Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 421 Dark Clue 2

Chapter 421 Dark Clue 2
"On March 3th, a burly man with a Kansai dialect came to me suddenly. He seemed to be very interested in the software I developed before, but he knew that my eyesight had deteriorated and he didn't want to continue developing that software, so he simply contacted me. I left...the man whose whole body was pitch-black, I hope I won't see him again..."

"This is a diary from 2 years ago."

Conan leaned over in front of the computer and carefully browsed the information, his brows gradually raised.

"Tequila doesn't seem to be mentioned in the following diaries... It turned out that those guys seemed to want Itakura to develop some kind of software, and I was happy for nothing..."

Gao Cheng thought about it and leaned closer: "Is there some kind of secret code? Maybe there is something hidden with computer technology..."

"Hidden information?" Conan's eyes lit up with hope again, "I'll go to the doctor to have a look, maybe he can crack it... I'll tell you if I have any clues."


Gao Cheng watched as Conan took the disk and ran downstairs in a hurry. At this moment, Xiao Ai came down from the third floor just after taking a shower. With a steaming towel on her head, she asked strangely, "Any clues?"

"There's not much to gain for the time being," Gao Cheng asked Xiaoai, "Do you know what that organization is looking for software engineers to do?"

"Not sure, I've only heard of it..."

Xiao Ai dried her hair, paused, and silently looked at Gao Cheng.

"Kito, can you stop? The power of the organization is not something you can fight against. If you continue to investigate, you will only get deeper and deeper, maybe..."

"Even if I don't investigate, Conan won't give up."

Gao Cheng returned to the office, saved the data he copied from the disk, and re-plugged the Internet cable after confirming that there was no virus.

"And escaping won't solve the problem, and you don't want to always be so scared and dodging?"

Seeing that Xiao Ai still looked worried, Gao Cheng chuckled and assured: "Don't worry, no matter what kind of danger there is, I will take care of it, at least to ensure safety."


At Dr. Ali's house, Conan sat in front of the computer and moved the mouse intently.

"It has been restored to the basic document... Move the cursor to the blank space of each diary, press the left button to reverse the words..."

"Sure enough, it's a hidden text. If you type with the same color as the back, the text will disappear. Itakura-san may be afraid that someone will steal his diary, so he will not let the person who steals read the diary content..."

Conan looked solemn.

"Hidden text started appearing 10 days after encountering agave."

"This is..." Dr. A Li followed and found that the hidden text and the text were almost written by two people. The text was plain, but the hidden text was full of fear.

"On March 3, the pen on the table was moved another 26cm. Sure enough, someone sneaked into my studio..."

"On April 4th, this time someone came into the house without permission. The police will not deal with this kind of case. There is no way, because there are no traces left, and nothing was stolen..."

"On June 6, I changed the lock on the gate and installed a hidden camera, but it didn't seem to work..."

"December 12, I was so tired, if this continues, I might be killed one day..."

"On January 1th, to get rid of this horror, I left a note in my desk...I said yes..."

"On January 1th, the other party replied, and put a message in the place where I put the note. It only said red OK and a string of phone numbers..."

"On January 1, I still didn't dare to choose to call the police. After calling the phone, I heard a woman's voice. She spoke as tough as a queen and asked me to complete the software within a year. They are willing to buy it at a high price... "

Conan and Dr. Ali looked at each other, and continued to move the mouse to look down.

"On February 2, the contact method was changed to email. I set two conditions. One is to remit the remuneration deposit to the account, and the other is not to harass me again..."

"December 12, no, I still can't do it. The reason why the software development was terminated at the beginning was not only because of poor eyesight, but also for the sake of all mankind..."

"For human beings?" Conan browsed through all the information, and then checked the time again.

"Mr. Itakura hid the unfinished software and the check for the same amount as the salary next to the computer in the villa. Are you planning to get rid of the relationship and flee abroad? No wonder you have taken so many jobs. It turns out that you are preparing funds for your escape..."

A smile appeared on Conan's solemn face.

"Today at 12:[-] in the middle of the night, those guys will send an email notifying the delivery time and location to Mr. Itakura's mailbox... Doctor, please check the location of Mr. Itakura's villa for me..."

"Beep beep!" Conan's cell phone rang while talking.

"It's me," Gao Cheng called. "How is it? Do you have any clues? No?"

Kido Detective Agency, Gao Cheng thoughtfully ended the call and put away the phone.

Xiao Ai took a sip of tea beside her: "What? No result?"

Gao Cheng shook his head: "That kid's tone has changed. According to previous experience, he must have discovered something but wanted to act alone...Xiao Ai, help me see if there is any hidden information in that diary. has a problem!"


On the road from Tokyo to Gunma Prefecture, there was still heavy snowfall in the night, and a beetle car drove through the snow with its headlights on.

"Is this really good?" Dr. A Li asked worriedly while driving, "Leave Chenghu behind... Those people might be ambushing around that villa..."

"No," Conan said with a sure smile, "Mr. Itakura is so nervous that he can even notice that the pen on the table moves 5 centimeters. The other party will not provoke him easily, otherwise he will not let him plan to escape... this It is enough for us to go to the villa once, if we tell Kido, Haibara will definitely know, and things will become more troublesome instead."

"But if the news of Itakura's murder is exposed on TV..."

"Today's news is all about the escaped jewel robber. The news of Itakura's murder should not come out until tomorrow, so we have to hurry up."

A drop of sweat dripped from the corner of Conan's eyes. Although he spoke with confidence, he was still nervous.

Maybe this time is the closest to the truth...

Downstairs of the Kido Detective Office, Gao Cheng wore a helmet and rode a motorcycle, started the engine and looked at Xiao Ai who was seeing him off at the door.

"I asked the staff of the video game company. Itakura's villa is in Gunma County. Conan and the doctor should have gone there...Gin wine might appear. Xiao Ai, you stay in the office and wait for my news. I should can come back."

Xiao Ai silently watched the Gaocheng engine car driving into the wind and snow, tightened her fingers, and turned to look at the second floor of the Kido Detective Office.

I don't know when it started, this place has become like a home, and I don't know what the future will be like...

(End of this chapter)

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