Chapter 508 Back to Tokyo

Tokyo, Mori Detective Agency.

Kogoro Mori, who was drunk and tied to the sofa all night, was sitting behind the desk, looking at the TV with his chin sullenly. The boring TV station was broadcasting a news from overseas. A popular American singer was at a concert was attacked.

"Hmph, as expected, Ms. Yoko is more attractive..."

The uncle watched the crying female singer on TV, and couldn't help muttering for a while, but when he wanted to change the channel, he suddenly saw Gao Cheng appearing on the TV.

The reporter seemed to be very interested in Gao Cheng, and kept asking about the Bourne Detective Agency.

This brat has gone abroad and is showing off...

The uncle curled his lips and snorted.

"Dad," before the uncle complained, Xiaolan brought Conan in from the door, "The pants have been sent for dry cleaning..."

"Hush!" The uncle interrupted Xiaolan in a panic, "Don't be so loud, it will be miserable if others find out!"

"Know what?"

Queen Fanfei Eri and cute Fan Youxizi entered the office together.

"The 1000 million entrustment contract has been completed for you," Fei Yingli looked at the nervous uncle Maoli suspiciously, handed a bulging envelope to the uncle, and snorted, "This is the 195 million yuan after deducting debts." Yuan, you should know how to be grateful!"

"Okay, I will." The uncle took the envelope with a dry smile.

"Strange, do you smell anything?" A foul smell floated by, and Fei Yingli couldn't help wrinkling her nose, "Are there any pets here?"

"No, no..."

The uncle broke out in a cold sweat.

"It was done by the dog brought by the previous client."


At Tokyo Airport, Gao Chengcai received a call from Conan when he got off the plane with big bags and small bags.

"Really? It's been resolved. Uncle is really happy to have such a wife, but why did your mother go back to Japan suddenly?"

"The client has a friend of Dad's at home, so he came back to help."

Conan stood on the side of the corridor and looked at the busy office: "I'm still here to catch up with Xiaolan's mother about the school affairs back then,"

"Both of them and the uncle graduated from Didan, right?"


Conan took the phone up the stairs and said, "But don't you want to open a branch in New York? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Someone is helping me manage it. There is no problem for now, and I will go to New York if necessary in the future." Gao Cheng held the phone, saw Xiao Ai and Dr. A Li who were coming to pick up the plane at the exit, with a relaxed expression on his face. smile.

Bourne is a capable guy in his own right, plus his bankroll should hold up in New York.

However, even though I have only been away for a few days, I still miss Tokyo. I feel uncomfortable without Xiao Ai to take care of me, and I am not used to the food in New York at all.

Although Huaguo is still a country of gourmet food, just like the United States, it is not the same as the hometown he is familiar with in many respects. Perhaps this world of Conan is for him, only Kido Detective Agency is his only one. home.

There are relatives and friends, and they have integrated into Conan's network without knowing it, and even dealt with the black organization and the FBI several times.

"Brother Gao Cheng!"

Before the doctor greeted him, Ayumi and several children had already swarmed towards Gao Cheng.

"You said you would bring presents!"

"I bought them all, and I'll give them to you when I go back." Gao Cheng couldn't laugh or cry as he looked at Ayumi who were chattering excitedly.

How do you think these bear kids are getting more and more pleasing to the eye?Could it be because of the nanny card he drew?
"Ah Cheng," the chubby Dr. Ali smiled and followed Ayumi and the others, like an old friend and more like an elder, "Is it okay to go to New York?"

"Well, it's just that there are no friends over there, so it's not bad to go out for fun once in a while."

"Isn't Yusaku over there?"

"I don't have time to go to Los Angeles, but I've already bought a detective agency in New York, so let's talk about it next time."

Gao Cheng smiled and nodded towards Xiao Ai next to him, picked up his luggage and walked towards the doctor's yellow car together.

In fact, for him, the rewards of going abroad this time are not small. Not only did he buy a detective agency in New York, but after seeing the unfamiliar environment, he also had a deeper understanding of the world of Conan.

The biggest threat to him at present is actually the Japanese government. To be precise, it is the politicians with intricate relationships, especially those who have been infiltrated by the black organization. It is undoubtedly his most correct choice to tie up the big ship of the Suzuki consortium in time. It is good to enjoy the shade under the tree, and it is difficult for interested people to notice him again.

In addition, Conan and his group are really rare, and they are the most trustworthy people around them. In this world where people kill people for various motives every day and even their relatives are unreliable, this group of people is his greatest wealth.


Life back in Tokyo is similar to the past, except that the report from New York is sent to Xiao Ai to check every week, and she usually either stays in the office or goes out to run errands.

After the influence of the black magic murder incident passed, Karuizawa's business also began to increase.

"Ah," at night, Gao Cheng lay down on the desk exhausted, "Xiao Ai, compared to the uncle next door, I feel that I am a little too dedicated to my work? I am exhausted..."

"Work harder," Xiao Ai couldn't help but smiled softly, "After the work is done, you can have an extra piece of chocolate cake, and I'll make green pepper shredded pork for you later."

Gao Cheng lifted his head weakly: "Lingxiang's show is about to start..."

There is still a large pile of investigation materials on the table to read, why open a branch when you are full?He is still as comfortable as the uncle, and now he is probably drinking and watching TV again.

"Aha?" Mo Lizhen Detective Agency, the uncle's family sat around the dining table to eat, and the uncle who was watching TV looked at his daughter Xiaolan in a daze.

"A supernatural event happened in the school?"

"Yeah," Xiaolan said with a concerned face, "Recently, ghost incidents have happened one after another in our school, and everyone is horrified... and the ghost phenomenon always happens at dawn. I heard people said that two years ago A student arrived at school early in the morning, but died unexpectedly, and everyone said that the ghost of that student was causing trouble..."

The uncle picked up the sliced ​​meat in the hot pot with his chopsticks, and looked at his daughter with increasingly puzzled eyes.

"So," Xiaolan cupped her hands and begged, "Please, Dad, can you go to our school to investigate after school tomorrow to see if there are really ghosts..."

"Why don't you care about it?" the uncle snorted, "It must be someone's prank, or it is some kind of natural phenomenon, besides, since the ghost doesn't appear early in the morning? It won't affect your class..."

"That's right, but as the daughter of the famous detective Mori Kogoro, how can she let such rumors continue?!" Xiaolan said confidently.

"Speaking of which, sister Xiaolan, you said that it will be your turn to be a student on duty next week, right?" Conan's mouth twitched.

"This one……"

"After a long time, it turned out that you were afraid," Uncle Mao Li said speechlessly, "Students on duty have to go to school early..."

"Everyone will be afraid of school being haunted by ghosts."

"What's there to be afraid of, just use your karate to settle it?"

"How can the ghost use karate to settle it?"

Xiaolan's strong reaction as if she had no choice but to be afraid of the ghost made the uncle feel a little helpless, but how could such a foolish incident make him, a famous detective, come out?
"I don't have time tomorrow, so I'd better find Kido kid. Anyway, that guy seems to have dealt with this kind of thing before, and he graduated from your school. It's perfect."


At Kido Detective Agency, Gao Cheng rubbed his itchy nose and put down the investigation materials in his hand, with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Have you got a cold?"

(End of this chapter)

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