Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 243 The Final Revenge

Chapter 243 The Final Revenge
In the other building, the Ice Room, a holy room, Shi Jin Junzai led everyone to break open the locked door, and what appeared in front of everyone was the fake ice room that had committed suicide by taking poison in front of the desk, and left a suicide note on the table.

"Sorry for causing a lot of trouble to everyone, the 3 murders that happened here, the culprit is me..."

Shizu picked up the suicide note and read it out: "My real name is Mizunuma, and I work with Akashi and the others, mainly as a makeup artist. In the bus crash accident that happened in this village ten years ago, we found the body of Kazusei Himuro... ..."

After reading it to the end, Shi Jin smiled and said, "Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought, this murder was due to an accident ten years ago, but the final signature is actually written with Master Himuro's name, it's really a hopeless case." poor guy."

"Hmm," Ezomatsu checked the body and looked at the half-drinking coffee next to him, "I'm not sure if I don't send it for identification, it should be cyanide poisoning."

"He actually committed suicide," Shijin revealed the burn camouflage on the face of the fake ice room, and said with a somewhat helpless chuckle, "I have another case of murderer suicide in my hands, and it doesn't seem very pleasant to say it. "

"Brother Shizu, it's thanks to you that we can solve the case anyway." Ezomatsu rummaged through the cabinet and found the costume and mask used to disguise himself as Yuki Yasha.

"It's nothing, this kind of case doesn't take much effort for me."

Shi Jinjun closed his eyes and smiled softly, squinting at Fengxue outside the window: "It's over, Kido Takasei..."

"No," Gao Cheng, wrapped in a thick blanket, appeared at the door of the study with Yuan Zi's support, tremblingly looking at the fake ice room lying on the desk, "this man is not a murderer..."

"Kiroto?" Nanase looked at Gao Cheng with a terrible expression, "Why are you frozen like this?"

"Stop talking, I accidentally fell into the canyon."

Gao Cheng's body was still trembling, he walked over Shi Jinzai and walked to the desk with tightness.

After tearing off the disguise, the face of the fake Bingshi was somewhat similar to the real Bingshi, holding a pen in his right hand next to the suicide note signed by the fake Bingshi.

The signature is still ugly...

"He didn't commit suicide, but was killed by a real prisoner." Gao Cheng confirmed.

"What did you say?" Ezosong's face was gloomy, and he pointed to the situation at the scene. "This room is locked, the key is inside, and the windows are closed from the inside. It's a secret room in the true sense! How can the murderer let Mizuuma drank poisonous coffee and left this suicide note?"

"It's very simple, this is not a secret room from the beginning."

Gao Cheng smiled and faced the crowd. Even though he looked very cold, he was still like the warm sun in the room, and his peaceful demeanor made everyone stunned.

"Detective Chenghu," Shi Jin paused, then laughed, "Don't talk nonsense just because you think you lost to me."

"This is a brutal murder case, not a reasoning contest, Shizu." Gao Cheng glanced over Shizuya and everyone present, "Everyone thought Mizunuma was the murderer, and the real murderer used this idea to make everyone think this is a secret room."

"Let us think it's a secret room?"

"That's right," Gao Cheng asked, "where were the keys when you came in?"

"Is there any problem?" Ezomatsu frowned and pointed to the rug next to him, "On the rug..."

"Did you see it as soon as you came in?"

"This one……"

"Didn't you see it? Everyone's attention is on the desk," Gao Cheng patted the desk facing the door lightly, "The real murderer can definitely walk in the back and throw away the keys while everyone is not paying attention." to the carpet...

"It was suspicious at first. Why did Mizuuma, who planned to commit suicide, throw the key on the ground? But you all thought that Mizuuma was the murderer, but ignored the trick of the real murderer."

"This..." Ezomatsu faltered and couldn't speak, he could only look at Tokitsu Junya, but Tokitsu seemed to have acquiesced and did not refute.

"Then who is the real culprit?" Shi Jin stared at Gao Chengdao.

"Who was the last to enter the room?" Gao Cheng looked at the truth in the corner under everyone's gaze, "Miss Zhen, if I guessed right, you were the last to enter the room, right? If you are behind the others, you will lose the key." It won't draw attention."

"I..." The truth was exposed in the eyes of everyone, and forced a smile, "Detective Kido, stop joking, how could I be the murderer? Didn't the suicide note left by Mizunuma make it clear?"

"Mizunuma is not right-handed." Gao Cheng interrupted calmly.

"Eh?" Truth was stunned, "But..."

"He just pretended that the ice room painter was right-handed."

Gao Cheng spread Mizunuma's left and right palms: "If you look carefully, you will know that his left hand has a thick callus, but his right hand has almost none. Why is the right hand holding a pen? I was surprised when I saw such an ugly signature before. Let’s not say that the ice room painters are artists, even ordinary people would not write like that.”

As Gao Cheng said, he glanced at Shijin: "That self-portrait was painted in front of a mirror. I discovered this at the beginning, but I thought that the artist in the ice room deliberately used his unaccustomed right hand, and the murderer destroyed it in person. The move of the camera to take away the portrait is too deliberate."

"Did you discover it from the beginning?" Shi Jin's eyes tightened, "Then you checked the video repeatedly..."

Gao Cheng shook his head lightly: "Haven't you noticed? The real method used by the murderer to kill Rie Kanar."

"If you want to talk about how the murderer crossed the river," Shi Jin said, pointing at the map, "I've already figured it out. You can easily cross this narrow area with a rope, and the only person who can commit crimes is a fake ice room, that is, Mizuma alone."

"You haven't done an on-the-spot investigation, have you? Mizuuma is not the only one who can commit a crime."

"Are you trying to tell the truth?"

Shi Jin laughed and said: "You should also know that it took her exactly 20 minutes to drive to the hotel at that time, so it is impossible for her to kill someone, right?"

"What if the 20-minute drive was shortened to five minutes?"

"Impossible. If there are only people, you can use a rope to go back and forth. There is no way for a car..."

"It can be done as long as you build a bridge," Gao Cheng interrupted, "Although there is no experiment, but I have checked, there is indeed a way to build an ice bridge before, using ropes, hay, snow and water, you can build an ice bridge. An ice bridge bearing tons of weight is enough to drive a car across the river."

Gao Cheng paused, and turned to the pale truth.

He hadn't thought that this girl who was like a sister next door with glasses would be a murderer before, but facts are facts.

"Ms. Truth, at the beginning, you deliberately changed the script to make Rie Garner angry and stay in the museum, adding a plot that would make her disgusted. The only loophole is that the changed script does not have the sender that a normal fax should have. , sending time and other information, so after you photocopied the new script, cut out the corresponding parts... Just ask the playwright to confirm this matter."

"Similarly, in order for everyone to move to the annex, you turned off the faucet and caused the water pipes to freeze. When you were resting at night, you rushed to the prepared canyon to complete the final tower bridge work, but the ice bridge was accidentally destroyed by Akashi. The photographer found out that he had to kill Akashi first and hide Akashi in the snowman in front of the museum."

"The hay in Akashi's hand is proof."

There was only Gao Cheng's deep and hoarse voice in the study.

"After that, you went back to the other building as if nothing had happened, and saw that everyone was afraid of Garner, so you made an excuse to drive to the main building. In fact, instead of taking the 20-minute drive, you just passed the ice bridge and arrived at the main building in a few minutes. After you disguised yourself as Yuki Yasha to carry out the murder plan, you returned to the car and arrived at the hotel in time, this is your alibi."

Nanase wondered: "In this case, as long as the ice bridge is discovered afterwards..."

"As long as it is burned, the ice bridge will collapse soon when it is heated, and the old man happened to see the ghost fire at that time."

Gao Cheng led the crowd back to the canyon on the snow, picked up a handful of hay and said, "That's not a real will-o'-the-wisp, but the flame when the truth burned the ice bridge. Although the ice bridge collapsed and was washed away by the river, There's still some charred dry grass underneath, including half a burnt rope."

"But didn't the old man say that he saw the ghost fire on the side of the memorial tablet?"

"The old man saw that it was in the same direction as the Spiritual Relief Monument, so he mistakenly thought it was a ghost fire..."

"No, it's not a ghost fire?" The old man took a shotgun, walked out of the woods tremblingly, covered with snow, and murmured, looking at the narrow river, "Ice Bridge has a history of decades, this weather is indeed It's easy to set up, and the river below is scooped up, splashed on the hay and snow, and it freezes in one fell swoop."

Gao Cheng nodded: "I have asked Mr. Jiang Chuan to go to the opposite side, and I can experiment again soon..."

"No need," Truth walked out of the crowd, and said with tears in her eyes, "this will be fine."

"What's the motive?" Shi Jin looked at the truth reluctantly, "Isn't this too strange? No matter how you look at it, it's just those guys who are not evenly sharing the spoils..."

Truth turned his back to everyone, and ignored Shi Jin: "You won't understand, so let's end here."

"In the bus accident ten years ago," Gao Cheng continued, "in the report at that time, there was another child who survived. A girl who lost her mother was supposed to return to this village with her mother, but Quickly leave the girl who got on that bus..."

"Difficult, is it?" The old man's lips trembled, and his eyes widened to look at the truth.

"At that time my mother was still alive," Truth burst into tears, turning her head and stepping back to the edge of the cliff, "They only cared about discussing the legacy of the ice room, regardless of my mother's life... I could only watch my mother die... "

"Dangerous!" Gao Cheng's complexion changed, and he rushed forward eagerly, grasping the arm of truth that had slipped down the cliff.

"Let me go!" Truth raised her head and cried, "Let go! This is Yuki Yasha's final revenge!"

Gao Cheng clenched his teeth: "Does your mother want to see you become like this?"

Truth was full of resentment: "So what? Do you know how I got here all these years? What's the point of being the only one left alive? Let me go down to accompany her..."

"Truth!" The old man cried bitterly and knelt down in the snow, "If you want to hate, you can hate me. I was the one who made you Xue Yasha! If I didn't drive away my daughter...Truth, I'm sorry... If killing me makes you feel better, just kill me..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Gao Cheng's arm wound opened again, and he gasped, "Help me! I can't hold it anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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