Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 29 The Disappearing Corpse

Chapter 29 The Disappearing Corpse

After a while, the man's younger brother returned home very quickly. He was the owner of the house, an employee of a securities company named Tomoshi Tanaka.

When the police officer brought him to Officer Megure, Tomoshi Tanaka looked at the messy room in surprise.

"Officer, what's going on here?"

Mu Mu explained: "We received a call from these children, saying that a dead body was found in your home."

"Corpse, corpse?"

"It's so noisy!! Can't you be quiet?!" At this time, because Yuan Tai accidentally broke a clay pot, followed by a man's roar from upstairs, everyone was startled .

The man looked towards the second floor: "Is my brother on the second floor now?"

"Yeah, he seems to be quite angry," Mu Mu asked habitually with a bad face, "May I ask, what industry does your brother work in?"

"My brother is a freelance writer, so he often stays at home to write," Tomoshi Tanaka explained, and handed out another card, "This is my business card..."

Gaocheng looked at Tomoshi Tanaka, who seemed more easy-going when talking with Police Officer Megure.

What a strange pair of brothers, obviously the older brother lives in his home, but the younger brother seems to be afraid of the older brother, more honest than Police Officer Takagi.

But where did the body go?

The police search was still going on, but even the attic and even the floor were searched, but nothing was found.

Mu Mu's expression became even uglier, and he turned to Tomoshi Tanaka and said, "I've searched everywhere, and now only your brother's room is left..."

"Well, it's okay if my brother doesn't mind."

Tanaka Zhishi led the crowd to the door of his brother's room, knocked lightly on the door and said, "Brother, can I go in?"

After knocking a few more times, seeing no one responded, Tomoshi Tanaka took the initiative to open the door, only to see his brother propping his head inside, sitting motionless on a chair to sleep, and the TV in front of him was still playing.

He carefully walked over to have a look, then turned his head and said to everyone: "It's okay, come in, he is already asleep."

"Okay, let's finish the search quickly."

Mu Mu led a few policemen into the room, but the room was very simple, with basically nothing in it, and found nothing after looking through the cabinets by the wall.

Mu Mu deliberately opened the curtains and looked outside, only to see a big tree and a high wall.

Gao Cheng also moved to the window, opened the window and peeped out.

If the body wasn't in the house, it was most likely moved outside, but there doesn't appear to be anything in particular.

There is no reason, although his reasoning is like that, but his observation ability is not weak. Originally, there is a bonus of observation ability in the way of swordsmanship. After so many days of adaptation, plus learning and training, it is not as good as Conan, but it is not weak. There should be no trace of it...

"Really," Tomoshi Tanaka suddenly looked helplessly at his brother in front of the TV, "I don't turn off the TV even if I want to sleep..."

"Crack!" As soon as he said that, the TV was turned off.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and hurried out of the room: "Oops! It seems to have woken him up!"

"Ah?" Before Gao Cheng had time to think about it, he was dragged out of the room together in a panic, almost losing Kai Mei.

What are you doing?

At night, the police who had been busy for nothing complained that they closed the team and left, no longer believing the testimony of Conan and the others.

But this is also helpless, the whole house has been searched, but there is no sign of a dead body. There is a high embankment outside the wall behind the house. Although a person can climb the wall by relying on a big tree, he wants to dispose of the body. But it is impossible.

After Gao Cheng handed over Kaimei to the client as his younger brother, he returned to the scene and looked at the second floor thoughtfully.

It's still a little uncertain, but when he entered that brother's room, he always felt that something was wrong, as if there was something that caught his attention.

"Are you still there?" Seeing Gao Cheng sneaking into the courtyard, Yuantai and the others approached dissatisfiedly, "Really, this is our case!"

Gao Cheng came back to his senses, the corners of his mouth twitched, and after realizing that Conan was not there, he whispered, "I just want to help you find the corpse...By the way, where is your friend with glasses?"

"You mean Conan," Yuan Tai replied as if Gao Cheng wanted to help when he heard that Gao Cheng wanted to help, "Conan went to the house by himself just now."

"Already in?"

Gao Cheng's expression tightened, and he climbed up the big tree behind the yard without asking any more questions from the children.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Tai hurriedly exclaimed in a low voice: "Hey! That strange uncle is still inside..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Cheng nimbly jumped into the window on the second floor that was opened earlier.

"Okay, that's amazing!" Yuan Tai and the others watched Gao Cheng quietly enter the second floor in a daze.

"Who the hell is he?" Mitsuhiko asked confusedly.

Ayumi wrinkled her little nose, thinking hard: "I really seem to have seen it somewhere..."

"Ayumi, you're thinking too much, he just resembles Conan."


On the second floor of the house, the man in the bathrobe still maintained that strange sleeping position.

Gao Chengluo stabilized his figure, looked at the man immediately, and suddenly frowned under the moonlight.

In this quiet environment, something is even more obvious...

Without the sound of breathing, the man gave him a completely different feeling from a living person. This kind of feeling is either a lurking master or a dead person!
It just so happens that the original owner is quite sensitive to dead bodies and the like...

Gao Cheng swallowed his saliva and walked to the man's side, poked his fingers trembling slightly, and suddenly felt that the motionless man's body was already showing signs of stiffness.

Corpse, corpse! !

Gao Cheng took a few steps back.

So that was the reason why the body could not be found... But how did it happen?
"It's you?" Conan sneaked into the room and found that Gao Cheng was already inside. He couldn't help being surprised, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing here? Go back quickly, the murderer is still in the room, you are too young for a child." It's dangerous."

"Aren't you a child too?" Gao Cheng curled his lips, suddenly his expression became tense, and he hurriedly pulled Conan to the corner of the room.

"Those damned brats, haven't you given up yet?" With the sound of footsteps going upstairs, Tomoshi Tanaka entered his brother's room cursingly holding a golf club.

Conan was sweating profusely. When he watched the gloomy Tomoshi Tanaka looking out of the window, he nervously pulled Gao Cheng back to move towards the door.

"Who?" Tanaka heard the movement, and hurriedly turned around in horror, "Yes, it's you?"

"Run!" Conan's face changed, and while Tanaka was in a daze, he hurriedly dragged Gao Cheng out of the room.

Tomoshi Tanaka's face changed, thinking that the matter might have been exposed, he raised his golf club and chased after him with a ferocious face: "Come back to me!!"

"Damn it!" Conan gritted his teeth and ran to the place where he put his foot strengthening shoes, but turned around to find that Gao Cheng hadn't followed.


"Go to hell, kid!"

At the stairway, Gao Cheng had already summoned the wooden knife Toyako and waited for the crazy-looking Tomoshi Tanaka. He calmly avoided the violent attack of the club, and suddenly grasped the handle of the knife with both hands and raised it vigorously.

Tomoshi Tanaka's distorted smile froze on his face, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Bang!" Taking advantage of the inertia of Tanaka Zhishi's attack, the wooden knife easily picked it up, flew directly over Gao Cheng's head, rolled and fell on the floor of the corridor behind.

"Eh?!" Conan hurriedly put on his shoes and rushed back, only to see Gaocheng standing beside the unconscious Tomoshi Tanaka, and as for Toyako, the system was withdrawn the moment the attack was over.


"He fell down the stairs all of a sudden," Gao Cheng spread his hands to express that it had nothing to do with him, and asked with deep eyes as he looked at Conan who was shocked, "However, I'm still very surprised, if Mr. Tanaka is the murderer, How on earth did he do it? At that time, his brother still yelled and cursed loudly, right?"

"It's because of the answering machine," Conan explained with a confident look on his face when he returned to the topic of reasoning. "He recorded it before the police came, just like this."

As Conan spoke, he took out Tomoshi Tanaka's mobile phone and pressed the speed dial button, and the house suddenly heard the scary scolding sound before: "It's so noisy!! Can't you be quiet?!"

"Look," Conan laughed, "he turned the ringer in the house to silent, and when we didn't pay attention to press the speed dial button on the mobile phone, the answering machine automatically rang, which sounded like His brother was cursing on the second floor."

"But on the second floor, didn't his brother turn off the TV?"

"I think it's because he has set the timer to turn off the VCR in advance, and it's just to cooperate with the acting skills. Because he is worried that we will find out that my brother is dead, so he is anxious to let us leave that room."

"So that's how it is." Gao Cheng figured everything out and looked at Conan with a complicated expression, "You are really amazing. Although I know he is the murderer, I have no idea how he did it."

It was only then that Conan had time to look at Gao Cheng carefully, and he vaguely felt a little familiar: "Speaking of which, who the hell are you?"

The face under the light is similar to but different from his, with an indescribable temperament... In short, he doesn't look like an ordinary child.

"I'm just a kid passing by." Gao Cheng smiled softly, turned around and left from the entrance, this time he solved the incident as a child, he didn't have any idea about reputation from the beginning, it's okay to give the credit to Conan .

"What a weird guy."

Conan put his hands in his pockets, walked past Tomoshi Tanaka with half-open eyes, suddenly frowned, and looked at a scratch on the shirt on Tomoshi Tanaka's chest.

"Strange, it looks like it was chopped with something...a knife?"

For some reason, the images of Gao Cheng's shots appeared in Conan's mind: "Wooden knife?"

"Conan!" Ayumi and the others heard the movement, called the police, rushed into the open entrance, and saw Tomoshi Tanaka who was resting, said in surprise, "Is it over?"

"Damn it!" Yuan Tai stared at Conan with a displeased face, "It's you playing handsome again!"

Conan came back to his senses, black lines all over his head: Where did he play handsome?Very dangerous!

Looking at the chattering people, Conan rolled his eyes, shook his head and said, "It's all thanks to that kid, I don't even have time to do anything."

"Eh?" Yuan Tai was taken aback, "Really? That strange kid?"

"Yeah, and..."

Conan looked back at the faint knife marks, paused, and shook his head mockingly: How could it be that guy?Just a weird kid.

(End of this chapter)

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