Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 444 A Message to Xiao Ai

Chapter 444 A Message to Xiao Ai
"Toilet paper core?"

"Yes, it's in the trash can in the studio, and the toxic reaction was detected from it, and Mr. Dejima's fingerprints are also there!"

In the aisle, several police officers surrounded a bare paper core.

"Did the prisoner put poison on it? Did President Dejima touch this thing before eating the burger?"

"It was indeed touched, and he brought it to the studio by himself," Gao Cheng led Xiao Ai out of the toilet, "Just think about when the president came into contact with the poison, and under what circumstances he needs to untie the belt , take off your pants, and use a handkerchief?"

"Toilet, toilet?" Mu Mu was stunned, "Could it be that the murderer put the used paper core in the toilet paper roll, and then President Dejima replaced it with new toilet paper... But this is not right, so it's not right. Isn’t President Dejima’s fingers stained with poison on the toilet paper that goes up?”

"What if it is replaced and reused? In this way, the toxic part of the new toilet paper will be torn off directly when it is used, and then flushed into the toilet..."

Gao Cheng looked at the three employees who were sweating profusely.

"President Dejima's behavior in the toilet should be like this. First, after noticing that the paper has been used up, he removes the poisonous paper core with his right hand, replaces it with new toilet paper on the shelf, and uses it again after using the toilet. He lifted his trousers with his right hand, fastened his belt, turned the switch on the left with his left hand to release the water, washed his hands and dried them with a handkerchief...

"Here, the poison on Mr. Dejima's hands was scrubbed off, and only a small amount remained on the handkerchief. The next step is to take the useless paper core out of the toilet..."

"So there is only a small amount of poison on the right side of the trousers, the belt hole and the handkerchief?" Mumu rubbed his chin ponderously, "But, he is not left-handed, how could the paper core stick to his left hand when he took it out of the toilet?"

Takagi, who was stunned, smiled and said, "Why are you so stupid, officer? He opens the door with his right hand, but of course he has to use his left hand to get the paper core!"

"Huh?!" Mu Mu stared back.


"Hmph," Meguro left Takagi who had been hammered into a big bag, and coughed lightly, "So, after that, Mr. Dejima left the paper core in the trash can of the studio, and was poisoned while eating hamburgers." Killed... the murderer could only be very used to his habits, and these few employees who have been in the toilet today..."

Mu Mu looked at the three suspects with a cold face.

"The best thing is you, Mr. Saizu, who entered the bathroom in front of President Dejima..."

"Wait, wait a minute," the turbaned man Caijin said anxiously, "Don't you think it's strange? If you use the statement just now, you can poison the president, but if the president doesn't have diarrhea today, or if no one buys hamburgers? Is there no way to kill people? It’s the president himself who said he wanted a hamburger..."

"It's very simple," Gao Cheng interrupted, "I think Mr. Dejima should have laxatives in his coffee."

"Let, laxatives?"

"Yes, didn't you say that President Dejima started to have frequent diarrhea recently? I'm afraid it's because of too much medicine. In addition to the laxative that President Dejima himself drank, someone added an extra dose of medicine to the coffee. It should be every day. It gradually increased so that President Dejima did not find out..."

Gao Cheng walked in front of the Caijin trio, and his eyes fell on the bald Imai.

"In the case of an overdose of laxatives, after eating something, it is easy to have a bowel movement, so Imai-san brought coffee and cookies together to let President Dejima go to the toilet as soon as possible... Am I right? "

Imai turned pale.

"Imai?" Caizu stepped aside, "Hey, I am the one who went to the bathroom behind Imai, if I didn't go to the trumpet, would I be killed too? Because I also ate the burger with my hands... "

"I think he'll stop you if you have a tuba or a paper core...and then change the plan."

"But if that's the case," Meguro stared at Imai and frowned, "There should be a tape with a poison paper core or a bottle with poison, right? Where did you hide..."

"In the triangular corner of everyone's kitchen," Xiao Ai suddenly walked out from behind Gao Cheng and said calmly, "If it were me, I would hide it in the kitchen when pouring coffee, in a smelly and dirty place where no one would know. The place you want to touch, and even if there is no way to dispose of it later, someone will help throw it away, and it is easy to recycle if you want to hide it in another place..."

Imai's pupils dilated, and he looked closely at Xiao Ai.

"Officer!" A police officer poked his head out from the kitchen, "Really, a suspicious plastic bag was found in the corner of the bucket..."

"very good!"

Mu Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Imai, if there is a toxic reaction and your fingerprints..."

"It should be..." Imai glanced at Xiao Ai, and closed his eyes resignedly, "In order not to miss the opportunity to kill the president, I have been hiding it close to my body. In fact, I have already killed him 20 years ago." thought of..."

Caijin's eyes widened: "Two, 20 years?!"

"You came here not long ago. At that time, I wanted to leave here to be independent but came back?" Imai sneered, "The president colluded with the publishing company in advance, saying that he would not let them work for me as a traitor. Designers can't get a job, of course they can only come back in despair... This is what a friend from the publishing house told me..."

"But back then..."

"Because I couldn't do it, when I was in the kitchen thinking how to kill him after he came back, Mingmei, who happened to come here with her parents, was standing behind me..."

Imai smiled sadly, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"He asked me why I had such a scary expression, whether I was looking for something, or wanted to hide something... She said that I couldn't hide in the corner of the triangle, yes, it was the water bucket...

"I said uncle was just tired from work, it doesn't matter, she smiled sweetly... After leaving the kitchen, Mingmei seemed to take it seriously, and began to hide our tools, as long as she saw Mingmei's innocent smiling face, The murderous aura in my heart suddenly disappeared..."

"Then why are you doing it again now?"

"Because before this, after seeing Mingmei again after many years, I mustered up the courage to talk to the president about starting my own independent business, but the president...he said that I can't do it now, if it is 20 years It's another matter before..."

Imai looked sad.

"Mingmei said that she would come to visit again in a week, together with her sister... But until the end, after so long, she never came... I thought she would use her smile to dispel my murderous intentions again, but I thought too beautifully It's..."

Gao Cheng took Xiao Ai away, but before leaving, Xiao Ai stopped and looked at Imai who was taken away by the police.

That week's appointment was when the Billion Robber case came to an end.

Miyano Akemi, who has never been involved in the organization's tasks as a grassroots employee, agreed to participate in the billion-dollar robbery case to let herself and her sister leave the organization. In the end, it turned out to be a scam, and the organization seemed to have long planned to kill them.

The reason seems to be Miyano Akemi's ex-boyfriend, FBI undercover Akai Shuichi's identity was exposed...

"Let's go."

Gao Cheng handed the helmet to Xiao Ai, and silently rode on the motorcycle. After Xiao Ai sat down, the engine car left by another road.

"You haven't shown it to me yet," Xiao Ai grabbed Gao Cheng's clothes from behind, "What is hidden under that floating ball? Is it really left by my sister?"

"It should be, there are a few tapes inside."

Gao Cheng looked around the street and stopped in front of a video store.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Ai asked in surprise.

"Go buy a Walkman, otherwise how can you listen to the contents of the tape?"


Xiao Ai hurriedly followed.

"Don't listen! If you go deeper like this, you will really be killed..."

"Anyway, I know a lot."

"It just doesn't work!"

Xiao Ai anxiously watched Gao Cheng enter the store and bought an old-fashioned player, jumped up and wanted to snatch it away, but Gao Cheng stuffed the player together with a tape marked "16~20" into his arms.


"Fool, I sneaked to the studio to audition at the Dejima office just now, and these... are all for you."


"Okay, let's listen to it." Gao Cheng smiled, and after paying the money, he walked out of the video store with a sulking Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai followed and sat on the back of the locomotive, put on the earphones with trembling fingers and pressed the play button, then suddenly stopped in a daze.

"To 16-year-old Shiho, happy birthday. You should already have a boy you like at your age? Mom's first love..."


The Gaocheng engine car drove into the street smoothly: "Yes, it seems that your mother left you a message until you were 20 years old... Your mother's voice is very gentle, and it is not like the rumors at all, now you should rest assured Bar?"

Xiao Ai didn't respond, but just listened to the recording quietly, and leaned on Gao Cheng contentedly.

The speed of the locomotive slowed down, and it returned to the detective agency peacefully all the way. Gao Cheng stopped the locomotive carefully, smiled wryly, and picked up the sleeping Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai had been thinking about it before the spring break, and this time it finally came true, but she didn't know what happened to the Miyano couple, whether they were really killed in an accident, or were killed by the organization...

Even after watching "Conan", he still can't figure it out, because before arriving in this world, "Conan" seems to be still far away from the end.


Gao Cheng looked at Xiao Ai in his sleep and smiled sweetly.

Like Xiao Ai, he has no relatives in this world. Maybe this is the reason why he took Xiao Ai in regardless of the consequences, so many things have changed a lot.


Gao Cheng stopped at the entrance of the stairs, and looked closely at the tall figure who came out of the coffee shop.

Akai Shuichi still looks the same, the deep eye shadow looks a little scary, but the eyes that will look at Xiao Ai flash a trace of complexity.

"Don't meddle in the affairs over there." Akai Shuichi said abruptly.

"What happened over there?"

"You know what I'm talking about..."

(End of this chapter)

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