Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 227 Meeting with the Black Organization

Chapter 227 Meeting with the Black Organization
On the side of a road with few pedestrians near the Kubado City Hotel, the tall Gin leaned against his beloved Porsche contact phone, his long silver hair fluttering in the falling snow, and his eyes were dangerously excited under the brim of his black hat.

"Yes, a reddish brown hair fell out of my seat, and I installed bugs and transmitters... Shirley is right," Gin laughed with a cigarette in his mouth, "The woman who betrayed the organization I should go to your side, if you don't know the appearance, you can check the files in the organization's computer..."

"After we make sure that there are no other things she packed in the car, we will go to find you..."

Qin Jiu grinned, and said with a sneer: "She will definitely go, because I mentioned that medicine... Anyway, after seeing her, catch her and show me. I want to confirm that it is her, even if it only has a head..."

"But brother," the big vodka who checked the car next to him wondered, "Will that woman really come?"

"Well," Gin Jiu hung up the phone and took a puff of cigarette reassuringly, "She is the kind of person who will rush to stop her. I'm afraid she doesn't know that we are waiting for her."

"What if she doesn't come?"

"At least we already know that she is active near Mihua. Huh, it will be much easier to catch her when we have a range. A betrayer will always leave a scent."



Kido Detective Agency.

Gao Cheng vaguely heard Hui Yuan's call, and opened his eyes suddenly. His body was covered with sweat, and his fever seemed to have subsided, but he still felt very uncomfortable.

It was already 06:30, and Huiyuan hadn't come back yet, only a missed call from his mobile phone.

"When did Xiao Ai call?"

Gao Cheng sat up with his hands on his forehead, and was about to call Hui Yuan back when the phone rang.

This time it was Conan's call.

"Hey, Conan..."

"What did you say? What happened to Huiyuan?! Where's the phone? Can't you get through?"

Gao Cheng's back broke out in cold sweat again, and his face became paler.

He has never dared to underestimate the butterfly effect he brought. If there is really an accident in Huiyuan, it must be because of him...

"Where are you now? Kubado City Hotel... I see, I'll go there now."

After struggling to get out of bed, Gao Cheng leaned on the wall, staggered to the bathroom and flushed his face with cold water. The cold touch made him wake up a lot.

I looked at myself in the mirror, swallowed the pills, gulped down a full glass of warm water, changed my clothes, tied my long hair back, and put on the mask again.

Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the summoned Lake Toya with his right hand, closed the door and went downstairs under Manguno's watchful eye.

"Wang Wang!"

"Be good, Manguno, I'll be right back."

In front of the Cupido Hotel, Dr. Ali's eye-catching yellow Beetle car was parked on the side of the road. Conan held a talking device in his hand, connected it to the special glasses that Haibara was wearing, and kept calling, but there was still no response.

It just so happened that Haibara's detective badge was out of battery, so he couldn't even track the location...

"It's been almost an hour since Huiyuan disappeared," Conan said heavily. "She and I were dispersed by the chaotic crowd in the corridor of the venue. Maybe someone took her away at that time..."

"Is that the member of the organization you mentioned, Pisco?"

Gao Cheng sat in the back row, and he already knew the general situation.

The organization silenced a politician who was also a member of the organization at a memorial meeting of a famous director. The person in charge was a member of the organization code-named Pisco. It is very likely that Xiao Ai will be taken away by Pisco. big.

Conan looked at the Cupido Hotel surrounded by reporters and said: "After Huiyuan disappeared, I used your identity to call Police Officer Megure and asked him to prevent the seven people with purple handkerchiefs from leaving the hotel. Among them, the key is gin and vodka..."

"Xiao Ai should be fine for the time being, otherwise you can find me directly from your phone."

Gao Cheng got out of the car, grabbed a purple handkerchief that Conan gave him, and a small piece of chain fragments that glowed faintly in the night, and looked back at Conan who was fiddling with the equipment: "Kudou, I will find a pair Si Ke, I will leave Xiao Ai to must find her location as soon as possible, just treat it as me begging you..."

"Kiroto..." Conan stared blankly at Gao Cheng who was extremely serious, and then nodded vigorously, "I will, I will contact you as soon as I have news... But your current body..."

"It's okay, just a little cold."

In the Cupido Hotel, after Gao Cheng called Police Officer Megure, he easily entered the scene of the crime.

"Ah," Mu Mu was very happy to see Gao Cheng, "It's great that you can come, Brother Chenghu!"

The 7 people who were left behind for interrogation were all very powerful, which put him under a lot of pressure. If Gao Cheng didn't show up again, the police wouldn't be able to detain him for too long...

"They are all being interrogated in a nearby room, let me take you there," Meguro breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the mask on Gao Cheng's face in doubt, and said, "Do you not want to be reported like Mr. Kudo?"

Gao Cheng shook his head, pinched Toya Lake to cheer up and said, "Let's take a look at the scene first."

The body of the politician who was killed has been taken away, but the original traces are still preserved at the scene, and the situation after the incident was also recorded by the live TV station.

The level of the memorial meeting this time is not low. After receiving Conan's anonymous report call before the accident, Meguro rushed over to protect the politician. As a result, the venue turned off the lights because of the slide show, and finally the politician who lost his sight was in the dark He was crushed to death by a falling crystal chandelier.

Gao Cheng walked to the blood-stained crystal chandelier, and took out the purple handkerchief and small pieces again.

It looked like the chains hanging from the chandelier had been accidentally broken, as no tampering device was found at the scene.

But it's just an illusion deliberately created by the organization's silence...

What he has now is a clue.

First of all, there are purple handkerchiefs. All the guests who participated in the memorial service will receive handkerchiefs at the check-out, and the colors are different. Only 7 purple handkerchiefs were distributed.

Conan picked up the falling purple handkerchief at the time of the accident, which was suspected to be owned by the murderer, and thus locked the only 7 purple handkerchief holders in the venue.

The second is a small fragment of the chain with fluorescent paint, which fell on the dining table not far away after the incident, which is related to the method used by the murderer to make the crystal lamp fall.

"Dididi." The detective badge in his pocket suddenly sounded, and Conan's voice sounded after connecting.

"Kito, I've contacted Haibara. She seems to be locked in a room in the hotel that serves as a wine cellar. It seems that Pisco hasn't had time to tell her accomplices."

"Really?" Gao Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the corner and said in a deep voice, "I will get Pisco under control as soon as possible, you should find a way to find that wine cellar first."

"By the way, I've made Huiyuan drink the Laobaigan wine there. If everything goes well, she should be able to recover from a cold just like I did last time, and then she will be able to climb up the chimney..."

"Buzz!" After talking to Conan, the phone rang again, it was Xiao Ai's call.

"Kiroto..." Haibara's weak voice came out,

"Are you okay, Xiao Ai?" Gao Cheng asked hastily.

"Well, it's fine for the time being," Huiyuan panted slightly, "but the members of the organization will find them sooner or later, listen carefully, don't come to rescue me, you can't deal with the organization... the traces on the phone have been blocked before. I cleaned it up, they shouldn't know about my relationship with you..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Don't you understand? If they already know that I have become smaller, they will be found soon even if they escape. By then, not only the people who came to save me, but also everyone related to me will be silenced." ...We can't see each other again, this is our last call..."

"Little sorrow!"

"Beep." Before Gao Cheng could answer the call, he disconnected and heard a busy tone.

Gao Cheng frowned, gritted his teeth, put away his phone and turned to Mu Mu who was waiting stupidly aside.

"Is there something urgent?" Mu Mu asked in a daze, "If it's really inconvenient..."

"Officer Mumu," Gao Cheng interrupted, "can you take me to see those seven people?"

"Ah good."

Near the meeting place, the police were still investigating, but the suspects gradually became dissatisfied.

"What the hell does this mean?" A woman with short and medium hair wearing glasses said angrily, "It's fine if you haven't asked a question, why can't you go back after asking, and can't even make a phone call?! How long will it take?" "

Takagi smiled dryly with cold sweat: "Sorry...we still have some things to deal with, that..."

Gao Cheng followed Mu Mu over, looked at the seven suspects waiting in the corridor one by one, and got a better idea by comparing their identity information.

Naoya Tarumi, a 35-year-old music producer, is a long-faced young man with loose long hair.

Yasuo Sanping, the owner of the 62 professional baseball team, has a bald head and beard, and looks fierce.

Naoki Award-winning female writer, 38-year-old Mika Nanjo, with short-to-medium-length hair and glasses, is the one who lost her temper, with an impatient look on her face.

An honest university professor, 58-year-old Yoshiharu Pyo.

Kenzo Masuyama, the 71-year-old chairman of the automobile company, a silver-haired financial giant, checks the time on his watch from time to time.

Mai Cang, the 43-year-old emcee of the venue, said straight, quite uneasy.

The last one was Chris, a 29-year-old super popular American actress, with long blonde hair, who looked at the snow outside the window indifferently, and didn't look back until Gao Cheng passed by, with a flash of surprise on her face.

Everyone is suspicious, and everyone is not like Pisco. For organization killers who are good at camouflage and hiding, it is too difficult to identify them just by looking at them.

Pisco, however, must have been among them.

(End of this chapter)

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