Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 1026 Snow Walking

Chapter 1026 Snow Walking
Lake Sawajiri.

As the Villa Hotel said, many swans stepping on the lake in the snow-covered mountains are flying in mid-air, like a natural landscape of heaven.

Gao Cheng mixed with the snow walking team and walked along the lake, with ski poles in his hands and snowboards on his feet. Like everyone else, he wore a thick coat, goggles, and was fully equipped.

He has already made a special trip to the reservoir, and found no problems for the time being. Four reservoir staff have been guarding there. As for Muto's studio near the reservoir, he has no chance to go there.

I heard that Muto only went to the studio near the reservoir when he was making large wooden sculptures, and spent most of the rest of the time at the lodge, and he didn't see anyone when he was working.

Thinking of this, Gao Cheng was secretly worried.

There are too few clues, and many places can only rely on guesswork. How can you be in the mood to play in this situation?

Anyway, he also boasted to the Metropolitan Police Department, and the case involved the governor of Dongdu. If he made a wrong judgment, although he would not lose his status as a consultant, his ability would be doubted to some extent.

Of course, no matter whether the prisoner who attacked the governor is related to the village or not, the next target is very likely to be the reservoir dam.

Just keep an eye on the reservoir side and you'll be fine.

"Take some rest."

Tono Mizuki, who led the team, stopped by the lake full of swans, took off his hat and goggles, put down his original ponytail, replaced it with long straight hair on both sides, and specially changed his glasses to invisible Glasses, from a slightly ordinary aunt to a sweet big beauty.

The uncle who noticed at the side looked straight at both eyes, and leaned over: "It's so beautiful, Miss Mizuki! You are..."

"I used to wear contact lenses."

"Do you want to go to Tokyo next time? I'll be a tour guide. I can go anywhere..."

"Is the Dongdu Skytree also available?"

"This is..."

"Huh." Gao Cheng was at the back, and rushed to the resting place one step faster under Yuanzi's urging.

"Ah Cheng, why are you so slow?" Yuanzi asked strangely, "It's rare to come out to play, so you should have fun."

"Feel sorry."

Gao Cheng took off the windshield and looked at the leisurely swans in Lake Sawajiri.

If there is no case, it would be really nice to travel to Kitanosawa Village, the air is good, the scenery is beautiful, and the people are also...

Gaocheng glanced at the uncle who was chatting and laughing with Tono Mizuki from the corner of his eye.

I really envy this guy, he really just came to play, right?
Uncle was actually involved in this case. After the press conference, the mass media also looked forward to Uncle, but this guy didn't seem to care at all.

"Where are we now?"

Gao Cheng took out a map to compare.

The shape of Lake Sawajiri is like a swan with wings spread out, with thin ends and a large middle. Just now they have been walking along the long and slender lake upstream, and they feel that they are almost reaching the main body of Lake Sawajiri.

"It's here," Tono Mizuki said, pointing at the map, "We have to pass through the snowfield ahead, and Muto's lodge is in the mountains over there."

At this time, gray clouds drifted across the sky, and fine snow fell between the mountains. Ayumi and the others couldn't help but think of the bad experience last night.

"Ah, it's snowing again."

"Don't worry, it will stop soon," Tono Mizuki smiled and greeted everyone, "It's about time we set off, otherwise we won't be able to make it to dinner in the end."

"Gululu." Fatty Yuanta's stomach rang when he was talking about dinner.

"Really, Yuantai, you ate so much at noon, you don't want to have dinner right now?" Guangyan wondered.

"I can't do it either."

"Just bear with it, there is still more than half of the way."

There will be a cliff in the middle of the shore of Lake Sawajiri. It must pass through the snow field. It is obviously a lot of effort to walk, and there is another rest in the middle, but the scenery is also very good.
Gao Cheng temporarily put aside the matter of the case, and walked behind with Dr. A Li, who was out of breath.

"Doctor, your health is too bad, I'll ask Xiao Ai to write you a recipe and exercise list."

"No, no need," Dr. A Li broke out in a cold sweat, quickly changed the subject, pointed to the people who stopped in front, and said, "Did something happen in front?"

"do not come!"

At the front of the line, Mori Kogoro stopped everyone with a serious expression, and in front of him was Hikawa Shogo who had fallen in the snow.

"It's hopeless, he's already dead, he doesn't look injured, but he doesn't look like he's frozen to death... Hey, Kido, you know this, come and have a look!"

"what happened?"

Gao Cheng stepped on the snow and ran to the uncle in a hurry.

The young man with spectacles named Glacier fell down in the snow without a sound, his eyes were open, his mouth was slightly opened, he was cold and without a trace of blood.

"It's not freezing to death, it's very likely an acute myocardial infarction."

Gao Cheng frowned to check the corpse and the surrounding scene.

Without a forensic autopsy, he could only make a preliminary judgment, but judging from the scene, it should be a deliberate homicide disguised as an accidental death.

Although there were only footprints of the victim on the snow, walking from the lakeside to the scene, but Glacier only had a coat and a hat with a lot of snow accumulated on it. That is to say, someone cleaned up the snow on the corpse after the snow stopped. Accidentally left out the inside of the jumpsuit hat.

"When we found out, Mr. Glacier was sitting here with his back to the river, and there were only his footprints on the snow," Conan thought, "It seemed accidental, but the electric shock baton he had in his pocket was missing. Glacier said he used to keep his taser in his pocket for self-defense."

"Electric shock baton?" Uncle Mao Li raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I heard what he said in the village," Conan looked at the corpse and analyzed, "The absence of the electric shock rod means that it was taken away by someone who was traveling with him..."

"Brat, let's play!"

The uncle threw Conan away angrily.

"There are only glacier's snowshoe prints here. It should be that he walked along the lake alone and died of a heart attack while passing through the snow field. Miss Mizuki, how is Glacier's heart?"

"I remember that Glacier had a bad heart since he was a child," Tono Mizuki said.

"That's right!" The uncle said in a deep voice, "Anyway, call the police first, and let the village know by the way."

"No," Gao Cheng shook his head, stood up and said, "The scene was a disguise, and Bingchuan is indeed not alone."

"But the shoe prints..." The uncle froze.

Wait, it feels so familiar, his judgment will be overturned every time this happens, this guy Kido should be right.

Think again, shoe prints, snow...

"I see, it's also possible that someone came over with the glacier on his back, and another person walked back along his shoe prints..."

"It's easy to see, right?" Yuanzi said speechlessly, "And is it really possible?"

"Of course it can be done!" the uncle insisted.

 The next chapter will be updated later
(End of this chapter)

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