Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 1049 3 Mizukichiemon Trick Box

Chapter 1049 Misui Kichiemon Trick Box

During dinner time, there was an extra person on the third floor of the office, which made Xiao Ai very uncomfortable.

"I don't have any objection to hiring another secretary," Xiao Ai said while sipping tea, "But haven't you noticed that the workload of the office has decreased significantly recently? Because someone missed a lot of commissions."

"I've been busy all the time," Gao Cheng said sarcastically, "and I also received a good commission just now. There will be an exhibition in the Suzuki University Library tomorrow night. That old man Jiroji invited me over."

"Being a bodyguard?" Xiao Ai raised her brows, "Could it be about the thief's invitation again?"

"It's almost the same, but it's not a bodyguard, but a mechanism box that cracked Misui Kichiemon's mechanism."

Gao Cheng's thoughts were flying.

His entry-level mechanism technique comes from the mechanism master Sanshui Kichiemon, but old man Jirokichi may be disappointed. Although the entry-level mechanism technique is not bad, it is not yet up to the point where he can easily crack Sanshui Kiesemon's mechanism.

From the master level, there are still three levels in the middle.

As for why he agreed...the opportunity to fluff Kidd's wool is never to be missed.

Since it was the old man Jiroji who challenged Kidd again, the system should be able to draw a card...

Xiao Ai raised her brows even higher, her eyes were full of suspicion, she said to crack the mechanism box, she didn't fight Kidd in the end, and she had never seen Gao Cheng have the ability to solve the mechanism of Sanshui Kiesemon.

"That," Curacao asked, "shall I go too?"

"Don't go, stay and heal your wounds at ease."

Gao Cheng refused.

Curacao is a top player in terms of ability and skill, a super talent, but it is a pity that he is now a ticking time bomb, and the risk of being discovered is still very high.

This woman's skill is too special, as nimble and agile as a cheetah, she fell from a height of more than ten meters to save people without injury, which is even more outrageous than the top parkour. Like a martial arts master.

Under the pursuit of Amuro Toru and Akai Hideichi, they did not show any weakness. In the end, they had to go retrograde due to traffic jams. As a result, Akai Hideichi blew up the tires of the car and caused an accident.

The exaggeration is that even if they survived, they escaped to Dongdu Aquarium.

What a talent.

Yesterday at the Ferris wheel, Gin easily locked on the running Curacao through the thermal imaging camera, obviously recognizing Curacao's skills.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" Okiya Subaru came to the third floor holding the stew in both hands, "I made potato stew, it was very rotten, come and taste it."

Xiao Ai looked at Subaru Okiya who was squinting and smiling, seeing clearly.

"What? You want to go too?"

"No, no," Okiya Subaru put down the soup and said, "I'm not interested in organs or monster thieves at all."

Gao Cheng glanced at Okiya Subaru.

As if it was true, this guy must have installed a bug after seeing Curacao.

Even though the coffee shop is so busy and still eavesdropping, wages will be deducted next month.


"To Phantom Thief Kidd, tonight, the world's largest Moonstone Memory of the Moon will be exhibited at the Suzuki University Library, and the gem will be stored in Sansui Kiesemon's mechanism box,
If you want, please open it yourself, or find the paper with the opening method in this library,

Jiro Kichi Suzuki, advisor to the Suzuki Foundation. "

In the evening of the next day, Gao Cheng was speechless to check the challenge letter published by the old man Jiroji.

As expected of old man Jirokichi, this guy really challenged Kidd...

It just sounds like he already knows the way to open the lock box, so looking for him is really just to deal with Kidd?
Gao Cheng read it again.

"I always feel that the challenge letter this time is a bit strange, with some nonsense added, it seems to be begging Kidd to open the box... What is this guy thinking?"

Old man Jirokichi had a precedent before, because his dog was trapped in the iron raccoon dog of Misui Kiesemon, he specially sent a letter of challenge, secretly asking Kidd for help.

But if you think about it this way, do you not believe that a famous detective like him can crack the mechanism box?

Or do you think the chances of the detective and the thief cracking together are higher?
Anyway, I'm a little upset.

At the entrance of the Suzuki University Library, Sonoko waited until Ran and Kogoro Mori arrived by taxi.

"Xiao Lan, you're too late! Ah Cheng and the brats have already arrived!"

"I'm sorry," Xiaolan couldn't help but look at Mori Kogoro, who was wearing a mask and kept coughing, "My father has a fever and cold, so he went to the hospital before coming..."

"Ah?" Yuanzi noticed the half-dead uncle, "Is it all right?"

"I told him not to force it, but..."

"Cough cough," Mori Kogoro walked by with a ruthless face, "It's okay, it's just a common cold... ah cough cough cough!"

Xiaolan looked worriedly at Kogoro who was coughing again, "Dad, can you help me in this state?"

"Hehe." Yuanzi smiled delicately.

Even if the uncle is not sick, he can't help, so he can only make up the number.

"Hmph," Mori Kogoro looked stubbornly at the Suzuki University Library, "Has Kido kid started researching the mechanism box?"

When he heard that Gao Cheng was good at tricks, Mouri Kogoro was quite depressed. He always felt that Gao Cheng knew a little bit about everything. If things continued like this, there would be only one detective, Kido Takanagi, in Tokyo.

It is true that he has solved many other cases, but the cases handled by Gao Cheng are always less interesting. Recently, there have been some gossips in the media.

Especially in the Dongdu Aquarium case this time, I heard that Gao Cheng followed Police Officer Mumu to do a lot of hard work, and at that time he was sleeping alone in the parking lot after sending Xiaolan and the others to the aquarium , When I reacted, everything was over.

The sleeping Kogoro must not be left behind.

Gao Cheng didn't enter the hall, but stood at the door to observe the situation.

The old man Suzuki Jirokichi really had some problems. Not only did he not allow the police led by Ginzo Nakamori to enter the museum, but he also prevented Nakamori's plan to pinch his face on the spot, and just let the police stand by outside.

It seems that he didn't run away. The old man probably wanted Kidd to enter.

In the circular bookshelf in the center of the library hall, Suzuki Jirokichi smiled and showed everyone the exhibits.

A square wooden box that looks a bit ordinary.

"Is this the trick box?" The uncle looked slightly relaxed, pulling the wooden box hard and said, "This kind of thing just needs to be hard..."


There was a sudden noise from the mechanism box, and a sharp needle stabbed out, instantly turning the uncle into a pig's face.

The little finger was stabbed hard, it was not too sour, the uncle immediately screamed like a pig, and let the wooden box fall to the ground.

"What the hell is this?"

"If you touch it randomly, a needle will pop out, just like a miniature iron raccoon."

"What kind of Sansui Kichiemon is a lunatic!" The uncle stared fiercely at the wooden box on the ground with bleeding fingers in his mouth, but he didn't dare to touch it again. It's just a piece of wood."

"That won't work..."

A silver-haired old woman appeared behind the uncle, vaguely still having the demeanor of her youth.

"This is the work of mechanism engineer Misui Kichiemon. The value of the box itself is no less than the moonstone inside."

Gao Cheng's eyes fell on the old woman.

It seems that this is the real master.

According to Sonoko, this person donated a large number of books to the Suzuki University Library, and then asked the old man Jiroji to display the trick box. Although he did not elaborate, he probably asked the old man to help open the trick box.

(End of this chapter)

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