Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 520 5-Star Reasoning

Chapter 520 5-Star Reasoning

It was afternoon, and seeing that it was approaching 3 o'clock, the mock exam was over again. Many students walked out of the classroom one after another, relaxed or silent. A small number of people gathered in the corridor to discuss the exam situation with the answers. Test well.

Although it is only a mock exam, it is also arranged according to the formal process and exam intensity. Many people are already worried about the future university entrance exams, and some students have already set their goals on Dongda University. If they can enter the top of the country Dongda University, the best school in the world, may change your whole life.

Of course, there are also some students who are a little desperate for the exam and plan to go home to inherit the family property in peace, but no matter what happens, they still cannot avoid the exam.

"Huh," Yuanzi slumped on the seat weakly, "Finally there is only the last subject left, Xiaolan, how did you do in the exam?"

"I didn't do very well in the math test." Xiaolan looked out the window with some worry.

There were many more police cars patrolling yesterday, and today the sirens have been ringing non-stop since the morning, and even the TV station helicopter was dispatched. I don't know what happened.

Conan also didn't come home yesterday because he spent the night at the doctor's place...

"Why do you look worried, Xiaolan?" Yuanzi propped his chin and said, "Wait a minute, isn't Chinese your best?"

"Well, I just feel like something happened today..."

"The most important thing for us is the exam, right?"

Yuanzi then looked out the window and said, "Speaking of which, when I went out at noon, I seemed to see Shiroto on the other side of the stairs. Do you think it's strange?"

"Senior Kido?" Xiaolan was stunned, "What is senior Kido doing at school? Could it be Shinichi?"

"How do I know, maybe I was wrong."

Sonoko sighed and looked at the photo in his hand.

"Speaking of it, I didn't do well in math this time, and tennis is probably out of my game..."

Time passed by, and it was three o'clock in the afternoon when the explosion was scheduled. On a pedestrian bridge near Didan High School, there was a middle-aged man looking in the direction of the school through a binoculars on a pedestrian bridge near Didan High School. Hearing the conversation between Yuanzi and Xiaolan, the corners of his mouth gradually split.

But unexpectedly, the explosion did not happen. Seeing the last exam bell rang, there was still no sign of an explosion.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man stared blankly at the peaceful Didan High School. Wearing a pair of glasses, his long hair parted in the middle and his long thin face looked like a frozen wooden chicken.

"Why didn't it explode?!"

The man gritted his teeth tightly, took out his mobile phone and decided to detonate the bomb directly and remotely.

"Ring ring ring!" After the call was made, a familiar ring sounded behind the man. The man's face changed completely, and his neck turned back stiffly.

"I'm really sorry," Police Officer Mu Mu led a team to surround the man with a mobile phone that kept ringing, "It's useless for you to make any calls."

Breaking out in cold sweat, the man retreated to the guardrail of the overpass, and looked at the mobile phone Mu Mu was carrying as if he had seen a ghost.

This is indeed the mobile phone he put on the bomb, that's right, but the first bomb was dismantled ahead of time, how could the police find the location of the second bomb so quickly without warning, and secretly dismantled the bomb without telling him .

He didn't notice anything unusual at all...

"Is it weird?" Mu Mu snorted coldly, "The prompt on the screen of the first bomb did only appear 3 seconds before the explosion, but it's fine if you cut the line at the last second, although it only appeared' EVIT', but this half of the prompt is enough for us to confirm that it is EVITCETDE, that is, the prompt written by the detective's English upside down, and the detective's reversed pronunciation happens to be Di Dan..."

"There are still students in the school at this time, and the name is Didan High School, only Didan High School that is holding a national mock test! Your biggest mistake is daring to stand in such a conspicuous place and observe Didan High School with a telescope!"

He completely grasped everything on his face, but still murmured in his heart.

The time for dismantling the bomb at Didan High School was faster than that of the Dongdu Iron Tower. After all, the last reminder was just a confirmation for the sake of safety. Until now, I still don’t understand how Gao Cheng found the bomb.

I just need a lot of information...


The man's heart suddenly turned hard, and when the police surrounded him, he turned over and jumped off the overpass, narrowly falling on top of a passing bus.

"Not good!" Meguro reacted instantly, but before he could give an order, Sato jumped down immediately, sweating profusely.

The gangster 7 years ago was hit and killed by a car because of running around. Unexpectedly, the remaining gangster would also come out. The most important thing is the safety of his subordinate Sato.

"Stop chasing, Sato!"

"Officer Sato!"

Seeing Sato jumping from a car to the side of the road, crossing the traffic and chasing the gangster closely, Takagi also hurried down the overpass to follow.


A loud gunshot exploded in the streets and alleys, and the pedestrians on the road were in panic. When Gao Cheng rushed to the scene, almost no one dared to watch the excitement.

Soon a man in a panic was escorted out of the alley by the police. He didn't look like he was injured, but he looked stupid, with wet long hair parted in the middle, and seemed to be out of control from fright, with a sense of commotion. It stinks, I can't even stand still.

The 7-year bombing has finally come to an end, but it's really embarrassing that an elite policeman like Matsuda Jinpei died at the hands of such a guy.

Watching the man being escorted into the police car, Gao Cheng turned his gaze to Sato and Gao Mu who were blushing, smiled, turned around and walked into the crowd with his hands in his hands.

Solving puzzles with codes has always been his shortcoming, but this incident gave him a warning and gave him a lot of ideas about solving puzzles with codes.

At least, if you want to become the No. 1 detective in the world, you can't have this obvious shortcoming.

It was already evening when we returned to Kido Detective Office, and the system exchange along the way also had results.

I thought it would only be knowledge about bombs, but I didn’t expect to get two cards this time. In addition to the knowledge of bomb structure, I also got a tennis ball. The perverted gangster seems to be a master at making bombs. Well done.

This was the first time he had drawn two cards after the system upgrade, which surprised Gao Cheng. After careful inspection, he found that it was an extra reward for raising his reasoning ability to 5 stars.

The system information has also changed...

Name: Gaocheng (Kido Gaocheng)

Sex: Male
Age: 18~19 (a long year)
Occupation: Detective

Special skill: 1 minute Detective (enter the mind space for 1 minute)

Convertible Case: Shocking Metropolitan Police Department, 1200 million hostage incident

Weapon: Wooden Knife Star Shard
Swordsmanship: 5+
Response: 5
Observation: 5
Reasoning ability: 5
getting Started:

Disguise, physics, Russian, pottery, Japanese history, long-range sniping, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, cooking, babysitting, bomb construction


Chinese, Japanese, English, piano, medicine, voice changing, computer, car driving, motorcycle driving, skiing, bomb disposal, tennis

pistol shooting, games



Not only the reasoning ability has been raised to 5 stars, but the tennis has also been raised to the proficiency level. In addition, there is an additional knowledge of bomb construction that matches bomb disposal.

Gao Cheng is in a good mood, with a 5-star reasoning ability, he should have caught up with Conan, right?

In any case, he has finally achieved a small achievement on the road of being a detective, and sooner or later he will be able to stand at the apex of this world.

Gradually walking downstairs to the illuminated detective office, Xiao Ai had already been waiting in front of him at some point, when she saw Gao Cheng's figure, she asked, "Is it over?"


Gao Cheng walked up to Xiao Ai, went up the stairs together and said, "How about going to Didan High School to play tennis these few days?"


(End of this chapter)

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