Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 1012 A Busy Forensic Doctor

Chapter 1012 A Busy Forensic Doctor

Tokyo Metropolitan Inspectorate Hospital, visiting briefing session.

Groups of students came to the forensic medical institution, where there were almost no outsiders, and accompanied by parents and teachers. The still brilliant Dr. Sancheng was sent to explain. The hospital probably thought Sancheng was more suitable.

When Gao Cheng brought Yuanzi and the others over, the conference room was already full of people, and it seemed that they could only stand at the back to listen.

"Employee A of a certain company was given sleeping pills by someone, but A himself didn't realize it. He lost consciousness while driving, collided with an oncoming vehicle, and was seriously injured...

Actually the same thing happened before, Employee B of the same company was given sleeping pills by someone, causing a car accident and died in the accident. "

Sancheng didn't notice Gao Cheng outside the back door, and was absorbed in his speech.

"Both incidents were committed by the same prisoner, but until A's incident was discovered, B's incident was simply treated as a death caused by a traffic accident,

Why was such a crime not discovered?

Because in Japan, the remains of traffic accidents are basically not dissected, and Japan's dissection rate is at the bottom of all developed countries..."

Yuanzi stared blankly at the popular Sancheng: "Is she the doctor Sancheng?"

Temperamental beauty...


Gao Cheng made a gesture to close his voice, and walked into the meeting room lightly. Sancheng on the podium suddenly opened his eyes, but he didn't say hello, and nodded slightly to continue his speech.

Because it is not a profit-making institution, today's visit is mainly for science popularization, and the target is of course the students present.

In the medical industry, there are not many doctors who choose to engage in forensic medicine, but forensic medicine is very important to solving cases, especially now that the crime rate in Japan is always high, and many cases do not even have the opportunity to file a case, although it is not a case. The perfect crime, but the criminal is indeed hard to punish.

The example she just mentioned is just one of them. It is a criminal area that even a detective cannot reach.

Next, Sansumi introduced Japan's forensic medical system and the Tokyo Metropolitan Inspection and Medical Institute, and then ended his speech. The next explanation will wait until half an hour later.

After the meeting ended, Sancheng hurriedly went outside the meeting room to entertain Gao Cheng and his party, and led them to the office.

"Sorry, the phone was muted just now."

Sancheng smiled and looked at the garden behind Gao Cheng, as well as Conan and Xiao Ai.

A high school girl and two elementary school students, what a strange combination...

"I'm still working, so I can't entertain you yet...Well, the actual dissection won't be until tomorrow," Sancheng tentatively asked, "How about visiting the dissection room today? I'll find someone to take you..."

"We can do it ourselves," Gao Cheng said with a smile, "I'm familiar with this place anyway."

Sancheng heaved a sigh of relief, clasped his hands together and thanked, "I'm really sorry, I'll come to you as soon as I'm done!"

Yuanzi swallowed and looked at Gao Cheng: "Are you coming over tomorrow?"

"No need," Gao Cheng watched as Sancheng went outside to receive the tourists, and explained back, "The visit is only for today, but we have the opportunity to visit the dissection room from the inside... Do you want to come tomorrow too?"

"No." Yuanzi shook his head again and again.

The staff in the Supervising Medical Hospital have not changed much compared to before. As Sancheng said, there is no actual dissection task on the visit day, and almost all the staff in the dissection class are busy receiving tourists.

In addition to Sancheng's briefing session, many staff members will also serve as tour guides, explaining the hospital's organizational structure and business along the way.

Because Conan was very interested, Gao Cheng also walked around with one of them first, so he even met another beautiful forensic doctor, Sakurako Jouchi whom he met through the Utsumi police officer before.

Speaking of which, Sansumi is actually the forensic doctor of the UDI Institute of Unnatural Death Causes in "Unnatural Death". However, UDI does not exist in Japan. Under normal circumstances, the forensic medical system is composed of the Supervisory Medical Institute and the forensic science departments of many universities.

The reason for the establishment of the Tokyo Metropolitan Inspection and Medical Institute is to detect unnatural deaths. The test objects include some deaths from diseases and natural deaths, and then all deaths from external causes, that is, all unnatural deaths.

The normal business process is that the police station notifies the hospital, or dispatches inspectors on the spot...Of course, because of the frequent murders in Conan World, many processes are not so strict, but the overall similarity is to detect unnatural deaths.

So Sancheng will work in the hospital.

For these people, the only problem with the hospital may be that there are too few forensic doctors, otherwise they would not have specially arranged this kind of visit.

It was the first time for Conan to inspect the hospital, and he looked at everything very carefully.

As far as forensic science is concerned, he is still at the entry level, because there is no need for detectives to be able to dissect, but after looking around, he is extremely frightened.

"If there really is a perfect crime, the prisoner must have a good understanding of forensic science," Conan concluded. "If the prisoner himself is a forensic scientist, he may even have the opportunity to cover up criminal evidence..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Gao Cheng glanced at Conan.

It is not so easy for forensic scientists to take advantage of loopholes, not to mention that they cannot choose the test object by themselves, and there is more than one person operating the autopsy.

If you have a good understanding of forensic science, it is possible to pretend to kill, but not all cases will not be discovered. At least in Tokyo, as long as it is an unnatural death, it will be investigated thoroughly, and even suspicious natural deaths will not be let go.

The visit lasted until the afternoon. When Gao Cheng was about to leave, Sancheng hurried back to the office after a busy day: "Sorry, sorry, have you been waiting for a long time? How was the visit today?"

"Will this kind of visit be frequent?" Conan asked curiously.

"No, it's only once a year, and they're all students." Sancheng bent down and smiled, "Is my little brother going to be a forensic doctor in the future?"

Except for the autopsy, every time I met Sancheng, he seemed to have a sweet smile on his face, when he was happy, and when he was apologizing, with a hint of a begging smile, which made people unable to get angry.

"By the way," Sancheng asked Gao Cheng privately after greeting Yuanzi and the others, "Is Detective Chenghu free tomorrow?"


"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. Actually, there is something wrong...Although there is no need to trouble the detective, but..."

Gao Cheng looked at Sancheng's unspeakable appearance, and smiled helplessly: "I know, things that can make you feel embarrassed are not small things, so tell me about them."

"Is it okay?" Sancheng pointed blankly at Yuanzi on the other side, "Your girlfriend?"

"It's better not to let them watch the instance anatomy," Gao Cheng said resolutely when he thought of the first time he watched the anatomy, "I can come here alone tomorrow, as a commission."

"Thank you," Sancheng said with a serious expression, "The thing is, a family's husband died in an accident, and the issue of compensation liability is in trouble, and the real cause of death..."

(End of this chapter)

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