Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 510 Disappeared footprints

Chapter 510 Disappeared footprints

"Hey, what are you thinking? I'm just watching with a research mood."

Gao Cheng frowned, and left the warehouse to catch up with Sumi Tsukamoto. At this time, a boy with inch hair came out of the toilet of the teaching building, and happened to meet everyone.


"It's Seko," Sumi Tsukamoto said unexpectedly, "Where have you been? I was looking for you just now."

"I feel sick to my stomach, so I asked for leave in the afternoon and have been resting in the health room." The boy looked at the seniors behind him, "What can I do for you?"

"It's nothing important, we can talk about it another day..."

"In that case, I'll take a rest and go back."

The boy nodded uncomfortably to everyone, and walked into the health room beside him.

"Sister," Sonoko asked curiously, "Is that person just now a classmate of Hideaki Hosaka's?"

Tsukamoto Sumi led everyone up the stairs and said, "They are in different classes, but I heard that he and Hosaka grew up together."

"But it's really rare," Xiaolan said as she walked on the sidelines, "Sisters from the physical education department also go to the library."

"I want to study too, and I want to go to college," Tsukamoto Sumi smiled back and said, "And, I just happen to be able to investigate the ghost thing with you..."

Conan and Gao Cheng were at the back, looking puzzled at the girls talking and laughing in front of them: "Why is she suddenly interested in ghosts?"

"It should be to know who is playing a prank."

Gao Cheng followed him into the quiet library on the third floor, where there were still many students reading.

Although I don't remember much, but unlike Kindaichi, there shouldn't be any murders in Conan's school, right?

It wasn't a student who was killed at the school festival last time.

"This is here, the library of hatred," Sonoko became nervous again, "I heard that in the morning, four books will be placed on the floor in a mess, and they are all books that Hosaka borrowed before he was alive. I think this is all the hatred of Hosaka who can no longer read these books!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, Sonoko!"

"But," Conan interjected, "if the librarian locked the door, he would have noticed those books, right?"

"It's so strange!" Sonoko glared fiercely at Conan.

"That's because those books were placed in the shadows under the bookshelf or under the table," Sumi Tsukamoto shook his head and looked at Gao Chengdao, "I think someone is just using the ghost talk to take the opportunity to play a prank, Kido-senpai , this kind of messy guy, please find him out!"

"oh oh."

Gao Cheng looked away from the bookshelf and the students who were reading: "Do you know which four books are they?"


"Electrical communication engineering, rainforest damage reporting, history of the university system, rock formation damage analysis..."

On the reading table, Gao Cheng flipped through several unpopular books brought by Sumi Tsukamoto one after another.

"It's just these few books, almost only Hosaka borrowed them," Tsukamoto Sumi explained, "Hosaka used to aspire to become a manga artist, so in order to draw interesting manga, he had to know a lot of things that people don't usually know. That’s what I’ve been saying all along, you should have seen the signature on that desk, right? It’s what Hosaka intends to use when he becomes famous.”

"Yes, is it?"

Sonoko swallowed.

"I see, let's go to the last place to have a look..."

"The last one is the cursed staircase next to the art room."

After leaving Sumi Tsukamoto to read in the library, everyone found the art room on the second floor on the other side.

"When a student came in the morning, he found that the bottom of the stairs was soaked in water. I heard that Hideaki Hosaka also fell from this staircase. I'm afraid that the water is his cursed tears..."

"Could it be that the windows were not closed when it rained the day before?" Conan interjected again.

"It's not a brat like you, of course you will close the windows! And it's not just that, it is said that the number of steps on this staircase is different every time you count..."

Yuanzi bluffed, Gao Cheng rolled his eyes and turned to the side.

I know they are boring things, why do Japanese high school students always like rumors about supernatural events?Fortunately, there are no old school buildings, otherwise there would be more than these legends now.

Rumors that there is no women's restroom is really a bad review.

However, suddenly concentrated in the recent period, it is very likely that someone is playing tricks behind the scenes.

Glancing at Xiaolan and Yuanzi who were struggling to count the stairs, Gao Cheng squatted down to check under the stairs.

There is a recess on the wall next to the fire extinguisher, and the floor in the corner seems to be coated with a layer of wax, which is still slippery to the touch.

After a pause, Gao Cheng removed the fire extinguisher on the wall to check.

slightly damp...

Gao Cheng turned his gaze to the art room next to him, got up and opened the door, and found a boy with an unusually ugly face sitting inside.

"Excuse me……"

"You guys are never finished!" The boy suddenly said angrily, "I can't even concentrate on drawing!"

"Holding, I'm sorry," Gao Cheng nags, "The thing about the stairs..."

"I don't know anything!" The boy slammed the door shut to block Gao Cheng, "Be quiet!"

"Senior Cheng, Chenghu!" Xiaolan suddenly looked out of the window in shock, pointing at the courtyard downstairs and said tremblingly, "Then...there...there is a table and chair..."

"Table and chairs?"

Conan rushed to the window, his face suddenly turned aside, and he hurried down the stairs, went to the shoe cabinet to change his shoes, and then rushed to the tables and chairs in the middle of the yard.

Gao Cheng also changed his shoes, but when he wanted to follow, Yuanzi hugged his arms tightly, and Xiao Lan followed behind in fear.

"C-Could it be the table in the sports warehouse just now?"

"Please, what are you afraid of? Didn't you rush to investigate just now?"


The sky was dark, the rain had stopped, and the tables and chairs were placed in the muddy space in the middle of the C-shaped teaching building. On it was a piece of paper pressed by stones, which made a harsh sound in the cold wind.

The two Yuanzi did not dare to approach, when Gao Cheng came over, Conan stood silently beside the table with a solemn expression.

"My hatred has not been eliminated..."

Conan looked at the message on the paper and turned to Gao Chengdao: "The paper is not wet, it should be put here after the rain stopped, but there is nothing on the mud floor that should have been there, it is the person who moved the table and chairs here footprints..."

Gao Cheng didn't speak, but looked at the signature on the corner of the table.

It was indeed the table in the sports warehouse, when they left the warehouse just when it started to rain...

Someone moved the table over here after that for a purpose.

"Probably to create panic."

Gao Cheng raised his head and looked towards the teaching building, just in time to see the art student standing by the window, and hurried away after being spotted.

I think it's just a prank, but it seems necessary to investigate carefully.

At present, it seems that the so-called ghost incident is likely to be related to the high school student Hideaki Takasaka who died. If it is not dealt with quickly, there may be a real murder case.

Gao Cheng glanced at Conan next to him.

Sure enough, with this guy around, you can't be careless...

(End of this chapter)

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