Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 718 The Third Prediction

Chapter 718 The Third Prediction

In the afternoon, Gao Cheng checked the time on his watch downstairs at the scene, and called Okiya Subaru, but he didn't get through, including Xiao Ai and Conan's mobile phone.

"Strange, they should have arrived at the campsite by this time, isn't there a signal yet?"

"Maybe there is something delaying it," Takagi came over with a notebook after asking, "Dr. A Li took Conan and the others to camp again?"


Gao Cheng didn't want to mention Okiya Subaru, so he changed the subject and said, "Is there any clue here?"

Takagi shook his head: "Same as the previous investigation, the surrounding residents have already asked, and there is nothing suspicious."

"It seems that we can only continue to investigate from the fax..."

Gao Cheng looked back at the apartment building where the drowning accident occurred, and drove back to the Metropolitan Police Department with Gao Mu.

Xiao Ai's side is really not reassuring, and she will definitely be involved in some other case. I hope that Okiya Subaru will work harder to prevent any trouble.

In a luxury villa on the edge of a cliff in the deep mountains, a loud explosion broke the silence at noon, and thick fireworks shot up. Soon, fire engines and ambulances arrived on the scene, along with police cars.

The police officer was Kogoro Mori's old boss, Sergeant Yumaga, who is now in charge of arson cases.

"The one burned to death was Mr. Zhou Teng Haogui, 34 years old, the president of an IT company. He built a luxury villa here after earning a lot of money. The cause of the explosion may be cigarette butts..."

In the charred garage after the fire was extinguished, Officer Gong Chang followed the forensic personnel to check the scene. Conan and Xiao Ai walked out from the crowd behind. Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes and followed behind. Conan.

There is such a strange thing, just go out and get involved in the case...

"The plastic oil barrel containing gasoline in the garage was overturned. At that time, the entire garage should have been filled with combustible gas. After Mr. Zhou Teng drove in, he probably got out of the car with a cigarette butt in his mouth. There were still charred cigarette butts on the ground... ..."

Officer Gongchang looked at the scene and made a preliminary judgment, then turned to Conan in doubt and said, "I remember you are the kid who followed Kogoro and Detective Kido, right? Why are you here?"

Okiya Subaru stepped forward and explained: "Detective Kido has something to do temporarily, and he entrusted me to take these children out camping, just passing by here..."

"Oh," Police Officer Gongchang had also heard about the situation at Mumu's side, and he suddenly said, "I really need to find Detective Chenghu for that kind of thing..."

"What is it?" Conan asked curiously.

"It's hard for me to say," Gong Chang said with a smile, "it's a troublesome matter on the murderer's serious crime team..."


The Metropolitan Police Department did not find any clues about the static electricity accident until the evening, until the police officer Gong Chang from the arsonist search team sent a message that Gao Cheng met Conan and his party, as well as Yin Lin Huinai, the suspect who used static electricity to ignite the murder, who is also the victim's fiancée .

It is true that the murder was done with the help of static electricity, but Yinlin Huinai did not send a fax to the Metropolitan Police Department. The motive for the murder was because the fiancé had a bad personality. He wanted to take revenge on his parents in the past. No accomplices.

"The prediction was successful again..."

When Gao Cheng left the Metropolitan Police Department, he still frowned.

It is hard to call it a coincidence that the two predictions were successful, and it is impossible for the police to treat it as a coincidence

He had never encountered such a situation before. The distance between the two cases was not too close. If it had nothing to do with the prophet himself, there was no way they could be connected.

Does it really have the power of prophecy?

"What's the matter, Kido?" Conan followed Gao Cheng and asked, "I heard that there seems to be something wrong with the Metropolitan Police Department..."

"It's not impossible to say," Gao Cheng came back to his senses, "It's just that someone acted as a prophet and sent something similar to a murder notice to the Metropolitan Police Department, and it happened. It seems to be a coincidence but it's not a coincidence... I don't believe there is any prophecy ability, but..."

Gao Cheng didn't say any more.

Although the Conan world is not very scientific, it is definitely a regular detective world in general, and Koizumi Hongzi is just a fortuneteller.

But this time he didn't find any flaws, it really looked like he predicted the incident, or else there was another behind-the-scenes manipulator like Gao Yuanyao, and he was even more powerful than Gao Yuan without leaving any traces...

The key is to predict the two successful incidents. In fact, the murderer has been preparing for several weeks, repeated several times, and only successfully exploded today. If someone who knows the inside story predicts nothing, the former... the drowning incident was very sudden. , the murderer was an impulsive murder, and he could only start from the other accidental drowning.

What appears to be an accident on the surface is not necessarily an accident. Maybe the murderer designed a mechanism that would leave no trace in advance, and was going to keep trying, but it just happened to succeed once.

The other is criminal psychology. Since the mysterious man issued a murder notice, he has already exposed his own psychology, which somewhat provides a basis for criminal profiling.

Gao Cheng came to his senses.

Keep the suspicion of the mysterious side first, and consider it from some unknown method.

He has also encountered many so-called supernatural cases, such as supernatural fires, agility, and out-of-body... It is often because of a lack of cognition in a certain aspect that people misunderstand or even get confused.

"Heh." In a dark room, a man in a hoodie was watching the surveillance screen in front of the computer, and the corners of his mouth twitched when he saw Gao Cheng leave the police station.

"Detective, it's really annoying..."

Turning off the monitoring, the man in the hoodie typed "Next: Shooting" in the option box for sending anonymous faxes at regular intervals.



The next day, Gao Cheng spent the whole morning in the coffee shop downstairs reading the newspaper. From time to time, the big dog Manguno, who was silently lying beside him, suddenly heard the twin sisters mention the popular illusion show in Tokyo recently.

"Yes," the twin sisters looked forward to, "I heard that they are illusion geniuses who debuted recently. Tickets for the performances abroad are hard to find, and the illusions performed on the spot are almost fake..."

Gao Cheng lacked interest. Since it was illusion, it must be a trick to deceive people. He was very interested in deciphering it at the time, but illusion is probably just visual deception with the help of lights, which is just a branch of magic, and it is not good in itself. Cracked.

"That's how it is," Gao Cheng didn't want to spoil the interest of the two sisters, and put down the newspaper report, "On the day of the performance, the coffee shop can take a day off, and I will take care of Manguno."

"Really?" the twins cheered, "That's great, Master!"

"Calling me the store manager is enough..."

Gao Cheng's eyebrows twitched.

If it doesn't work, let Manguno go to the uncle next door. Xiaolan will probably welcome him very much, and the uncle can ignore it...


After talking to the twins, Gao Cheng's mobile phone rang, and Gao Mu called in a hurry: "Kiroto, I'm faxing again, and just now... it's predicting the shooting!"

(End of this chapter)

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