Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 334 Battleship Class Red Sakura 2

Chapter 334 Battleship Class Red Sakura 2
"This is the real red cherry tree!"

A loud voice suddenly came from the roof above the deck: "Each knife has the combat power of ten warships! It can destroy anything!"

Gao Cheng looked up, and saw a tall man with disheveled hair standing on a high place with his arms folded, his sleeves fluttering in the cold wind, beside him was a man in a purple bathrobe with black and purple mid-length hair, a His eyes were bandaged, and he held a long pipe in his hand. Although he was a little short, he exuded a strong and dangerous aura, and the only remaining eyes looked at Gao Cheng faintly.

"This is not a place where little ghosts can come casually."

"Not a brat."

Gao Cheng looked up.

Takasugi Shinsuke, the leader of the ship, was also one of the four people who used to be active with Sakata Gintoki in the later period of the war against barbarians. Even now, he has been planning to destroy the world.

Of course, the strength of swordsmanship is not low...

"You bastard..." Gao Shan paused his fingers slightly, and looked at Gao Cheng suspiciously.

"Bang!" Suddenly there was another shock, and a battleship directly hit the big ship, and there was a loud shout of killing, and a series of warrior ronin boarded the ship with swords, and started fighting with the ghost army.

"Takasugi, how dare you kill Katsura Kotaro, the hope of our anti-barbarians! This crime is absolutely unforgivable!"


Gao Cheng looked back, almost all the warships in mid-air were destroyed by red cherry blossoms, but one or two warships broke into the vicinity of the big ship and started a hand-to-hand battle. Okada Nizo, who used red cherry blossoms, also returned again, and the entangled tentacles turned out to be Instead of a broken arm, a large number of samurai were knocked away with a single blow.

It's even scarier than last time...

"Xinba," Gao Cheng pressed the handle of the knife intently, "you two go to the warehouse, destroy all the red cherry blossoms inside if you can, and find a place to hide if you can't..."

"Ah? And Hong Sakura?" Shimura Shinpachi said in a daze, "By the way...why do you know me?!"

"If you want to know, you have to live first..."

Gao Cheng gave a warning, drew his sword in a swish, cut down several samurai rushing in a few flashes of the sword, and rushed towards Okada Nizo who was waving the red cherry.

"Come on!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Accompanied by the crisp beeping of the sword blades, several katanas slashed at Gao Cheng, and the next moment they all bounced off and splashed blood, and the samurai retreated, leaving a passage between Gao Cheng and Okada Shizo.

"It's you?!" Okada Sicang stopped killing, closed his eyes and looked back at Gao Cheng, the familiar light seemed a bit dazzling.

Gao Cheng didn't speak, he turned his blade sideways and gritted his teeth to launch an attack.


Inside the cabin, Shimura Shinpachi and Kagura and Takato separated and hurried through the aisle. Because of the chaos on board, entering the core area was surprisingly smooth.

"Is Mr. Gui really still on this ship?"

"Dingchun smelled the smell, there should be nothing wrong...but I was arrested without looking carefully..."

The two entered the warehouse with dense pipes together.

As Gao Cheng saw, there are rows of cultivation tanks under the escalator.

"right here."

"This is……"

Shimura Shinpachi leaned on the iron railing, and looked down in surprise at the katanas emitting a red halo.

"Is this Red Sakura? There are so many knives in Okada Nizo's hand..."


On the side deck of the big ship, several warriors threw and screamed and fell off the ship. The rest of the warriors avoided one after another, leaving two knives slashing and colliding frantically.

An ordinary sword, a monster sword with red light...

Gao Cheng gripped the handle of the knife tightly and slashed back and forth on the side of the narrow boat. The blade made a sharp whining sound as it hit the red cherry blossoms wrapped in electric current again and again.

"You're pretty strong!" Okada closed his eyes to block the sword that was slashing at his vitals, "I should have killed you first last time..."

"Thinking too much," Gao Cheng panted and retreated, wiped his sweat and smiled, "Don't you know? I'm immortal!"


Okada looked surprised and licked his tongue.

"It is said that there is a monster that cannot be killed, is it you? Hehe, if it is true, I want to hack you to death even more!"

"me too!"

On the top of the boat, Shinsuke Takasugi left, only the man with disheveled hair still rolled up his sleeves, standing motionless at the air vent and watching the red cherry blossoms in battle.

"It's useless! The more data Red Sakura collects, the stronger it becomes! It's not something an ordinary samurai can deal with. No one can win my Red Sakura!"

"Are you the swordsmith who made the red cherry?"

Gao Cheng glanced at the man with a loud voice above him from the corner of his eye, and faced Okada with his knife again.

"Sorry, I'm not a samurai, I'm just a simple swordsman... No, to be precise, I'm just a private detective passing by."

Indeed, theoretically speaking, Hongying will indeed become stronger and stronger, but no matter what, the user is still a physical body, and the increase in combat power is just to speed up death. Whoever can hold on will be the one who has the last laugh.


In the cabin warehouse, unlike the fierce battle outside, the atmosphere inside the ship was a bit too quiet.

Kagura and the female gunslinger Matako Laishima went to other places to fight. Outside the warehouse, only Shimura Shinpachi and lolicon staff officer Takeshi confronted each other.

Shimura Shinpachi held the handle of the knife with both hands in an attacking posture, but the blade shook violently

"It seems that you have practiced swordsmanship in the dojo." Takeshi casually held the tachi in his hand and stood quietly looking at it. "But this is the first time for a real fight, right? Your hands are shaking so badly..."

Shinpachi's whole body was trembling, and the afterimage of the blade shook directly: "I, the more I shake... the more swords you see..."

Thinking that Gao Cheng, who was about the same age, was still fighting against such a terrifying red cherry outside, Shinpachi swallowed his saliva to muster up his courage.

Just now he glanced at the swordsmanship used by Gao Cheng, the shadow of Tian Wuxinliu, a family tradition of swordsmanship in Zhicun. In this case, he has nothing to be afraid of. He must abide by the agreement and get out alive. At least he must know how to return the book in his arms. How could the other party know him.

Although I don't quite understand it, but I feel vaguely familiar with it just after meeting, like a friend...


On the top deck, Gao Cheng flew upside down with a bang and hit the chimney heavily. Half of the knife blade spun and fell quickly, directly submerged into the ship's plank, and his right arm also fell aside along with the handle of the knife.

Gao Cheng groaned and straightened his body up. Blood sprayed out from his right arm, which was cut off shoulder-length, and his clothes were dyed a bright red.

Rao had suffered countless injuries in the war against the barbarians, so his expression could not help but change.

The severe pain was nothing, but the loss of his right arm meant that he had lost his main fighting ability. He didn't have tentacles as arms.

Okada Shizo did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but fought with Sakata Gintoki who rushed to the spaceship, and Gao Cheng seemed to be forgotten.

Indeed, losing an arm is almost equivalent to losing life for a swordsman...

Gao Cheng staggered and stood up.

The pain unexpectedly began to subside, the expected weakness did not hit, but he became more energetic, and there were bursts of itching from the broken arm.

In just a blink of an eye, the right hand felt again.

Grabbing his fingers, Gao Cheng looked at the broken arm in doubt, and found that the arm had grown back. If it wasn't for the blood still dripping from the broken sleeve, he almost thought that everything just now was an illusion.

What exactly is going on?

Gao Cheng was stunned, and his eyes trembled slightly when he realized that the system's light curtain was actually opened.


"Bang!" There was a loud explosion between the decks, and a big hole was opened to reach the cabin. Shimura Shinpachi stared blankly.

Under the bright light, Okada Shizo has completely turned into a monster, roaring like a beast, his hands and feet have completely turned into wire-like tentacles, pressing Sakata Gintoki, who does not know whether he is alive or dead, hard under the ruins.

"Silver Sang!"


The fighting in the cabin stopped, and everyone looked at the monster that had attacked regardless of whether it was the enemy or ourselves.

"W-what's the matter?"

"It seems to have been completely eroded by Hongying!" The loud voice stood at the edge of the cave and looked down, "Shizo, who has lost his self-awareness, has turned into a sword, even Shiroyasha can't stop it! This is Hongying's. The perfect state, the true ultimate blade, the power that can only be obtained by those who stick to their own path and abandon all distracting thoughts! These people with distracting thoughts cannot be opponents!
"Tiezi, you brought White Yasha here just to die!"

"how come……"

The loud sister Tiezi, a short-haired girl with goggles lying on the entrance of the cave, saw Okada go crazy, gritted her teeth, grabbed the Taidao and jumped into the cabin, stabbing hard at Sakata Yinshi's tentacles.

"I can't let him die, I won't let him die! I don't want anyone to die by Hong Ying's hands!"

The short-haired girl cried and clenched the Taidao tightly, inserted all her strength into the tentacle node, and Kagura and the others desperately prevented the red cherry blade from falling.

"Brother, this kind of thing is enough!"

"Why?" With a loud voice, he bent down and looked closely at his sister who was shrouded in the light of Hongying's knife, "Tiezi, why don't you understand me? I gave everything for Hongying, even abandoned my conscience and integrity! No more I have nothing left of it!"

The tentacles shook off the short-haired girl, and with a loud roar, the ruthless blade was raised high and chopped down.

"Tiezi!" With a loud voice, his eyes were about to crack, and he jumped into the cabin with a blank mind.


The light of the knife flashed, the sound of buzzing in the cabin exploded, and a gust of wind violently radiated and rolled up a continuous cloud of dust.

"Is there really nothing?"

The smoke and dust dispersed, Gao Cheng held the wooden knife horizontally to firmly block the giant red cherry blade, and slowly stood up straight on the ground that was cracked like a spider web.

"The most important thing is not the sword, it's the person... Isn't a thing like a knife made to be used by people? The reason why people are people is because there are things that cannot be discarded. Although I don't know what's going on with you, but Your willingness to jump down for my sister is the best evidence..."

With a loud voice, he came back to his senses, seeing Gao Cheng blocking Hong Ying's figure, his eyes narrowed.

"How come...your hand..."

"Didn't I say that? I am immortal."

With a strong arm, Gao Cheng lifted the giant red cherry blade and jumped away from his figure. The tip of the wooden knife pointed directly at the unconscious Okada Nizo.

"Abandoning all the power that can be obtained is meaningless at all..."

"What do you want to do?" The loud voice watched Gao Cheng walk towards Okada Shizo with dry lips, "Do you think you can confront Hongying head-on?! Run away..."

Gao Cheng faced the red cherry halo with a smile on his face.

"My way of the sword is to protect...Although I'm just an ordinary person with distracting thoughts, I will never escape when I can't escape."

"Roar!" Hong Ying was completely attracted by Gao Cheng, gave up attacking others, and slashed with the strongest sword at full power while the tentacles squirmed.

"call out--!"

Gao Cheng lowered his face to face the giant blade, quickened his pace and shifted his center of gravity down while sprinting. The wooden knife in his hand suddenly turned over and he threw it upwards forcefully, colliding with Hongying head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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