Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 175 Blue Castle 3

Chapter 175 Blue Castle 3
In the middle of the meal, Gao Cheng winked at Haibara, found an excuse to go to the bathroom and left the restaurant, and went back to the room where Conan disappeared again, taking advantage of the fact that Mamiya was away.

There is a very thick wall between the two connected rooms, leaving a large space. It seems that Conan has indeed discovered some secret passage, otherwise he would not disappear suddenly.

Gao Cheng knocked on the wall, fumbled to the side of the clock, and turned the pointer according to Hui Yuan's reminder. At first, nothing happened, but when it reached twelve o'clock, the wall turned away automatically, directly leading Gao Cheng into a dark room. Small spaces.

There are walls on both sides, and there is indeed a mezzanine between the two rooms...

After groping to turn on Dr. Ali's watch-shaped flashlight, a staircase appeared in front of Gao Cheng, which was deep, and he didn't know where it led.

Before the end, Gao Cheng noticed the traces of friction on the ground with the light of the flashlight, and there was a small bloodstain, which had not completely turned black, and it seemed that it had not been left for a long time.

Gao Cheng's eyes tightened, his eyes scanned around, and landed on the steps below.

The drag marks are quite obvious, and there are still old nicks left on the steps.

"That guy pretended to be take the castle's treasure..."

"There is indeed a problem here." Gao Cheng looked at the unfinished words carved on the steps in a deep voice.

There are fake people in the castle, the purpose is to seize the treasure, Conan should have discovered it by chance and was attacked...

Gao Cheng continued to look deep into the stairs.

Although the main members of the Mamiya family are now in the dining room, there are also a lot of servants in the castle, and they don't know who the impersonated person is. Maybe we have to investigate the fire four years ago to find out...

"Crack." After walking two flights of stairs, looking around, there was a faint gap in the wall that leaked light.

Trying to push, just like before, the wall suddenly turned and took Gao Cheng out.

The outside seemed to be the corridor on the first floor, and the voices of Ayumi and others could still be heard.

Gao Cheng turned around and pushed the wall again, but found that it could no longer be opened.

"What's the matter, Detective Kido?" Mamiya appeared at the corner in a sinister figure, squinting his eyes and smiling, "Is something wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing." Gao Cheng withdrew his arm resentfully, and asked in doubt, "Why did Mr. Aman come here?"

"Because you haven't gone back, by the way, have you seen the missing child?"

"not yet……"

"It's best to find him before dark. If you get lost in the forest, it will be troublesome," Ma Gongman offered, "Let's help, too. It shouldn't be a big problem if we search separately."

The sky gradually darkened, and it even started to rain lightly. The people in the castle divided into groups to look for Conan.

"It doesn't seem to be in the garden."

"Everyone in the castle has been searched, but I still haven't seen anyone."

"Shouldn't you run over there?"

The gardener looked worriedly at the charred stone tower on the other side: "Two years ago, a servant who just arrived disappeared inside. When the police found him in the woods, he was already starved to death..."

"Ah," Ayumi and the others were frightened and worried, "If you don't find Conan quickly, he will starve to death because he has nothing to eat!"

"I probably didn't go to that tower," Jian Gongman walked over and said, "Because of what happened two years ago, that tower was locked. I went to see it just now, and the lock on the door is still fine."

"Isn't there only the woods left?" the gardener said anxiously, "It's too bad, we have to find him quickly..."

"No way," Jian Gongman shook his head in a deep voice, "The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and it's too dangerous to enter the forest at night. In my opinion, it's better to ask the police to come and search tomorrow..."

"How can this be?" Ayumi held onto Gao Cheng tightly with tears in her eyes, "Conan must be very scared now, if you don't find him quickly..."

"Don't worry, he will be fine, I promise with my reputation."


"of course it's true."

Gao Cheng gently touched Ayumi's hair, and wiped away the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes.

If Conan died so easily, he would have died a long time ago, and there should be no danger for the time being, but suffering is inevitable.

Since the murderer was looking for the treasure, he would not kill people lightly and make matters worse. The servant two years ago is a proof. He died of starvation and was thrown into the woods. The police will not conduct a comprehensive investigation on the castle.

"How is it?" Hui Yuan followed Gao Cheng, "Did you find anything?"

"There is indeed a secret passage in the castle." Gao Cheng looked at Ayumi who came down and entered the house with peace of mind, "I think he should be locked up somewhere in the castle by someone now, and he will be thrown into the woods after starving to death." Li, just like that servant two years ago."

"You don't look worried at all."

"I can't die anyway."


In the middle of the night, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the sound of clattering could be heard endlessly.

For the sake of safety, Gao Cheng and Dr. Ali and others slept in a large room, Haibara shared a bed with Ayumi, Genta shared a bed with Mitsuhiko, and Gao Cheng himself slept with the doctor.

Hearing the doctor's snoring beside him, Gao Cheng couldn't complain. Seeing that the time was almost up, he hurriedly got up quietly.

Genta, the little fat man, was also snoring, with one hand on Mitsuhiko's body, and the large font took up the entire bed. Gao Cheng felt uncomfortable for Mitsuhiko, but the two Ayumi Haibara next to him slept peacefully. Just like two little princesses.

"Okay, hurry up and find Conan while these brats are asleep..."

The door opened with a creak, and there was a sudden movement in the corridor outside.

"Grandma," Jian Gong nobleman followed the old lady in the wheelchair, worried, "It's so late, why are you still here?"

"My daughter hasn't come," the old lady said hoarsely, "I'm going to pick him up..."

"Let us take care of mother's affairs, you'd better go back to your room and have a good rest." Jiangong nobleman pushed the wheelchair and disappeared at the end of the aisle.

These people, it's so late and they haven't slept yet...

Gao Cheng looked at the aisle through the crack of the door, and walked out of the room after confirming that there was no one there, but Hui Yuan followed behind him.

"Are you going to start an investigation?"

"Shh, don't wake them up."

Gao Cheng pulled Hui Yuan, saw Ayumi and the others sleeping soundly in the room, and whispered: "Stay here and take care of everyone, I will take care of things."

Leaving Huiyuan behind, Gao Cheng walked cautiously in the aisle alone, instead of going to the entrance of the secret passage on the second floor, he searched for clues in the castle.

The first is the identity of the impostor.

Just based on the words carved on the stairs in the secret passage, nothing can be seen at all.

If I guessed correctly, the fire four years ago should be the key, and the other is the identity of Mamiya Man and Mamiya Noble.

No one had seen the two of them beforehand. According to the gardener, it was confirmed that the identity of Jian Gongman was the remarriage photo of him and Mrs. Jian Gong abroad, and that the nobleman Jian Gong was purely because he resembled the late Grand Master too much.

There are many problems in this process, the biggest doubt is why Mrs. Jiangong arrived at the castle in the middle of the night, and a bunch of servants were burned to death that night.

There is no possibility of silence.


Pushing open a door with a flashlight, Gao Cheng walked into a rather small studio, surrounded by painting tools and plaster figures used as models.

This is the studio of nobleman Jiangong, and he has spent most of his time painting here when he returned to the castle. If there is a secret passage in this room, nobleman Jiangong will undoubtedly be even more suspicious.


A thick stack of newspapers almost tripped Gao Cheng. With the help of the flashlight, Gao Cheng saw the newspapers clearly, and they were all about the fire four years ago.

"What does he collect them for?"

Gao Cheng read the report for a while with a sinking heart, moved his ears, and vaguely heard a clicking sound outside, and hurriedly turned off the flashlight and leaned against the door to observe the passage outside.

An open door at the end of the corridor was thrown open in the wind and rain, and a bloodstained round hat fell to the ground.

"It's Conan's hat..."

(End of this chapter)

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