Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 319 Detectives Gather

Chapter 319 Detectives Gather

On a rainy night in spring, with two headlights on, a car rounds a corner and goes up the wet winding road.

Xiaolan looked at the scary villa in the rain on the cliff in the distance, and worried: "Dad, are we really going there?"

"Fool, of course I want to go," Uncle Mao Li said helplessly, "I have already received the invitation letter, and there is a check for 200 million yuan..."

"But," Xiaolan said still very worried, "isn't it strange that the host who hosted the banquet signed on the invitation letter?"

"You said the phrase 'abandoned by the gods, the son of the phantom'," Uncle Maori said disapprovingly, "Why do you care so much, I guess it's probably a sham."

"Dad, I think it's better not to go, I always feel that my heart is creepy, if there are vampires, it will be terrible..."

"Please, we're almost here. No matter how you say it, there can't be any vampires. If you really want to say something, at most the old monster in the mountain is right, haha!"

The uncle joked, suddenly a figure appeared in the headlights in front of him, and an old woman with an umbrella appeared in the middle of the mountain road.


The startled uncle slammed on the brakes and narrowly stopped in front of the old man: "Old demon in the mountain!"

The old man was full of white hair and wore small round glasses. He said in a hoarse voice, "Isn't it impolite for you to call a woman you meet for the first time? My lovely Fiat has turned off, so I'm waiting here People pass by..."

The old man pointed to the car on the side of the road behind him: "You must also go to the Twilight Villa, right? Can you give me a ride along the way?"

"This...then please sit in the back seat..."

"Thank you."

The old man sat with Conan in the back seat with his luggage bag.

"Dad," Xiaolan suddenly whispered, "If you really want to go, can you hurry up? I really want to go to the bathroom..."

"It's so long-winded!"

"Miss," the old man said with a hoarse smile, "I may be a little meddling when I say that, but the principal of the elementary school in our town often says that successful people are those who know how to seize opportunities... When you were at the gas station just now, why didn't you How about going to the toilet?"

Conan looked at the old man unexpectedly: "Grandma, how do you know we went to the gas station just now?"

The old man smiled kindly and said: "Little brother, this question is too simple. The ashtray in the car is empty, but there are cigarette butts that have just been smoked under it... There were so many cigarette butts in the ashtray that it was full, indicating that there is something wrong with it." A person with a heavy cigarette addiction, and the ashtray is empty, which means that you have just been to the gas station ten kilometers ago...

"A gentleman who would give a strange old woman a ride on the road would naturally not be able to throw his cigarette butt out the window in front of his daughter?"

Uncle Mao Li stared wide-eyed and listened to the old man's reasoning: " are..."

"My name is Qianjian Jiangdai," the old man said slowly, "I'm a detective like you, the sleeping Mr. Kogoro."


Not long after Uncle Maori drove away, a bridge car also passed the stalled Fiat on the side of the road and headed for the Twilight Lodge on a distant cliff.

Huiyuan sat in the co-pilot seat, staring at the Twilight Annex with a strange atmosphere in the night.

There is still no change from the last time I came here, and it rains every time...

"Kiroto, are you really going?"

"Is it still possible not to go?" Gao Cheng glanced at the car parked on the side of the road, "The senior suddenly said that he would invite all the detectives to solve the mystery of the treasure, and told me to come..."

"I'm afraid things are not that simple..." Huiyuan said softly, "Maybe this will be a road to hell."

"Then it's time to go."

Gao Cheng speeded up and drove across a fork in the road. After seeing a wooden bridge in front of him, he stopped the car on the side of the road.

Originally, he planned to let Dashang give up by himself. He couldn't find the treasure for a long time and finally let it go. Unexpectedly, this guy chose to take the risk...

Those gathered detectives are probably in danger.

"That guy came to me at this time, maybe he didn't want to repent or even silence him, so..."

Gao Cheng put on his raincoat and got out of the car, turned his head and said to Hui Yuan: "Xiao Ai, there is no signal in the mountain, if something happens, I can only trouble you to go down the mountain and call the police... But it probably won't get to that point, and I won't be easy to deal with of."


A thunder and lightning tore through the night sky, Gao Cheng hurried across the wooden bridge, leaving Hui Yuan waiting in the car alone.


Huiyuan grasped his palms tightly and silently watched Gao Cheng disappear into the rain.


At the entrance of the Dusk Annex, there was a row of cars in the yard.

Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Porsche, Alfa Romeo... and a cheap car from a mishmash...

Except for the last one, almost all of them are quite expensive and famous cars. This time, the detective hired by Da Shang is quite rich. The owner of the last cheap car...could be Uncle Maori who often rents cars, right?
If Conan is here, the treasure code may be unlocked soon...

Gao Cheng stood quietly in the yard and looked at the magnificent haunted house in front of him. He didn't enter directly through the gate. A card with a scary ghost appeared in his hand, and he disappeared with a swipe, as if no one had been there.

"Bang bang bang!" As the door of the annex opened with a creak, without warning, all the cars exploded, and the sound echoed throughout the annex, and the flames could be clearly seen by Huiyuan who was waiting on the other side of the valley. .

Not only the Dusk Villa, but even the wooden bridge across the valley was involved in the explosion and collapsed in a sea of ​​flames, leaving two wreckages facing each other across the dark ravine.

Huiyuan got out of the car with a pale complexion, and looked worriedly at the Twilight Annex.

In the annex, everyone sat around the long dining table, and food detective Da Mu stood up in shock: "Wh, what's that sound? What happened just now?"

"Don't worry," said a masked man in front of the dining table, "I just want to limit your freedom of movement... You and the police have been chasing me in the past, and I should exchange positions occasionally That's right, to be honest, I blew up not only the car, but also the only suspension bridge that I could leave. In addition, there is no phone here, and the mobile phone is not within range...

"Please enjoy the Last Supper!"

"Huh?" Outside the restaurant, a short-haired maid looked in the direction of the door in doubt. It seemed that a gust of wind was blowing, and she shivered suddenly.

I wanted to take a look in fear, but after hearing the voice of the masked man, I didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly pushed the dining car into the room.

"The appetizer is a foie gras pie with diced truffles... Please take your time..."

"Hey," Uncle Maori swallowed with surprise, "You mean, the Kaitou Kidd invited us to dine here this time, and it's the last supper?!"

"Yes," Da Shang said with a pinched mustache, "Yes, it seems that he wants us famous detectives to have a contest of wits here, and use the treasure he stole before to fight with our lives." bet……"

"He may be hiding somewhere to observe us now, because there seem to be hidden cameras everywhere in this villa..."

"Father," Xiaolan's face was a little uncomfortable, she looked around in fear, pulled Uncle Mao Li who was talking with many detectives, and said in a low voice, "Do you feel that it's suddenly getting cold here, as if someone is watching us, It's the same as in the Wutengu incident before..."

(End of this chapter)

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