Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 446 Hattori is in Trouble

Chapter 446 Hattori is in Trouble


In the dimly lit attic, only a beam of light came in through the skylight, and there was a smell of rotten wood in the small space, which made people a little breathless. Hattori sat under the skylight, sweat dripping down his face.

"Heiji... not here... a little further to the left."

"Is it here?"

"Ah, it hurts!" He Ye yelled, and couldn't help complaining, "Where are you inserting?! You said a little to the left!!"

"Stupid! Don't be so loud! What if those guys overheard you?"

In the attic space, Hattori sat back to back with Kazuha covered in sweat, his hands were tied behind the back by two pairs of handcuffs.

"Oops, the pin fell into a crack in the floor..."

"What are you doing? How do you open the handcuffs without pins?!"

"Do you have anything similar?"

"Only this one..." He Ye looked dejectedly at a piece of paper full of letters and numbers under the light of the skylight, "Forget about the handcuffs, let's unlock the code on it, and they will let us go Did you go out?"

"That's right," an ugly long-haired man walked up to the attic with a pistol and said with a wicked smile, "If you want to leave here to bask in the sun, you should quickly unlock the password, otherwise, you will be killed." Same as this guy..."

A fat man with a scruffy beard and a turban came up from behind, and fiercely threw a scarred man aside.

"Turn into a cold corpse like this guy, hehe!"

"Mr. Nanchuan..."

Hattori gritted his teeth and watched the two gangsters throw the man down like trash and leave, while Kazuha beside him clutched his fingers worriedly.


"Don't worry," Hattori heard the disappearing footsteps on the attic stairs, and squeezed out a smile on his solemn expression, "These villains don't know yet, those two guys...they will definitely find here, absolutely..."


Kido Detective Agency, Gao Changchang yawned and looked out the window.

The sky has been gloomy since the morning, and it has been raining endlessly...

"It's strange, what the hell is Hattori doing? It's already two o'clock now, and he didn't go to Uncle Mori, nor to me..."

"Jinghu," Xiao Ai answered the phone and shouted to Gao Cheng, "it's a call from next door."

"next door?"

Gao Cheng took the microphone in doubt, and Xiaolan's anxious voice came over.

"Senior Kido, haven't there been any news from Hattori and Kazuha yet? Their mobile phones were turned off. I called Hattori's mother and said that they got on the plane at 8 am..."

"Well," Gao Cheng looked at the time again, "I remember they said that they would go to other places, that is, to meet an employee named Nan Chuan of the Kabano Detective Agency... Uncle is familiar with that place, so ask him to help. See if something happened."

"I see."

"Why should I listen to this kid?" Uncle Mao Li with a bad face, reluctantly contacted the president of Cuphu Detective Agency who had played mahjong together under Xiaolan's persecuting eyes.

"Well, you can't contact Nanchuan these days?"

"Yeah," a bald middle-aged man on the other side of the phone responded, "He seems to be following a big case, maybe he's staying somewhere... What, is there a shortage of mahjong players? I'll be free later..."

"No," the uncle said with an embarrassed smile, "I want to ask if there are two high school students looking for Nanchuan..."

"Oh, it's a boy and a girl from Osaka, right? They did come here at 10 o'clock, and they left after asking Kusukawa's address..."

"Kusugawa's address is... there is Hatoso, Kubado-cho 4-chome, right? Okay, I know, sorry for the trouble, next time we have a chance to come together for a few..."

The uncle picked up a pen and wrote down the address on a piece of paper. After hanging up the phone, he coughed lightly and put on airs: "So, there are some things that only us adults can handle!"

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, ignoring the uncle, turned to Xiaolan and said, "Sister Xiaolan, let's hurry up and find Brother Heiji and Sister Ye!"

"Wait for me!" The uncle grabbed Conan, "Why do we have to find someone?! Wouldn't it be better to leave it to Kido?"

"It doesn't matter," Xiaolan said with a smile, "You are idle anyway."

"That's right," Conan echoed, "If Kido-san finds Heiji-san and the others first, wouldn't you be embarrassed, Uncle?"

The uncle felt that something was wrong, frowned, but still nodded while touching his chin: "That makes sense, then go find it."

There is Hatozhuang in Kubado Town.

Gao Cheng left Xiao Ai at home, and followed the uncle and his party with an umbrella, and found an old two-story apartment.

"Uncle, are you familiar with Nanchuan?"

"Well, he likes horse racing and gambling very much. I heard that he lost his job as a policeman because he played too much."

"I heard from He Ye," Xiaolan said, "Mr. Nan Chuan seemed to be a subordinate of her father Yuanshan Criminal Minister."

The uncle said unexpectedly: "He used to be a subordinate of the Minister of Criminal Affairs? I really didn't expect..."

Nan Chuan's room was on the second floor, and when they climbed the stairs, they saw a note pasted on the door.

"I'll be back before noon. If you have a courier package, please leave it at the landlord... Nanchuan."

"What time is it now..." The uncle looked at the note wonderingly, "He is still the same, no wonder he got mixed up like this."

Gao Cheng was still somewhat concerned about Kusukawa's claim that he was investigating a major case, and Hattori and Kazuha's search for the former Osaka prefectural policeman might also be related to the case.

"Hatori should have been here before, and he has been waiting for a long time..." Gao Cheng squatted down and checked the two wet marks left on the door.

Both seem to be Hattori wearing the wet hat backwards, and printed it when leaning against the door. You can clearly see the outline of the hat and the mark on the hat.

One is about the height of standing, and the other is the height of squatting...


Gao Cheng turned his attention to the gap under the door and pasted a piece of scotch tape, which seemed to be used to judge whether an outsider had broken in, but one end of the tape had come off by now, and there was a lot of dust on it...

It should have been a while since the tape came off.

Gao Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

In other words, the owner of this room originally planned to come back soon and posted a message, but for some reason he did not come back, and someone sneaked into the room when the owner was not at home.

Something is definitely wrong...

"The door doesn't seem to be locked. Someone has entered the house."

Gao Cheng turned the doorknob and opened the door easily. When he entered the entrance, he could see the whole room at a glance. The computer desk and chairs were placed next to the bed, and there was only one cabinet. , and nothing surprising.

"It doesn't look like the door was broken into," Uncle Maori looked at the room with his hands in his hands. "The room doesn't look like it was turned over. Maybe he just forgot to lock the door and forget the tape on the door..."

"But the drawer of this desk seems to have been turned over." Conan picked up a creased piece of paper from the ground. "This should be caught under the drawer. Someone opened it casually and it fell out..."

"Hmph," the uncle frowned slightly, "Maybe it's the same as the tape on the door, and he forgot it himself."

"But people who are so careful to arrange warnings, will they forget these casually?"

Gao Cheng had already confirmed that something was wrong with Nan Chuan, and looked at the pencil marks left by the notepad on the table.

"Look, Hattori should have come in, and what clues did you find..."


"It's the clue left by Mr. Kusukawa. Because of the pressure of the pen tip, the paper below will also leave handwriting. It is easy to show it when you smear it with a pencil. Hattori should take the last piece of paper for experimentation... Although it is a bit awkward Clear, but there are still writings left on this piece of paper..."

Gao Cheng took a pencil and began to draw on the top sheet of the notepad, the handwriting gradually emerged.

"Xianqiao Town... Ito... There seems to be a phone number below, I can't see it clearly..."

"Then let's go and have a look," Conan suggested, "Go to the police station and ask for the address."

The uncle wailed for a while: "There are quite a few people with the surname Ito..."

"What are you talking about, Dad?!" Xiaolan said angrily, "You can't just leave it alone, right? Let's go!"


Gao Cheng silently walked behind the bitter-faced uncle, going through the situation again in his mind.

First of all, what kind of case Kusukawa was involved in, and then Hattori came to find Kusukawa, and left after finding clues... Logically speaking, there should be no news at all.

Either the guy wanted to figure it out on his own, or something happened...

I really don't know how to say it, it just came to Tokyo and it became like this, it's not like gathering dragon balls to summon dragons or something, is this guy Hattori poisonous?

(End of this chapter)

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