Chapter 722
In the cold environment, drinking some wine and eating oden at the distinctive roadside stalls is another good choice besides going to the izakaya, but Gaocheng and Takagi don’t drink alcohol, and they don’t have much bitterness to talk to the boss. After a while, they went home separately.

In this weather, Gao Cheng actually prefers to stay at home and eat a bowl of hot noodles.

Walking alone on the deserted street, Gao Cheng couldn't help tightening his collar. Usually, he is the most likely to get sick in this kind of weather, unless everyone else is sick, he is somehow fine.

It's not bad luck. Like this incident, the system rewarded a blank camouflage card almost at the same time as Sato reported it. It was also his 19th blank camouflage card. Toji Kawase didn't have a blank camouflage card in his abilities. important.

"Buzz!" Gao Cheng's cell phone vibrated suddenly, which seemed particularly abrupt on the side of the deserted street.

After a pause, even though it was an unfamiliar call, Gao Cheng still answered it: "Hello, I am..."

"Detective Kido Takasei, right?" A man's laughter came from the opposite side, "Detective Kido is so famous, how could I not know you? I know everything about you. Was the oden delicious just now?"

Gao Cheng frowned and looked around.

"who are you?"

"Haven't we already dealt with each other a few times? Now it's the fourth prediction, and the next one is... Hammer."


Gao Cheng was puzzled, but only heard the busy tone from the phone hanging up.

Regardless of whether it is the murderer or anyone else, there must be a reason for the behavior, so the murder motive in the case has always been an important part of the investigation, but the purpose of this mysterious person cannot be accurately judged.

It looked like it was prompting the police, but in fact it didn't help anything, but it looked like a naked provocation, full of malice.

This time, tell him the information first instead of the police. Will it be a pleasure?

Some people with high IQ really like to seek excitement. Such a person will either side with the police or become a criminal. The former is nothing.

He hates this kind of enemy who jumps out of nowhere, who is in the dark and doesn't know where to go...

After thinking about it, Gao Cheng first called Xiao Ai at home and said, "Is there anything unusual about the office?"

"No," Xiao Ai was still watching the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama, and responded to the call, "Even if the network is hacked, it will have no effect, the computer only has the past case information."

"When the doctor comes back, let him help me upgrade the firewall again."

Gao Cheng had a headache. His computer skills were only proficient. Dr. A Li was a computer expert, but he was not in the field of security. Maybe he had to ask the doctor to introduce a friend in this area.


There are no people in the dark and bleak park, only the street lights are still on, and there are no people staying in the cold weather, only passersby pass by occasionally.

The day was still the same as usual, but there was an extra figure in the woods by the street lamp, his figure was ups and downs, and there was a faint blunt sound of heavy objects hitting. An old man with a Mediterranean hair who happened to be passing by drank too much and looked at him drunkenly. Lin Zi, because of the cover of the bench, he could only see a black figure wearing a thick hooded windbreaker.

"Oh, little brother, are you looking for something?"

The uncle hiccupped and greeted curiously, and was about to approach, but the black shadow got up and ran away without saying a word, leaving only a bloody blonde lying on the grass.

"Hammer Man?" The next day, Gao Chengcai received an invitation to participate in a program on Nikmai TV, and received a report on the incident on the way.

It has been more than once. Since receiving the prediction call that day, this is already the fourth case. It was the third case that Gao Cheng knew about the nature of some urban legends before. The current serial case is followed by Takagi and Sato.

This time it seems that because of the discovery, the murderer left the blood-stained hammer at the scene. It has been confirmed that there are bloodstains from the first three victims on it. At the same time, the police also learned the murderer's trace from witnesses.

"See Hammer Man enter an apartment?"

"Yeah, that witness was actually drunk," Takagi said with a wry smile, "Now we can't be sure of his testimony, but just to be on the safe side, we still have to check one by one, but found a suspicious family. In the room, but he didn’t open the door when he heard the doorbell, if there is no search warrant, he can only monitor first..."

"I see. If you have any news, please contact me." Gao Cheng got off the car at Nikmai TV Station and said softly.

"Eh?" Gao Mu was stunned, "Aren't you coming to watch?"

"I can't get away now, and it's not easy to be a light bulb in the past."

Gao Cheng hangs up the phone sullenly.

There seems to be no further development trend between this guy Takagi and Officer Sato. If he passes now, he will definitely be disgusted, right?

Gao Cheng is almost a regular visitor to the internal studio of Nikmai TV Station. After greeting the staff, he immediately found Yoko Okino, who came temporarily to serve as the host.

Recently, Yoko Okino's new movie is going to be released, and it's time for publicity. It's not easy for the program group to invite her, but it may be a kind of publicity. Gao Cheng's news value is not small now, and it happens to be Encountered a hot case.

That's right, the existence of the "Prophet" was finally announced. The reason was that the "Prophet" sent an email to the media on his own initiative. Interested in mysteries, not to mention a relationship with a famous detective.

Now there are discussions about "Prophet" and "Hammer Man" everywhere on the Internet. As a famous detective, Gao Cheng has become a background board. He has worked hard for a long time to become a celebrity expert, but this meeting seems to be regarded as a stepping stone, even though Gao Cheng has a good temper. He was also a little angry, but he still came to participate in the show.

He is a person who speaks by facts, he doesn't like meaningless disputes, and expanding his fame is only for business, so that he can receive more cases. Of course, it is better to have more female fans.

These clowns shouldn't be able to affect his female fans...

Gao Cheng has rich experience in the show, and is also an old friend with Yoko Okino. Of course, it is impossible to be stage fright as a guest. His calm appearance has attracted a lot of attention in the show. People don’t mind adoring capable people who are not in their circle .

Gao Cheng's series of victories are quite convincing. Not to mention, the recent winter red leaves incident, the Lucia doll murder incident, and the previous confrontation with Kaitou Kidd and the Furin Volcano incident that caused a sensation in Nagano Prefecture, Moreover, Gao Cheng personally resolved the third prediction during the incident of the prophet.

"Detective Kido," Yoko Okino asked directly in the program after being ordered by the director, "I don't know what you think of the Prophet?"

Gao Cheng opened his mouth, thinking of the phone call he received before, he still faced the camera and said, "Everything in the world has traces, and a prophet may not really be a prophet. Once a crime is involved, I will find him personally."

(End of this chapter)

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