Chapter 209 Love!
Love is like this, playing around for a lifetime!

Maybe you've blushed, or maybe you've had a fight.

But isn't the true meaning of life here?

The most touching days in our lives are always those days when we strive for a goal wholeheartedly. Even if it is a humble goal, it is worthy of our pride, because the accumulation of countless humble goals may be a great one. achievement.

It was only later that everyone changed and it became difficult to laugh easily.No longer living for freedom, but being bound by life.Have too much, but not deep enough.

When two people are in love, the girl is a fool, but when two people fall in love, the boy is a fool!
Ye Qiong is such a fool, he is willing to use up all his life for such a cute and shy girl!
In the years of love, the sun is still there!

The sun is so good, those sad years have drifted away in silence.

It's good to be young, time has been caught off guard like an accelerating gear, and our youth has changed.

It's good to be simple, when countless responsibilities that pierce the heart are like a huge sharp knife inserted into our unprepared hearts.

Dreams are so good, life is mean like an endless greedy ghost, sucking away our countless beautiful hopes.

Fortunately, Ye Qiong has not changed and will not change.

He will guard his silly girl to see the sea dry up and rocks rotten forever, even if it is the whispers in his heart, the sweet words are said ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, and he will not feel the slightest repetition, impatience!
For a girl, the most precious thing is her youth.

A girl is willing to bring all the most precious things in her next life to accompany you through the bustling and bustling world. If you treat her well, can you still be considered a man?
In fact, sometimes Ye Qiong can't understand why some men have a group of underground lovers!
And he even kept telling his wife that he loved her!
But Ye Qiong felt that this love was too excessive!

I don't deny that in my heart, he loves and loves all girls, but for women, this may be too unfair! ! !

If you let him meet this kind of scumbag, he must treat him well. You can make some jokes in language, but in terms of body, it's better to kill that kind of uncertain factor severely. Right in the cradle! ! !


The [-]th Huaxia tour officially ended today, and with a bunch of souvenirs, the two of Ye Qiong went straight back to the big chat!

Lin Jiaxin has officially settled in Ye Qiong's company, and is responsible for external marketing!

As for the research and development of science and technology, Ye Qiong is in charge of it all!
There is really no way, anyway, they can't let them see the existence of the system!

Therefore, although Ye Qiong's YK Group looks magnificent from the outside, occupying more than 30 floors, in fact, there are less than ten employees except Ye Qiong and Zheng Jia!

As a last resort, Ye Qiong came to another job fair.

Lin Jiaxin was given full responsibility for the task of recruiting people, and she loosened her hands and went to sleep! ! !
But now Lin Jiaxin can barely understand why Ye Qiong would so happily hand over the company to him to take full responsibility!
It turned out that he had already planned to be a shopkeeper, but this was too clean, not to mention seeing people, even calling sometimes couldn't get through!
She has grown up so much, and she has never seen such a boss who poured so much money into it, and she doesn't care at all, and doesn't care about anything in the company at all.

In fact, speaking of it, Lin Jiaxin also likes this. At least on the surface, she is definitely the boss of the company. No effort at all!

What a pain and joy! ! !
Looking at the dozen or so people under her hands, Lin Jiaxin was speechless again. Fortunately, Ye Qiong asked her to recruit people, otherwise she would have the feeling of being in a pyramid scheme!


After five days of busy work, the company started to get on the right track under Lin Jiaxin's order, at least all the departments that the company should have were in place!
According to Ye Qiong's order, most of the newly recruited employees are recent graduates who have talked about it.

After all, they are all in one city and one school, so if you can help, please help!
Ye Qiong is not that narrow-minded person either.

At the very least, although Dachao is not a key university, its level is still there!
After the staff's work was done, Ye Qiong spent hundreds of dark points (dark points) to buy this top-notch mobile phone 100 years ahead of the current world from the Legend Store!
With the current world level, it is absolutely impossible to manufacture this kind of mobile phone, but who makes Ye Qiong a person with a system! ! !
This phone only needs to spend 100 darkness points to buy the first one, and the rest only need to pay [-] darkness points per [-] million units!

Similar to wholesale in the real world!
Of course, the reason why it is so cheap is because apart from the first one, the rest are only technologies that are ten years ahead of the current world!

If you only want this kind of black technology mobile phone that is 100 years ahead, then you must buy one, one by one!
Naturally, Ye Qiong wouldn't be so stupid, a ten-year lead is enough, after all, it is a technological product, the fastest-changing thing, and ten years is enough time for a mobile phone to develop to an unparalleled level!


Time passed, and another three days passed by in a hurry.

After hoarding a large amount of goods, Ye Qiong called Lin Jiaxin directly and asked her to go to public relations to announce the release of the new mobile phone. At the same time, remember to find a group of reporters, no matter where they are, as long as they can come!
Since Ye Qiong YK Company has only been established for less than a few months, naturally no one knows about it, or it may not exist at all...

But Ye Qiong is not afraid, just find someone when there is no one!
Now that the Internet is so developed, he still doesn’t believe it. Asking a large group of sailors to praise her YK mobile phone, no one will know, as long as the first batch of people buy it, then the next step will be easy, Ye Qiong doesn’t believe it , With such a top-level mobile phone, can word-of-mouth still be bad?
Gold cups and silver cups are not as good as consumers' word-of-mouth, what Ye Qiong wants is to get YK's name out...

As long as word of mouth gets out, he will be waiting to lose money in the future.Anyway, no one can surpass his technology, although it is not 100 years, but it is a full ten years, okay...

As expected of Lin Jiaxin, she typed it up through scrambling, and the mobile phone press conference was really luxurious!

I don't know where Lin Jiaxin called so many reporters, they were all in the dark, scrambling to shoot...

Ye Qiong originally wanted to praise the other party, but the next moment, he discovered the truth of the matter!
It turned out that in order to attract reporters, Lin Jiaxin actually spent more than 1000 million to hire a popular fried chicken to be the image ambassador of the mobile phone...

(End of this chapter)

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