Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 513 Ginkgo Colored First Love

Chapter 513 Ginkgo Colored First Love
On the way home, Yuanzi and Xiaolan were still talking about the supernatural event at Didan High School, leaving Gao Cheng, who solved the puzzle, completely aside.

Gao Cheng silently walked behind with Conan, looking at the lively Yuanzi and Xiaolan with envy on his face.

Since stepping on the detective stage of this world, campus life no longer belongs to him.

"Hey," Conan looked at Gao Cheng with squinted eyes, "what are you regretting, I can't enjoy a good high school life, I can only go to school with a bunch of kiddos."

"How can a kid like you understand the world of adults?"

"Please, you are only one year older than me!"

Conan rolled his eyes.

His impression of adults is that he left his parents who played all over the world, and Kogoro Mouri, a bad alcoholic.

"But is it really all right? That new doctor..."

"If there is a problem, the FBI won't leave it alone?"

Gao Cheng was very calm.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen Judy much since the last incident, so I should go to monitor other members of the organization now, right?

The time is gradually coming to November. Apart from getting two blank camouflage cards from the Didan High School ghost incident and an accident in the middle, Gao Cheng spends most of his time at home. Since the Bourne Detective Agency in New York has recruited a senior detective It has been neither good nor bad.

"Can't find anything? But I don't have time today... Well, I'll let Xiao Ai pass by later."

At the Kido Detective Agency, Gao Chengcai received a call from Dr. Ali when he got up, and shouted to Xiao Ai who was at home on the weekend: "The doctor couldn't find an important letter, let me call to help..."

Xiao Ai yawned, and said without energy: "I can't help him find things every time."

"No way, let's go and have a look first."

As Gao Cheng spoke, he looked at Xiao Ai with some concern.

Xiao Ai is always sleepy these days, and goes to school much earlier than before, I don't know what I'm busy with...

"That, Xiao Ai."

"What?" Xiao Ai looked at Gao Cheng in doubt.

"You have ginkgo leaves in your hair, where did they go?" Gao Cheng took a ginkgo leaf from Xiaoai's hair.

"No, nothing."

It was afternoon when Xiao Ai arrived at the doctor's house, and Ayumi and the others were already helping Dr. Ali find things, but the house was in a mess but nothing was found.

"Doctor, what did the letter you mentioned look like?" Conan who followed him asked helplessly.

"It's in a postcard-sized envelope," Dr. A Li said, looking around with a headache. "It's a wedding invitation for the son of a doctor's friend. Inside is a postcard that must be sent out today..."

"In this case," Conan looked at the TV where some letters were placed, "don't you always like to put the letters you have finished reading on the TV? Maybe it fell near the TV..."

"Really?" Mitsuhiko moved closer to the TV, and sure enough, he saw a lot of things missing from the gap behind the TV, "There are a lot of letters here!"

"Really, Conan, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Ha ha……"

Conan looked at Mitsuhiko who took out the letter, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Shouldn't we be looking for this kind of place from the start?

"The doctor is too careless, isn't he?" Mitsuhiko flipped through the letter and said, "New Year's card, summer greetings... There is also a driver's license renewal notice..."

"There is everything."

"Hey," the doctor said awkwardly, "it's something I haven't been able to find..."

"What is this one?" Xiao Ai saw a postcard, "It's so cute, written by a child..."

"This one……"

Dr. A Li was stunned for a moment, then silently took the postcard, his eyes became moist.

"What's the matter, doctor?" Ayumi took the wedding invitation letter to the doctor, but she was stunned when she saw the doctor's expression, "It's the postcard written by the child..."

"Is it a love letter?"

"Ah?" Dr. A Li came back to his senses, "No, it's just a postcard sent to me by a friend, it was already 40 years ago..."

"40 years ago? Was it when the doctor was in the sixth grade?"

"Yes, I still remember it was the first day of school after the summer vacation. I took a shortcut because I was about to be late. At that time, I saw a girl from a lower grade standing by the roadside, her face turned blue with fear... ..."

Dr. A Li fell into the memory, with a look of nostalgia.

"Under the low hat, there are a pair of big black eyes. She is a very cute girl. It seems that because she is afraid of the barking of the big dog in front of her, she dare not go there...there is the Noi family, which is famous for raising large dogs nearby. , so there is no way, I let her hide behind me...

"It seems that she was very afraid of animals because she was bitten by a dog when she was a child. I thought it was too pitiful, so I took her to the house of Die Ye, a friend who raised hamsters. At the beginning, he was still very scared. I got used to it gradually, and even started to like animals, and I am not afraid of the big dog there after passing by Noi's house..."

Ayumi and the others all smiled and moved to the doctor's side: "Then you will go to school together every day?"

The old doctor blushed slightly: "No, no, it was only that autumn. She moved out a few months later. This postcard is what she left in my mailbox..."

"Huh? What's written on the postcard?"

"Let me see," Conan took the postcard, "Thank you very much for these few months, it's great to meet Akasa, because I hate to say goodbye, so today, ten years later, before the sun goes down, we will meet at that See you in a place full of memories, if you don't see it, it will be another ten years, even if I become an old woman, I will wait forever, so if you are free, come and see me... to my favorite and favorite Li..."


At the spot where Fushahui's limited-edition products were snapped up, Gao Cheng took a few bags of hamburgers and found Yuanzi and Xiaolan who were queuing up.

"I bought it... But, why did you bring me here? I was going to watch Yoko and Misa Nakayama's live concert with uncle..."

"What's so interesting about the concert?" Sonoko snorted and took the hamburger, "Aren't you a fan of Reika Hayamizu?"

"I just like watching their performances..."

Looking at the long queue, Gao Cheng sighed weakly.

"How long will we have to wait?"

"Isn't it all because of your dawdling?" Yuanzi said with droopy eyes, "We were supposed to come over in the morning, and besides, didn't you want to buy Fushahui brand bags for Xiao Ai?"

"That's right..."

Gao Cheng wailed from the bottom of his heart.

Xiao Ai is such a small hobby, and he did agree to help buy it, but at the beginning, he planned to let Yuanzi ask his relationship to get one, and he didn't even want to queue up.

Legs are weak...

"But having said that," Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan curiously, "Xiaolan, it's really strange that you would want to buy a branded bag..."

Xiaolan held the hamburger and the Coke, and said with a nostalgic look: "Actually, I made an appointment with someone a long time ago, although that person may have forgotten..."

"A long time ago? Could it be that reasoning maniac?"

"No, no, it's a beautiful aunt wearing a hat. When I was in elementary school ten years ago, because I forgot to bring an umbrella, I was waiting for the rain to stop under the ginkgo tree behind the school. I met that aunt there... "

"The promise is to buy Fushahui designer bags?" Yuanzi felt a little confused.

Gao Cheng took a bite of the hamburger and raised his ears to listen to Xiao Lan's story, but the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Hello, Conan? I'm with Sonoko and the others. Yes, I'm queuing up to buy branded bags... What can I do for you?"

"That's it..."

There was a burst of noisy voices from the opposite side, and Mitsuhiko and the others hid before Conan could speak on the phone.

"Brother Gao Cheng!" Guangyan said anxiously, "Hurry up and help the doctor find his first love, time is running out!"


"The doctor forgot the meeting place!" Ayumi's soft voice came, "Brother Gao Cheng, please, hurry up and help the doctor unlock the code, if you can't find it before the sun goes down, it will be over!"


Gao Cheng turned his head to Yuanzi and Xiaolan who were looking over, "He said he asked me to go and help find someone."


(End of this chapter)

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