Chapter 1094 The Man Who Defeated Goemon
When Yuanzi came out of the specialty store with a lot of gifts excitedly, he was a little dumbfounded when he found that Gao Cheng had disappeared.

"What about adult?"

"Detective Kido seems to have something to do, so he went to the Kendo Club of Izumi Heart High School first."

Yizhi's eyelids twitched secretly when he saw the rich results of the girls' battles. If he hadn't investigated Gao Cheng, he almost thought that Gao Cheng had escaped on purpose.

He has to carry so many things alone...

"Then let's go and have a look," Ooka Hongye suggested, "Iori, you can send these special products to Xiaolan's hotel first."

Yizhi looked hesitant: "But Miss Hongye..."

"Ann, I'm fine. Xiaolan is the champion of the Kanto Karate Championship."

Ooka Hongye waved her hands impatiently.

Now she only wants to see if Gao Cheng is really that good, and she heard from Xiaolan that his sword skills are better than Heiji's.



Spring Heart High School.

Gao Cheng didn't use his own wooden knife, but borrowed a bamboo knife, and stood opposite the blindfolded boy under the attention of Director Okita.

The young man's hearing is very keen, and he immediately entered into a fighting state. Judging from the starting gesture, it seems to have the shadow of the ancient swordsmanship Yoshitsune, but last time the Yoshitsune faction should have been imprisoned.

"Are you sure you want to cover your eyes?" Gao Cheng looked at the young man helplessly. He had understood the situation just now. The young man did not have eye disease, but pure cultivation.

The question is how confident do you have to compete blindfolded?

In this way, the opponent is not respected, and the meaning of practice is not that great.

It may be possible to improve hearing, but hearing training is more than enough at ordinary times. The real battle still depends on the eyes. Light is the fastest speed.

Especially at his stage, the comprehensive perception must be based on dynamic vision. Without dynamic vision, it is a living target.

"This is my practice, please forgive me." The boy said in a flat voice without taking off the blindfold.

"as long as you are happy."

Gao Cheng quickly restrained his mind and entered the state.

He didn't expect to have a real fight with the boy, he just wanted to study more swordsmanship moves, it didn't matter whether the opponent took the blindfold or not if they really wanted to fight.

"let's start."

The young man's steps are very steady, and the starting gesture of provoking the tip of the knife to the rear can use the ground to burst out an unparalleled cutting attack at the moment of attack, which is much more practical than many sword-drawn cuts, and can multiply his own strength, and Yagyu Xinyinliu's gestures are similar but different.

Hearing from the people around him, Mr. Okita suffered a loss because of a misunderstanding just now, and he was thrown off with a bamboo knife all of a sudden, and then he was defeated by the opponent's straight stab.

But Gao Cheng is more than capable.

The boy's moves were good, but his movements were too slow in his eyes, and his attacks were clearly visible, so it was basically impossible for Chong Tian to repeat the same mistakes.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the quiet kendo field, there was only the sound of bamboo knives clashing continuously, and everyone was attracted by the battle in the middle, including Ooka Hongye who had just brought Yuanzi and a few people over to watch the excitement.

If it wasn't for Okita who was on the sidelines, she almost thought it was Okita who was fighting the blindfolded boy.

Ignoring the different hairstyles, the only difference between Gao Cheng and Okita is their fighting style, especially Gao Cheng also changed into the white kendo uniform of Izumi Shin High School.

Because she is a classmate, she still knows Okita quite well. Every time she competes, she shoots quite fiercely. The classic five-stage stab has become a signature technique. Every time, her opponent is basically carried off on a stretcher.

But now Gao Cheng's attack is very easy, the momentum is not very strong, it even looks a little fake, it doesn't look like a competition, and it is not much different from the usual swordsmanship in the sword dojo.

"Who is stronger?" Ooka Hongye was confused.

"It goes without saying, of course it is Ah Cheng!" Sonoko secretly encouraged Gao Cheng, "Ah Cheng is the one who defeated Ishikawa Goemon!"


The blindfolded boy in the field suddenly backed away from the battle circle, panting slightly with sweat on his face, and said in disbelief: "You defeated Goemon?"

"What's the matter?" Gao Cheng was stunned, "Do you know Goemon?"

The boy didn't respond, his expression changed for a while, he dropped the bamboo knife and left, saying, "You've won this time, but I'll still look for you!"

"What the hell?"

Everyone in the Kendo Department glanced at each other for no reason.

"Goemon is the swordsman next to Lupine III, right?"

"Yeah, I heard that the iron-slashing sword in one hand is very powerful, and can split a fighter plane in two, but he has been abroad all the time."

"Really, I thought it was just a legend."

During the discussion, everyone turned their attention to Gao Cheng.

What kind of strength does it take to defeat the legendary Goemon?
"Don't think about it," Gao Cheng interrupted everyone, "I just met Goemon once."

Goemon seems to be too famous, he doesn't want to get involved too much, if Gin knows about it, it might cause bad associations.

Although he thought about luring the snake out of the hole, he didn't want to be that bait at all.


The school trip to Didan High School was only 3 days, but he didn't return to Tokyo until the morning of the 4th day. Gao Cheng took Conan back the next day after solving the incident.

On the one hand, it was Conan's urging, and on the other hand, it was also because the Kendo Department of Quanxin High School always wanted to test his true strength.

"Really, aren't you going too far?" Conan complained halfway, "You actually solved the case silently by yourself, which made me study the code for a long time in vain."

"I can't just watch that soundtrack artist continue to commit crimes, can I? I hate incidents caused by this kind of misunderstanding the most. Of course, the sooner the case is solved, the better."

Gao Cheng said with a yawn.

"Don't complain, I specially gave you a chance to enjoy a one-day school trip, you guys even kissed Xiaolan, right?"

"Ah?!" Conan said in a panic, full of anger, "How do you know?"

"Of course I know, I was also in Kiyomizu Temple at that time, besides..."

Gao Cheng took out his phone to check the photos.

Sonoko somehow sent a photo of Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan kissing...

"How could this happen?!" Conan frightened, "You still secretly took pictures!"

"I'm sure I didn't take the picture! It's Yuanzi!" Gao Cheng said speechlessly, "You'd better think about how to deal with Xiaolan tomorrow. It just so happens that you didn't go to school for a few days during the school trip to Didan High School..."

"Well, I've already told Uncle that I'm sick and staying with you for a few days," Conan said with rich experience, "It shouldn't be a problem to pass by. Anyway, Uncle is also afraid of contagion, so I wish I wouldn't go home."

"You're playing with fire."

Gao Cheng glanced at Conan.

This guy would take a bath with Xiaolan from time to time, even if he didn't have a black organization, he probably wouldn't dare to expose himself easily.

"Hey, Kido," Conan asked suddenly, "Is there still time for me to learn the art of swordsmanship?"

(End of this chapter)

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