

Although the remaining Ouyang Xue had extraordinary force, plus the escaped 12 enemy troops, if they fled back to Quzhou, they would be very difficult to deal with.

However, he had already expected that it was originally prepared for Ouyang Long, but it was a pity that this guy was unlucky and died under his hands, so the big gift he prepared could only be enjoyed by his son Ouyang Xue.

At this moment, Ouyang Xue is just suffering from scabies, nothing to be afraid of!

And his [-] troops going north this time, plus the [-] to [-] troops originally stationed in Black Jade City, the remaining soldiers at this moment are no more than [-] to [-] soldiers.

Ma Chao and Wei Qing who were stationed in Tianlei Valley controlled [-] cavalry, and Gao Shun from Hanjintan controlled [-] cavalry.

In addition to Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Long Qie and [-] cavalry in pursuit, [-] soldiers have already gone out.

At this moment, the defenders of Heiyu City are no more than 6 to [-] people.

This is already two-fifths of Bei Minghao's army.

"Zhuge Liang and Li Jing listen to the order and order you two to prepare for the aftermath immediately, and don't neglect it."

"Xue Rengui, Yang Yansi, and Yu Wencheng listen to the order and order you three to command [-] cavalry each, follow me out of the city, and pursue the enemy. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed!"

Bei Minghao understands the principle of cutting weeds and eradicating roots. Now that the war in the north is imminent, if it does not do things like thunder, it may be difficult to restrain the princes of Dongzhou.

"The last general takes orders!"

All three of them had seen Bei Minghao's unparalleled martial arts, so naturally they were not very worried about Bei Minghao.

Seeing that Zhao Yun and the other three were one step ahead of them, chasing the enemy army, and wantonly taking credit, how could they not be envious?

Afterwards, [-] cavalrymen, the only remaining [-] cavalrymen in Heiyu City, rushed out of the city in mighty force.
At this moment, the sunset is gradually setting in the west, a bloody ribbon hangs high in the sky, and pieces of scarlet clouds are dotted in the sky, which is quite beautiful
There was also the bleak chill in the air, which gradually hit, and the soldiers unconsciously felt a chill.
At the Banjiang Ferry, a Yangtze River flows through here. It is extremely turbulent, splashing layers of waves.

The icy ice couldn't withstand the thunderous bombardment, and disappeared without a trace.

Here is Banjiangdu, which means that you can only cross half the river and return, which shows its danger.

Although Banjiangdu is dangerous, there is a secret truth that leads directly to Quzhou.

Tens of thousands of Azure Dragon Blood Guards fled here with Ouyang Xue, their exhausted bodies in great distress.

Ouyang Xue planned to escape back to Quzhou along the small road of Banjiangdu, and then tried another strategy.

One can quickly return to Quzhou, and the other can get rid of the pursuers, which kills two birds with one stone.

At this time, Ouyang Xue's face was full of blood and tears, and her eyes were full of murderousness, full of hatred.
"Beiming boy, if I don't kill you, I, Ouyang Xue, will pretend to be a son of man."

Beside him stood the seriously injured king, Xiao Feng with a broken arm, Zhao Wu, the general of the bronze hammer, and Zhang Niujiao, the commander of the Taiping Army who hadn't had time to play in the future.

"Young master, the deceased is dead, please mourn and obey the change, young master"

A sinister look flashed across the king's eyes, and he looked in the direction of Black Jade City, while unconsciously touching his abdomen with his arms.

"Yes, please cheer up, young master. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and I will avenge the old master in the future."

Zhao Wu is as wise as a fool, although he fights wildly, he is very calm.

"Young master, please be at ease. When the day comes, Xiao will be the young master's horse and horse, beheading Beiming's child under the horse, and presenting his head in front of the tent!"

At this moment, Xiao Feng with a broken arm was pale, but his eyes were cold and bloodthirsty. He knelt down on one knee, endured the pain all over his body, and expressed his allegiance.

"May all the generals give me a helping hand, and when the great hatred is avenged, I will promise it as a national scholar!"

Ouyang Xue has slowly recovered from her grief, looking at the mournful Azure Dragon Blood Guard, her heart feels sad and at a loss what to do.

Thinking of his father Ouyang Long's teachings and his usual methods of buying people's hearts, he began to try to speak.

"The last general, Xiao Feng, pay homage to the lord!"

Xiao Feng made up his mind early on to kill Li Cunxiao and take revenge, the two of them can be said to be using each other, so they bowed immediately.

"The last general king, pay homage to the lord!"

"Zhang Niu's family must be the sharpest sword in the master's hands!"

"Since everyone has paid homage to the young master, I will also pay homage to the master!"

When Zhao Wu saw the other three kneeling down one after another, he also knew that he had to make a choice, so he could only choose his position with a silly smile.
"My dear friends, please rise up."

Seeing that the four generals joined forces, Ouyang Xue felt confident and no longer panicked.

"The whole army obeys the order and crosses the river"

He took a deep breath at the moment, looked at the rushing torrent below, shouted sharply, and planned to cross the river along the chain bridge.
"Report to the young master that the Azure Dragon Blood Guards have been completely defeated, and now they have reached the half-river crossing, and they will cross the river in a short while."

On the opposite side of Banjiangdu, Beimingzhan led fifty thousand basalt cavalry and set up an ambush, waiting for the arrival of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard.

"Hahaha, okay, big brother is really good at predicting things. He even guessed that the Azure Dragon Blood Guards will cross the river from Banjiang. This time, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards will never return."

When Bei Mingzhan heard the words, a bright light flashed in his eyes, he was very happy, and he laughed freely.
Jiuyuan Plain is a huge plain stretching as far as the eye can see, and it is also one of the three major plains in Yuzhou. The land is fertile and wild for thousands of miles.

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, and Long Qie personally led the army and galloped across the plain, chasing towards Quzhou.
"Report to the general, tens of thousands of cavalry in golden armor are found ahead, and they are rushing towards us."

"Golden Armored Cavalry? How is that possible? Is it the old man Ouyang's back?"

Li Cunxiao was taken aback when he heard this, he never thought that such a cavalry would come out halfway.

"Jingsi, I'm afraid it's the cowardly Xue army of the Hu thief. Unexpectedly, this cowardly Xue army is so powerful that it broke through the master's [-] Azure Dragon Guards and killed here."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun frowned slightly, and his face became serious. He never thought that this was the reason why Thieves Hu was too cunning, one bright and one dark.

"Hmph, why are you afraid of it? Our army even killed the famous Azure Dragon Blood Guard and ran like tigers and wolves. Are you afraid of him, a little thief?"

Long Qi's temper was already irritable, and when he saw that the Hu thief was bullying people too much and killed him in Dongzhou, he was naturally furious, wishing to rush up and kill him wantonly.

"That's right, Zilong, don't hesitate, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road, and our Northern Underworld Army is also a warrior bathed in blood. How can we be afraid of a mere barbarian country?"

As soon as Li Cunxiao heard Long Qi's words, he suddenly felt that his arrogance was soaring to the sky, and his brows were full of evil spirit and fearlessness.

"Hehe, what Brother Long said is true, kill his son-of-a-bitch bastard."

"Brothers, the Hu thieves are too bullying and have already killed our army. Tell me, what should I do?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Hearing the words, the Beiming Army all roared with murderous intent, one sound higher than the other, extremely high-pitched.

"Hahaha, okay, charge with me!"

As soon as Zhao Yun saw the morale of the generals was like a rainbow, his worries dissipated immediately. With a roar, he immediately rushed towards the cowardly Xue army.
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(End of this chapter)

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