The legendary creator of the system

Chapter 142 Is this the plot of US Team 3?

Chapter 142 Is this the plot of US Team 3?
at this time.

Far above the Pacific Ocean to the east of the United States.

An advanced aircraft suddenly passed by quickly.

Inside the aircraft, there are two combined leather sofas.

Banner slowly woke up...

"This is……"

After scanning around, Banner frowned fiercely.

"This is... the exclusive aircraft of S.H.I.E.L.D.!!!"

Banner instantly recognized his current situation.

"you're awake……"

At this time, a laugh suddenly came from the side.

"It's you... Scarlet Witch..."

Banner looked towards the source of the sound.

"Why am I here?"

"You won't forget what you did just now!!!"

Scarlet Witch raised her eyebrows.

"What I just did..."

Banner rubbed his head fiercely, and a series of slightly familiar scenes suddenly appeared in his mind...

"I just hit downtown New York!!!"

Half a day later, Banner let out a little bit of uncertainty.

"It seems you remember it!"

Scarlet Witch nodded slightly.

"damn it!"

Banner sat up abruptly, the veins on his face popping out...

"It's all because of him, it's all because of him..."

Banner growled, and there were some cracks in the clothes he had just replaced...

"Dr. Banner, I think you'd better restrain yourself!"

The Scarlet Witch frowned: "Otherwise, whether we can successfully land or not will be a very serious question. I don't want to die because of a plane crash..."

Scarlet Witch is only half joking...

"Your proposal is very pertinent!"

Banner nodded fiercely, suppressing the anger in his heart...

"I suggest you listen to this!"

The Scarlet Witch suddenly turned on the radio, which was broadcasting information: "The latest international information, at 2:5 tonight, a green giant crazily destroyed the center of New York, almost destroying the entire downtown area of ​​New York City. Totally 300 dead, [-] injured, and $[-] billion in economic damage."

"British Prime Minister Manmohan Singer expressed strong condemnation and sympathy for this, and announced a war against that green figure. He will mobilize all British forces to search for the other party's traces around the world. It has received support from more than a dozen countries in Indonesia, Japan, and the European Union. response."

"At [-]:[-] local time, the President of the United States finally delivered a speech on the riots in downtown New York, drawing lessons from the riots in downtown New York, and announced that the government has decided to manage and lead its superhero Avengers through a regulatory system alliance……"

"However, on this issue, the League is divided into two factions: one side is led by Steve Rogers, who advocates maintaining the freedom of members and protecting the world from government interference; the other side follows Tony Stark. Accidentally decided to support the government's system of regulation and accountability!"

"The U.S. government is implementing the Superhero Registration Act, which requires superheroes to register their superpowers with government agencies. As friends, there is a difference of opinion between "American Team" Rogers and "Iron Man" Stark. A proponent of the Registration Act, Rogers believed that the authorities' move was a serious threat to civil liberties. Therefore, he led some members of the Avengers to flee..."

"According to authoritative speculation, this split may signal that a war from superheroes may be inevitable..."


"Did you hear that?"

Scarlet Witch turned off the broadcast.

"I heard that 2 people died because of me, and tens of thousands were injured because of me."

Banner's fists were clenched, and there was only remorse and self-blame in his eyes.

"Harry Osborn, I, Banner, swear that I will use all means to tear you to pieces, with you without me, with me without you."

"It's not your fault, it's that Harry Osborn's fault. He caused all this, and you are just his pawn."

The Scarlet Witch curled her lips: "Besides, that's not the point I'm asking you..."

"What I'm asking is what do you think of the Avengers being divided into two factions?"

Scarlet Witch said.

For those American people who died, she was not too sad.

"this problem……"

Banner frowned: "It's really serious!"

After returning to the form of a doctor, his IQ can surpass Einstein, and he has an IQ that surpasses that of ordinary people. Naturally, he can easily see the danger of the Avengers being divided into two factions!

This kind of harm is not only for the inside of the Avengers, but also for the entire United States!

"All of this is caused by that Harry Osborn!!!"

Banner's face suddenly became gloomy: "If it wasn't because he deliberately set a trap to induce me to transform, how could I destroy the center of New York, and how could it develop into the situation I am today!!!"

"What you said seems to make sense!"

The Scarlet Witch nodded noncommittally.

"However, I think that if you hadn't insisted on going your own way and went to the Osborne Building alone to save the Black Widow, this situation would not have happened!!!"

Scarlet Witch said with a half-smile.


The Hulk opened his mouth, and with his current IQ, he couldn't think of any rebuttal words...

"By the way, let me tell you something, the President of the United States has just issued a search warrant for the Osborne Group!"

Scarlet Witch patted herself on the head and said suddenly.

"Didn't the Vice President and Congress disagree?"

Banner was rather puzzled...

"How could the Vice President and Congress continue to side with the Osborne Group at such a critical time with so many dead in NYC!!!"

Scarlet Witch said.

"Where are you taking me?"

Banner changed into a position he thought was comfortable, and couldn't help but ask.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., of course!"

Scarlet Witch replied.

"The director has suppressed all your affairs, but after you go back, I'm afraid you will inevitably be locked up for a period of time!!!"


Banner couldn't help frowning.

"Miss Scarlet, I'm afraid I have to say sorry to you, you know, I hate that thing the most!"

Banner scratched his head and smiled apologetically.

The next moment, his body suddenly swelled violently...

Two meters, three meters, four meters, five meters...

The giant height of five meters directly poked a hole in Feifei...

"Sure enough, I guessed right..."

Scarlet Witch frowned, but didn't make a move.

On the one hand, it was because she didn't want to make a move, and on the other hand, it was because she knew very well in her heart that even if she made a move, it would be a waste of effort.

She can control any object, but every special ability has a limit. Obviously, her current ability is impossible to control the Hulk!

[ps: Due to the needs of the plot, the order of events in the comics may be slightly changed.]

 Tomorrow at [-] o'clock, Baozi was attracted by horror movies today, unable to extricate himself...

(End of this chapter)

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