Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 285 Explosion, Explosion

Chapter 285 Explosion, Explosion

"Speaking of which," Uncle Mori doubted, "Mr. Kisaragi, I heard that you were very angry because Mio bought your painting and then sold it at a high price."

"Hmph," the old man said coldly, "I wouldn't kill someone just because of that kind of thing! And you just mentioned the case of Mr. Oki and Mr. Yuan. It sounds like a serial murder case, right? If it's really like you By the way, when the second Mr. Yuan was killed, I had an alibi, doesn't that mean I wasn't the murderer?"

Gao Cheng stood aside, silently watching old man Ruyue.

The matter of the small wine glass has not been disclosed yet. If the old man Kisaragi had nothing to do with the previous two incidents, it is indeed impossible to specially leave the small wine glass at the scene.


The prerequisite is that old man Kisaragi has nothing to do with the previous events.

On the surface, it seems that the old man Ruyue has an alibi, but the suspicion of the old man cannot be ruled out because the small wine glass in the second incident was not left at the time of the incident, plus the clean shooting...

Gao Cheng narrowed his gaze.

If it is said that Mr. Yuan was not killed by the same prisoner, the alibi of the old man Ruyue and the issue of leaving the small wine glass after the blood coagulated would make sense.

"By the way," Hidehiko Kazama recalled, "When the scene got dark, I felt as if someone ran to Mio's place and said something to her. At that time, I could smell a faint scent of perfume..."

Sawaguchi hurriedly explained: "That person is me, but... I went there to confirm the next procedure with the president..."

"Hmph!" Uncle Mori suddenly realized, "Police Department Megure, I know who the murderer is! It's you, Tomina Sawaguchi!"

"Huh?!" Gao Cheng squinted his eyes and looked at the uncle.

"Miss Sawaguchi," the uncle said in a deep voice, "I heard that your father is a reporter with a strong sense of justice, and he often exposes the illegal acts of some politicians, right?

"You went to work in the Tokiwa Group after the death of your father and served as the secretary of the company president. This time, another illegal act occurred in the construction of the twin towers. Mio and Mr. Hara bribed the city councilor Mr. Oki and asked him to revise the municipal policy. The bill, which originally did not allow the construction of high-rise buildings, was forcibly changed and passed in the end.

"You who inherited your father's character can't tolerate this kind of thing, so you killed all three of them..."

"Huh?" Gao Cheng wiped his cold sweat.

This guy has started again. Without Conan, I don’t know how many unjust, false and wrong cases will appear...

The real prisoner should be old man Ruyue, but what is the motive of old man Ruyue?Why did you kill three people including your own students?
Ignoring Uncle Mao Li's nonsense, Gao Cheng thoughtfully walked back and forth around the stage, and bumped into Xiao Ai head-on.

"Are you looking for this?" Xiao Ai held a scattered pearl, "It just fell in the corner of the stage."

Gao Cheng took the pearl, looked back at Ruyue Fengshui, and said worriedly: "Xiao Ai, there is indeed something wrong with this case, Mr. Yuan was probably killed by those guys... I will let the doctor take you back first Bar."

"What about you?"

"Drip!" In the power room on the fourth basement floor of Building A, the timers scattered around flickered, and the entire area was sealed off by the explosion, and the flames surged wildly.

As if a switch had been pressed, the middle floors of the building exploded one after another, and the whole building plunged into darkness amid violent shocks.

"Bang bang bang-!"

"what happened?"

Gao Cheng held Huiyuan slightly with his palms, and as the building shook, the guests at the scene also became slightly confused, and everyone was a little at a loss.

"Is it an earthquake?"

"seems not……"

Gao Cheng held Hui Yuan tightly and walked to the side of the venue, looked out through the floor-to-ceiling windows, there was nothing wrong with Building B, it seemed that only Building A had problems.

Hidehiko Kazama urgently contacted the security room: "What happened?"

The security director hurriedly said amidst the rapid siren: "There was an explosion in the motor room and the generator room on the 4th floor underground! There is also the computer room on the 40th floor!"

"The computer room also exploded?!"

"How is this possible? There is the main computer used by the Tokiwa Group to store important information. Isn't the security level the highest?"

"It's too late to take care of this!" The security director yelled, "There is also a fire inside the building on the 40th floor. Hurry up and evacuate from the venue!"

Gao Cheng silently looked at Hidehiko Kazama who was in contact with the security guard.

If the explosion in the power room could be a coincidence, it would be very problematic that the computer room on the 40th floor also exploded at the same time. Obviously it was man-made...

"It seems that you are right," Huiyuan said softly, "For the members who defected from the organization, they will destroy all evidence, including the computer data in the hands of the traitors and even the people around them... This time, even the entire Tokiwa Group My main computer was destroyed..."

"Why this time?" Gao Cheng couldn't help but look at Hidehiko Kazama again.

If this guy wasn't there, I really thought there was another Moriya Teiji...

But now things are even more troublesome, and this place is actually being targeted by the black organization.

Mu Mu looked at everyone present and said in a deep voice, "Is the elevator useless?"

"The observation elevator may still work," Kazama Hidehiko pressed the button of the observation elevator, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the power was not cut off. "Because it is used by VIPs, the power supply is set separately."

"What about the number of people?"

"It can carry 9 people."

Hundreds of guests at the scene looked nervously at Police Officer Mumu and his party, and no one didn't care if they could get on the elevator and be rescued first.

Officer Shiratori frowned and said, "It takes too much time to load everyone, is there any other way?"

"If you take the escape elevator to the 60th floor, you can go to Building B next door via the connecting bridge."

"Okay!" Mu Mu murmured, "Let the elderly, women and children take the lookout elevator down, and the others use the escape stairs to evacuate!"

"Let's go." Gao Cheng put a borrowed hat on for Hui Yuan, and asked Hui Yuan to follow Ayumi and the children into the elevator.

"Kiroto..." Huiyuan walked to the elevator entrance, stopped and looked back at Gao Cheng.

"Don't worry, I will go down soon."

Gao Cheng nodded with a chuckle, and looked at Conan who was left behind due to overload.

Eyes swept over the rest of the people: "Then the rest of the ladies, Mr. Conan and Mr. Kisaragi, please take the next bus..."

"I'll go down the stairs," Ru Yuefeng hummed with a straight face.

"But, Mr. Kisaragi, you..."

"Don't treat me like an old man!"

"Okay," Meguro stopped talking, turned to Hidehiko Kazama and said, "Mr. Kazama, I'll trouble you to lead the way for everyone... Shiratori, you go first, I will follow later..."

"it is good."

A large number of people left the venue following Hidehiko Kazama, only a few women were left in front of the elevator, Xiaolan, Sonoko, and Conan...

"Officer Mumu," Gao Cheng said, "Leave this to me, and you can go down too."

"Huh?" Mu Mu's face was blank.

"I should be able to take the elevator together," Gao Cheng looked at Mumu and Dr. Ali's comparable body size, and said with a chuckle, "But officer..."

Mu Mu coughed lightly, and handed the flashlight to Gao Chengdao: "Okay, be careful."


Gao Cheng watched Mu Mu run away, frowning and lost in thought.

There was no movement after the first wave of explosions, and what was the purpose of blowing up the power room?
To keep automatic sprinklers from working?

No, since the computer room was blown up, it shouldn't matter whether the fire is extinguished...

Or is it to deal with the people who attended the banquet?

However, many people left before the explosion, and the power supply of the observation elevator was not damaged, and the connecting bridge was also intact...

Watch the elevator go back to the 75th floor and open the door, and the rest of the people walked into the elevator one after another.

Gao Cheng took a step forward, suddenly the hairs all over his body stood on end, his eyes narrowed and he grabbed Yuanzi who was walking towards the elevator.

"What's wrong?" Yuanzi asked confusedly.

Gao Cheng shook his head: "Conan, you guys take the elevator down first, and Yuanzi and I will go to the bridge."

"Eh?" Yuanzi's eyes widened, "Why?"

Conan's eyes fell on Sonoko's hairstyle, and his expression also changed: "Could it be..."

(End of this chapter)

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