Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 1194 The Stone God After Years

Chapter 1194 Stone God Ten Years Later
There is always a lone figure in the dark...

Gao Cheng was walking alone on the streets of Tokyo, and Sonoko's voice seemed to be echoing in his ears.

His acting skills are perfect, there should be no loopholes,
Why is Sonoko so sure?
Just because it was taken by an entertainment machine, the so-called photos ten years later?
But the current him is not the real him, his brows and eyebrows are slightly changed to pretend...

"Sorry, Sonoko, wait for me."

Gao Cheng closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

The real horror of this country has never been the black organization,

It's the behemoth that has been dominating everything in the dark. While the Japanese are stationing troops, they are always manipulating the terrifying existence of the Japanese government.

Over the past ten years,

He has accurately found the other party's agent organization in the government through the Internet, a special organization that exists in the name of anti-corruption.

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Special Search Department.

The predecessor was the Concealment and Retirement Search Department, which was established by the US military after the war to search for Japanese hidden materials.

In modern times, this department has become to manage the corruption of Japanese politicians,

Almost all prosecutors who enter this department have to study in the CIA...

It is said to be anti-corruption, but the politicians dealt with are very targeted. Once there are opponents, they will be searched, and those close to them will be protected.

Controlling the government, coupled with special military powers, is almost like colonization.

It can be called semi-colonial or new-style colonial.
In any case, the culprit in the incident ten years ago was the higher-ups in this organization.

Thanks to this incident of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, he was able to take advantage of the loopholes to collect the last part of the information.

Completely grasp the truth that he was abandoned by this country ten years ago.


If it weren't for those people who protected close officials, the old man would not have died so miserably in the battle plan against the black organization...


A cold wind blows through the street,
Gao Cheng also made up his mind and decided to take the last step.

Make a final break!

Gao Yuanyao is right in saying that a detective is only one step away from a super criminal.
This is especially true for him who can disguise and transform without limit, and is almost omnipotent.

Almost within reach.

Even if he might face the famous detectives who fought side by side, the Metropolitan Police Department, even the police, the FBI, and the CIA...

No one can stop him.

Kudo Shinichi can't do it, Amuro Toru can't do it, Akai Shuichi can't do it either...

"you are?"

A man with a shoulder bag and his neck tucked into a scarf suddenly called Gao Cheng, not sure,

"Have we met somewhere?"

Gao Cheng was startled suddenly, and only after he came back to his senses did he find that the high school math teacher named Shishen was opposite him.

I saw it once in the library ten years ago.

"You know me?" Gao Cheng asked in surprise.

Although the other party didn't know that he was "Takasei Kido", they recognized him now...

Doesn't he look so badly disguised?
Before meeting Sonoko, he hadn't had any problems.

"I have always had a good memory," Ishigami Tetsuya nodded and smiled, "I saw you at a mathematics society a few years ago, and I felt a little familiar. Your speech was very exciting."

"Oh," Gao Cheng said with a sudden smile, "I'm Tang Chuanxue, and I'm currently working as an assistant professor at Dongda University."

"I remembered, math genius," Ishigami looked around, "Do you live here?"

"There's something going on here..."

Gao Cheng looked like Shi Shen, who hadn't changed much from ten years ago, but looked a lot haggard.

It seems that the situation of this mathematics genius is still not very good.

"Would you like to sit up for a while?" Shishen pointed to the apartment next to him, "I live here. If possible, I would like to discuss some math problems with you..."


Gao Cheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The "Mathematics" in the system has reached the master level, not far from the master, plus his research experience as an assistant professor of mathematics at Dongda University,

No worse than a so-called math genius.

He has even thought about it these years, using mathematical thinking to design a perfect crime together,
When investigating cases, I also use mathematical thinking to analyze.


Ishigami's apartment is very simple,
It's not a high-end apartment like an office building,

In the 3-story building in the stair corridor outside, Ishigami lives in 3 on the 301rd floor.

It feels like you can hear everything that happens in the neighbor’s house very clearly, and the sound insulation is super bad for cheap apartments...

It stands to reason that a mathematical genius like Shishen can become a university professor, and no matter what, he won't be mixed up like this.

Entering Ishigami's room, you can directly see the mathematical materials full of bookshelves,

There's high school math, and some papers on math research.

Gao Cheng found several copies of "Four Color Problems" on the table.

"Still studying "The Four-Color Problem."


Shi Shen, who was about to prepare tea, froze for a moment, then turned around and saw Gao Cheng holding the math books he often read.

"Still" means...

"Has "The Four-Color Problem" been proven?" Gao Cheng asked.

"I don't think the proof is perfect," Ishigami suddenly smiled, "so I've been trying to prove it again."

too stubborn...

Gao Cheng shook his head secretly.

What this world pays attention to is results. Instead of spending so many years on "Four-Color Problems", it is entirely possible to demonstrate some simple topics first.

When you become famous, you may be able to get funding, and you may have the opportunity to enter a university for research.


Suddenly there was a movement from the next door, the iron door was knocked loudly,
It seemed that someone was fighting, followed by the sound of debris on the table hitting the ground, and it kept going.

A woman's anxious cry could be vaguely heard.

Gao Cheng raised his head and looked at Shi Shen who looked embarrassed.

"It seems that the ex-husband came here."

Shi Shen looked at the neighbor hesitantly, thinking whether to help, when the noise suddenly became quiet again, and gradually disappeared.

"This is……"

Gao Cheng put down his math book and frowned slightly.

It's not like an ordinary quarrel, is something wrong?

Ishigami...Yukawa Gaku...

It seems that the female neighbor Ishigami likes did kill her ex-husband,
In order to help the female neighbor, the math genius used mathematical thinking to hide the crime.

Wouldn't it just happen to be bumped into by him?

Really, at a time like this...

"I, I'll go and see the situation." Perhaps Shishen also thought of some possibility, and said stiffly to Gao Cheng.

"Ding dong!"

301 next door,

The mother and daughter of Hua Gang who had just killed their ex-husband in a hurry were still in shock, gasping for breath, and their faces turned pale when they heard the doorbell ring.

"Misato, go back to your room!"

After pushing her daughter away, Hua Gang responded to the door: "Yes, who is it?"

"Ishigami next door."

"Please wait..."

In a hurry, Hua Gang covered the body of her ex-husband with a tablecloth, and simply tidied up the messy ground.
Then he walked to the entrance, put on the anti-theft chain, and opened a crack in the door.

"I'm sorry, are we too noisy?" Seeing Shi Shen's gaze looking into the house, Hua Gang squeezed out a smile and said, "Because there are cockroaches, that's why my daughter and I are so loud..."


Shi Shen vaguely saw the chaos in the room through the crack of the door, and Mrs. Huagang herself had disheveled hair and looked like she had fought.

Clearly something has happened, and it's not trivial...

Thinking that there was a university professor in his room, Shi Shen looked embarrassed.

"Can you let me in? I'll help you deal with the cockroaches..."

(End of this chapter)

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