Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 1057 Bullets of Vengeance

Chapter 1057 Bullets of Vengeance

"Everyone, please look here. According to the photos we got and the opponent's sniper ability, he should be the prisoner in this incident..."

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, in a small meeting room, the FBI involved in the investigation cooperated with the First Search Division. James took the lead in analyzing the intelligence and retrieved a photo of an American soldier.

"Timothy Hunter, 37 years old, is a sniper of the former U.S. Navy SEAL Special Forces. He has made great achievements in the Middle East battlefield for three years. He was once a hero on the battlefield and won the Silver Star Medal.
The Silver Star Medal is a Medal of Honor used to commend soldiers for their bravery in combat with hostile armed forces. Hunter received the Silver Star Medal in the second year, but was withdrawn for suspected violations of the rules of engagement the following year. "

Judy explained to Mu Mu and his party.

"While an Army officer accused him of shooting unarmed civilians, Hunt was not prosecuted because of the lack of evidence, but this incident stained Hunt,

Probably affected by this incident, after returning to the battlefield, Hunter lost his original calm, was isolated on the battlefield, and was hit on the head by an enemy bullet. Although the operation succeeded in saving his life, Hunter I had to leave the army and go home..."

Gao Cheng crossed his fingers and sat at the front of the conference table, his eyes fixed on the character information posted on the whiteboard.

It sounds a little familiar, it seems to be the plot of a movie about a sniper in the middle...

"Hunter's misfortune did not end here," Judy continued, "After returning home, in order to live a peaceful life, he moved to the countryside of Seattle, Washington, but the unbearable memories of the battlefield never disappeared, and he was tortured.
Not only that, his wife went bankrupt due to investment failure and died of an overdose, and his sister committed suicide because of the annulment of her marriage. For the next 6 years, Hunter disappeared completely, but 3 weeks ago..."

Judy posted a new photo.

"Three weeks ago, in Seattle, a reporter from a local newspaper named Brian Woods was shot and died on the spot. The police investigated the victim and found that he had written a series of tainted reports and pursued the Hunt couple. Hit, make a big impact,

After investigation by the police and the FBI, it was found that Hunter had entered Japan two weeks ago, so the FBI headquarters ordered us to arrest Hunter as soon as possible while on vacation in Japan. "

"So it is."

The few people in the audience nodded in understanding, and finally Shiratori got up and said: "About this sniper incident, we found unusual items on the roof of the building where the sniper was suspected, Chiba..."


Chiba stepped forward and posted a photo.

"A dice was found between the suspension rails of the cleaning trolley on the outer wall near the Suzuki Tower, and an empty bullet casing about 51mm long, which was the same caliber as the 7.62mm bullet used in the crime."

"It's the MK11 rifle bullet that Hunter likes to use. It seems that he is right." James confirmed.

"About the dice," Shiratori asked curiously, "was it also found at the sniper site in Seattle?"

"Not really, but Hunter likes dice games very much. I heard that he still has a tattoo of dice on his left arm."

Agent Kamel, the big man who was with Judy, responded.

"The real estate agent Fujinami Hiroaki who was killed this time sold bad properties to Hunter 7 years ago, causing Hunter to go bankrupt, so Hunter has sufficient motivation..."

At the end of the meeting, Gao Cheng put away his notes and walked out of the meeting room silently.

Sera Masumi’s classmate in the same grade had a relative who was planning to marry Hiroaki Fujinami, so she was entrusted with conducting a property investigation. After investigating along the way, it was found that Fujinami specializes in deceiving innocent foreigners and selling bad real estate. This time it is also a bad retribution.

However, the actions of the prisoners did not seem to stop there.

The FBI provided information that three people who may have been killed by Hunter happened to arrive in Japan.

Jack Waltz, 45 years old, is the former army captain who accused Hunter of violating the rules of engagement. He is currently the boss of a military supplies manufacturing company. He arrived in Kyoto with his family 2 days ago.

Bill Murphy, 35 years old, Waltz's subordinate, Hunter's violation of the rules of engagement witnesses, a former army sergeant, joined Waltz's company as a secretary after leaving the army, and is currently stranded in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture.

Finally, there is Moriyama Jin, 34 years old, the ex-fiancé of Hunter’s sister, who committed suicide because of the annulment of the marriage. He used to be an office worker stationed in Seattle by Japan.

It is said that his whereabouts are unknown, but Gao Cheng has a premonition that Moriyama Ren is probably also in Japan.

This time the stage is undoubtedly Japan.


Gao Cheng intervened and walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department building, waiting at the intersection for Uncle Mori and Seira Masumi who also participated in the meeting.

Although he didn't know much about the inside story, he knew some things without even thinking about it. The fact that Hunter violated the rules of engagement back then must have been nothing, as can be seen from the relationship between Waltz and Murphy.

Even when Hunter was isolated and shot on the battlefield later, it may be Waltz's means.

So this revenge is only incidental to the others, mainly targeting Waltz and Murphy. If he guessed correctly, these two people should be left at the end.

Hunter's next target is likely to be the office worker named Moriyama Jin.

Gao Cheng frowned slightly.

There is another point that makes him very concerned, why did he start revenge after 6 years...

There must be some reason, something or someone who let Hunter know the truth.

"What's the matter, senior?" Shiliang Zhenchun followed up and asked, "Do you think there is something wrong?"

"I think Hunter should have accomplices." Gao Cheng turned his head, saw Shira Masumi's interested expression, and subconsciously looked at Conan again.

In the later stage of "Conan", the character creation gradually became facial makeup, and the plot was often promoted in order to advance the plot. The plumpness of the characters dropped significantly, especially in the theater version. Sometimes he wanted to beat people, so he hardly watched the theater version.

Fortunately, this world is still normal. I don’t know if it’s because of his relationship. Conan doesn’t like to die so much, but he has become more cautious because he has suffered a lot.

Although something went wrong in the Didan Elementary School incident last time, I also thought of asking Police Officer Shiratori for help.

Of course, the courage is still as strong as ever, especially when encountering a case, the desire to explore is not so strong.

Thinking of this, Gao Cheng and Shiliang Zhenchun warned: "The criminals this time are not ordinary people. I can't stop you if you want to participate in the investigation. But if you find anything, don't act alone. Just hand it over to the police."

The other party is a sniper master, even he has to be cautious, maybe he can't take care of Conan, but this guy will always get involved in the case for no reason.

It was already evening, and when we returned to the office, Okiya Subaru rarely helped prepare dinner.

"Are you back, boss?" Curacao immediately spotted Gao Cheng.

"I told you not to call me boss, either Mr. Kido or Mr. Kido."

Gao Cheng glanced over Okiya Subaru.

Needless to say, Akai Shuichi must have known about the sniping incident, and Judy contacted him if he wanted to. After all, Akai Shuichi's sniper ability is basically unrivaled in this world.

As if aware of Gao Cheng's gaze, Okiya Subaru slightly opened one eye, brought the soup pot with a smile and asked, "Is the sniping incident during the day troublesome?"


Gao Cheng stared at Okiya Subaru for a while.

Tired of squinting all the time?Eyes almost squinted.

"By the way, Ku... Tianhai," Gao Cheng sat down at the dining table and said to Curacao, "Can I trouble you to take care of Conan in the next few days?"

"Yes, boss."

"It's not the boss, it's the teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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