Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 482 Death Island

Chapter 482 Death Island
"No, there is also the word 'Mommy's room' written in crayon on the door, so kachan shouldn't refer to mom..."

Hattori squatted down to look at the previous room door and said, "On the door here are written, 'kachan's room', and 'choni's room'..."

With the help of the candlelight, Gao Cheng, who had been silently following behind, also saw clearly the writing on the door.

In addition to the words kachan and choni, a bird and a long thing are painted under the door, which are obvious children's graffiti.

Because of the time, the handwriting is slightly blurred, and the light is dim, it looks a little scary, as if entering the world of resentful spirits...

In any case, it seems that the matter is really related to the tragedy four or five years ago.

"Mr. Taketomi, have you heard from your cousin who works as a maid at the mayor's house? If she is someone who often comes here to play with Miss Xiaodu, she should know."

"This," Taketomi scratched his hair, "she didn't mention it..."

"So that maid is the director's cousin?" The vest youths Chi Jian and Dadong walked down with candlesticks, "Now it's interesting, many of us are related to the mayor's family this time... "

"Ah?" Taketomi looked at Ikema in surprise, "Are you too?"

"My mother is the sister of the mayor's wife," Chi Jian smiled, and turned to the serious uncle Dadong behind him, "And this Mr. Dadong seems to be a childhood sweetheart with the mayor's wife. Last year, my mother and I gave the mayor's wife When sweeping the grave, this uncle happened to be offering incense in front of the grave, when my mother asked who he was, this is how he answered..."

Chi Jian remained skeptical while talking: "Of course, my mother said she didn't remember much, so it's really doubtful whether what he said is true or not..."

"Hmph, of course," Dadong said indifferently, "Your mother and the mayor's wife are so different in age, how could you remember clearly?"

Conan looked at Chi Jian and asked, "Big brother, since your mother is the mayor's wife's sister, you should know Miss Xiaodu. Have you ever been to this island before?"

"No, let alone this island, I haven't even been to the mayor's house, because the mayor's view of the rich family is very deep, and I only met his daughter a few times when I was young..."

Ikema sighed, looked at Hira Ie, who was silent beside him, and said, "Miss Hirara, I don't know too well, but that guy Kume has been a classmate in the same school as Miss Koto from elementary school, junior high school to high school. The murderer is trying to trick those of us..."

He Ye swallowed: "Could it be that after Miss Xiaodu was buried somewhere on this island, she became an emissary from hell?"


Accompanied by a flash of lightning, there was a thunderous sound outside the house, but it never rained.

While everyone continued to return to the restaurant to wait, Gao Cheng walked out of the villa alone, looked at the oppressive sea, turned on his watch and flashlight, turned and walked into the forest behind.

The dark woods were scary, and even Gao Cheng felt a little nervous, and couldn't help but think of Kume Yoshitsuji's bloody corpse.

What the hell, I was afraid that the corpse's problems would be gone long ago, and I even went into the dissection room once.

Shaking his head, Gao Cheng continued to search in the forest with a flashlight.

Four of the accompanying staff were related to the mayor's family, including the murdered Kume Yoshitsugu, the uncertain captain Heira Ie, one missing and the other behaving strangely.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or inevitable...

In addition, there are various words left by the little girl in the villa. In addition to the bedroom, the chairs in the dining room are also marked, but the words choni and kachan do not appear in the dining room, and when the mayor of Jincheng is written, he is called "Mr. Jincheng" , and "Mummy" are completely different names.

He did see the chairs with the words choni and kachan in the kitchen. From this point of view, these two people are probably the mayor's housekeeper and the maid. His name is Kako Matsumoto, so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.

However, the choni chair in the kitchen seemed to have Mr. Niachon written on it before, and then it was wiped off and replaced with choni. The words on the choni match the pattern on the door.

These clues were mixed in Gao Cheng's mind, as if there was some kind of connection, but he couldn't sort out the clues for a while.

Sure enough, if he didn't ask the mayor of Jincheng, it would be difficult for him to figure it out.


Gao Cheng wore slippers and stepped on the wet branches and leaves, looked back at the surrounding woods, and found a boat covered with thatch among the trees with the help of a flashlight, with a lot of moss growing and overgrown with weeds, it was quite old look.

Gao Cheng stopped, approached and found a lot of blood drops among the bushes, and uncovered the tarpaulin, and found bloodstains and bump marks left on the ship's side.

Is this a murder scene?
Gao Cheng's fingers tightened slightly.

Someone should have lifted the thatch before, and the leaves covering it were scattered all around. Is it Kume Yoshitsugu?
There was an unpacked sealed box in the boat. Gao Cheng bit the electric watch with his teeth, carefully opened the sealed box, and found a small folded and carefully preserved screen with several egrets painted on it.

"This is……"

Gao Cheng closed the box and put it back into the boat while his eyes fluctuated, grabbing a broken rusty iron chain found on the boat.

found it.



In the silence of the night, when everyone waiting in the villa fell asleep, there was a sudden vibration from the island, and even the table shook.

"What's the sound?" He and Ye, who were awakened, yawned and said blankly, "Could it be that the rescue ship is coming?"

"It's finally here, isn't it too slow?"

Everyone hurried out of the villa, and sure enough there was a boat in the direction of the dark pier.

"It's really a rescue ship," Xiaolan said pleasantly, "We're saved!"


Hattori ran to the pier behind Xiaolan and the two, staring solemnly at the dead ship like a ghost ship.

"Not only did the ship not have lighting, it even stopped in the wrong way!"

"what happened?"

Beside the villa, Gao Cheng walked out of the woods with a flashlight, and also saw the shadow of the ship on the pier. Xiaolan and Ye Ye, who were cheering and rushing to the ship, heard a burst of screams.

"It's the captain!"

Everyone rushed to the pier together, and by the light of the flashlight, they saw in amazement that the missing captain was hanging by the rope on the side of the ship, his terrifying face was covered with blood flowing down, and the blood on the side of the ship read "I am the messenger of hell" "The words.

"How could this be?"

"So cruel..."

Hattori frowned and put the captain's body off the boat with everyone.

"The murderer kept beating the captain with something hard like a water pipe, and continued to beat him after he died. Then he put a rope around his neck and dropped the captain on the side of the boat. Finally, he wrote a message with the blood of the deceased... It seems that it should be a message to the deceased. Someone with a deep hatred did it."

"That's right," the serious uncle snorted coldly, "When the ship hit the pier, we all stayed in the house except for the little detective brother, although we don't know whether the murderer abandoned the ship at sea or already Escaping on other ships, but it seems that there are indeed other people hiding near this island besides us...

"Maybe something happened to that little detective too..."

"You can't tell yet, right?" Gao Cheng walked over from behind with his hands intertwined, glanced at the corpse lying flat on the pier, and lightly jumped onto the cruise ship.

"Kirodo?" Hattori was stunned, "Where did you go just now?"

"Just walking around outside..."

"Brother Kido," Conan suddenly got out of the boat, "I took a look inside the boat just now, there is a machine like a small TV on the side of the control seat, and from that screen, it seems that the boat just started from the pier. It’s just a circle around the sea!”

"Really? That should be the autopilot..."

Gao Cheng rolled his eyes, ignored Conan who was pretending to be cute, and followed into the cab to check.

In addition to the autopilot, it is also equipped with a seabed detection sonar.

Sure enough, the captain went around the island to search for things in the sea, and found out everything...

"Autopilot?" The serious uncle outside the boat frowned, "Maybe it can circle the island for a week, but the influence of the tide here is not small. Even if it is really autopilot, how could it just hit the pier?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't just hit the pier," Hattori said with a smile, "just set the autopilot of the ship so that it is about to touch Hanan, so that the ship will slowly move along the reefs around the island, so that It's enough to hit somewhere on the pier, isn't the side of the ship still scratched? This is the proof of being scraped by the coral reef...

"In other words, even we who have been staying on the island can do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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