Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 1156 Takagi: Seriously

Chapter 1156 Takagi: Seriously
Tokyo, Kosuge Police Station.

The bright voice came out of the meeting room and could be heard clearly in the corridor.

"According to the DNA provided by the survivors, the victim was determined to be Michiko Oshitani, 40 years old, living in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture, and working for a cleaning company called Melady Air by Lake Biwa.
According to the testimonies of the survivors, Michiko Oshitani went to work at the company on Friday, the 12th of last month, and was absent from work for no reason from Monday, the 15th, and lost contact.

On the 13th, Michiko Oshitani made an online reservation for a hotel in Kayabacho, Tokyo, and checked in in person, which means that she was probably killed on Sunday, the 14th..."


"Yes, there is a new case, probably no time... Have you found a suitable villa? If you are a consultant, you can find Uncle Mao Li. Anyway, he and Attorney Concubine had another fight, and they have nothing to drink every day..."

Gao Cheng hid in the aisle and talked with Okino Yoko, and the search meeting was going on in the crowded conference room next to him.

A few days had passed since the body was found in Katsushika Ward, and he and Takagi joined the search team before he had time to rest.

The case is still in the stage of investigation and investigation, and there is nothing special about it for the time being.

Returning to the meeting room, the leader of the search team in front of him was still giving summary explanations in front of a whole panel of papers, because Megure and Sato were in charge of other cases, and the two main officers here were both senior detectives at the director level of the first search section. , accompanied by Chief of Police Station Kosuge.

"Kito, everyone is watching." Takagi sat in the back seat, and felt sore when he saw Gao Cheng bent over and returned to his seat.

He instinctively felt that this case was very unusual. It was only because of his limited ability that he pulled Gao Cheng over. As a result, Gao Cheng didn't seem to pay much attention to the investigation.

I basically didn't see Gao Cheng these two days, he was the only one running errands.

If I'm not mistaken, I sneaked out in the middle of the meeting just now, and I should be talking on the phone with my sister.

"It's okay." Gao Chengxue listened with a pen and paper like other criminal police officers.

If he is frowning when he encounters a case, he has already suffered from depression, after all, the cases are too frequent.

The long-term detective life has taught him a truth, it is also very important to keep calm in this world.

Whether the case is simple or difficult, it always has to be solved.

"In the room where the body was found," the director continued, looking at Gao Cheng in the back row, "a man named Mutsuo Koshikawa began living here nine years ago, but according to the testimony of nearby residents, he began to live here on the 9th. I have never seen a trace of Yuechuan again..."

The writing on the blackboard contains basic information about Mutsuo Koshikawa. He is the tenant of the room at the murder scene. He is estimated to be around 70 years old and has an unknown occupation. There are also a lot of photos of the leftovers at the scene below, but it is a pity that he cannot see clearly in the back row.

A female policewoman brought the image of Mutsuo Koshikawa drawn based on the descriptions of nearby residents. He was an old man with a long face and a full sky. He looked peaceful, but a little gloomy.

So well drawn, talent.

Criminal investigation portrait painting, even if he has a proficient level of painting, he can't do better.

Police officer Sato had also temporarily acted as a painter before, and the result was terrible, but the portrait in front of him captures the charm of the suspect. What a good criminal investigation painter needs is not just to make the portrait realistic, but to make the portrait realistic. Recognizable at a glance after reaching the real person.

It is also very helpful for his criminal profile, at least it can be seen that Mutsuo Koshikawa is a person with a lot of stories.

"We can be sure that he is the suspect first," the director said, pointing to the portrait of Yue Chuan. "The problem is the relationship between Yue Chuan and Oshiya Michiko. According to the information of the survivors, Oshiya Michiko has not left in the past two years, whether for work or travel. I have passed around Lake Biwa, but why did I come to Tokyo from Lake Biwa this time?"


Along the coast of Arakawa, Kosuge Hana Village Apartment.

The room at the murder scene was about 10 square meters, empty and unobstructed.

The corpse had already been sent for autopsy that day, leaving only a puddle of indescribable caramel-colored liquid on the tatami mat in the corner, which still gave off a faint stench.

It must be corpse fluid...

Gao Cheng's stomach churned.

He had seen photos of the corpses, the highly decomposed corpses were covered with wriggling white maggots, it was so horrible that he almost vomited it out even though he had seen a lot of the world.

The whole room looks like a hut built by homeless people. The only striking things are the air conditioner and a radio, and everything else is very monotonous.

There were hardly any changes of clothes, some simple sundries were placed in the corner, and towels and socks were hung beside them.

On the other side of the wall is a narrow stove, which is also a place for washing.

If you sleep, of course, the floor is in the middle of the room.


Gao Cheng opened the cupboard next to the trace of the corpse.

There are quilts stacked on top, and an electric fan below...

I have lived here for 9 years, but there are only so few things, and there is no food in reserve, not even a refrigerator.

It feels like you don't own this place and could leave at any time.

Moreover, nothing that could prove the identity of Mutsuo Koshikawa was found at the scene, and the identity information of Koshikawa was completely unknown.

Same as the bum...

Or, like the wanted fugitive, the police did not have relevant information about the wanted criminal, and Yue Chuan himself did not deliberately avoid the nearby residents.

"How?" Takagi came in and asked, "I'm going to Shiga County to investigate Oshitani Michiko tomorrow, do you want to go together?"

"I'll stay in Tokyo to investigate," Gao Cheng walked to a calendar on the wall and checked, "If you go to Shiga County, just tell me the results of the investigation afterwards."

He didn't want to go all the way to visit and investigate, it was a waste of time, and it was enough to leave it to Takagi, anyway, Takagi has been doing this kind of errands, so he is trustworthy.

"But..." Takagi looked bitterly.

"About Mutsuo Koshikawa," Gao Cheng continued to ask, "Since no follow-up witnesses have been found and the sudden disappearance... Has there been any special incident recently?"

Despite the drabness of the apartment, there are a few essentials that Mutsuo Koshikawa has not taken away, including the only coat in the room.

One cannot ignore the possibility that Mutsuo Koshikawa himself was also a victim.

Perhaps Koshikawa had been killed elsewhere as well.

Compared with Michiko Oshitani, who has relatives calling the police to find someone, the homeless Mutsuo Koshikawa may not necessarily be found out if he has an accident.

"Speaking of it," Takagi suddenly remembered, "About 5 kilometers from here, there was an arson and murder case of a homeless man on the bank of the Xinxiaoyan River on the 16th of last month.
The strange thing is that, according to the results of the autopsy, the body of the homeless man who was burned to death was actually strangled before being burned, and the cause of death was the same as that of Shigu Michiko..."

"number 16?"

Gao Cheng paused slightly as he lifted the calendar.

According to the police's inference, Michiko Oshitani was killed on the 14th of last month, Mutsuo Koshikawa disappeared on the 15th, and the 16th is too coincidental.

"If the cause of death was strangulation, the burning of the body may be to destroy the body, but if the victim was a homeless man, why did the murderer bother?"

Gao Cheng took out his mobile phone, took several photos of the calendar, and said back.

"Take me to the scene to see."

(End of this chapter)

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