Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 833 Unexpected Enemies

Chapter 833 Unexpected Enemies

In the afternoon of the next day, outside the entrance to the infield of Wimbledon Stadium, where the tennis final was about to begin, two plainclothes policemen patrolled the passage with a photo of Hades, and stopped a young man with short hair and glasses who was just walking out of the toilet.

"Excuse me, did you see this man? It seems that someone witnessed him walking into the toilet just now..."

"Really?" The man was wearing a shoulder bag, pushed his glasses and looked at the newspaper, "Who is this man?"

"He is the prisoner who is causing commotion in London now," the policeman said, taking out a photo for comparison. "This is a photo of himself, and this is what he looks like now after plastic surgery..."

"Sorry," the man shook his head and said, "I didn't pay attention to it. Is this guy going to commit crimes here?"

"Ah, no, we're just in case..."

"But it doesn't matter if you can't find it," the two plainclothes policemen talked and walked away, "Anyway, that guy will definitely find a way to get close to Miss Minerva, just pay attention to the lounge..."

The police quickly went to other people to continue questioning. The man with glasses left behind smiled, turned and walked away with his back to the police.

I didn't expect the police to unlock the code so quickly, but unfortunately they didn't understand his plan at all, incompetent guy, how could this prevent him from revenge?
Next, let's start to act, the real master should be on the stage soon...


On the other side of the stadium, Mori Kogoro and his team looked in amazement at the huge stadium auditorium full of people, felt the warm atmosphere of the scene, and at the same time couldn't help worrying about safety issues.

The police did not restrict the entry of people...

"It seems that many policemen have been arranged to secretly protect Miss Minerva, but it is still unknown what method they will use against Hades."

"However," Xiaolan said happily, looking at the cheering audience, "I didn't expect Ms. Diana and the operation committee to buy the infield tickets just one day in advance."

Conan nodded and said, "Because Ms. Diana is a member of the royal family, the Metropolitan Police Department also attaches great importance to this place."

"Ha ha……"

The uncle's face was a little stiff, and he didn't want to continue talking about this topic.

At the dinner party the day before yesterday, he was almost all responsible for the second half of the dinner, and even performed an over-the-shoulder fall on one of the guests.

I don't know who it is...

"Strange," said the uncle, looking around, "Where's Kido? Why didn't you see him?"

Conan responded: "Brother Kido said he would come in again, and he seems to have asked for a ticket on the other side."

"Really, it's such a time, you won't get lost again, right?"

The uncle muttered, took out the binoculars he had prepared, and looked into the field along the way.

"Although I know that the prisoner is going to attack here, but I don't know the exact time. Are the police really on guard? If the prisoner is not found or the prisoner is aware of it in advance, it will be a disaster!"

This uncle is very nostalgic for Japan, at least he will not be so passive, treated like an ordinary citizen by the London police...

Seeing that the uncle was still annoyed by the London police, Xiaolan helped to explain: "There is no way, we have been investigating the code, the prisoner may recognize us, the police said that it may alarm the prisoner, so we cannot be allowed to participate in the operation. "

"That's right..."

On the sidelines of the court, when Apollo appeared with his mother and Ares, he was warmly welcomed by the fans. Almost all Minerva fans knew her family, and it was also reported in magazines, especially last year because Minerva After losing the game in the absence of their mother, media attention has been high on the Apollo family.

Gao Cheng did not run around, but changed his identity to mix among the fans, without even attracting the attention of the uncle and his party. Although this time he used the only remaining "Chenghuzi" card to avoid waste, but There is also a simple camouflage, wearing a tennis cap and a pair of sunglasses, hiding in a group of game spectators is not very conspicuous.

Whether it is the police or the uncle and his party, they all focus on Minerva. Anyone who comes into contact with Minerva will be followed. The player lounge is also the most important thing to monitor. Only Apo Luo mother and son didn't get much attention here.

This is a big loophole, at least Gao Cheng feels that Hades' purpose is not that simple.

In the original case, Hades brutally murdered his friends and family, and even hated to dig out everyone’s heart. After collecting all the information and making a criminal psychological analysis, Gao Cheng believed that Apollo’s mother and child were equally dangerous.

For Hades, who turned into a murderer because of his mother's death, it is not surprising that Minerva's mother did it. After all, the outside media generally believe that Minerva lost the game because of her mother's absence.

In addition to reading all the information about Hades, Gao Cheng also carefully read the information about Minerva's family sent by Xiao Ai. To be precise, Minerva did not lose because of his mother's absence, but these details will not be ignored. Go check, Hades, who is wanted, can only get information through the media.

Killing Minerva's mother, and in front of Minerva on this kind of court, is also in line with the prisoner's psychological state.

and so……

The time when the prisoner really does it is probably the moment when Minerva plays the game, or even wins or loses the game.

In this environment, the method of committing the crime should also be through bombs, which are loud and can cause riots, making it easier to escape afterwards.

Because according to Hades' previous crimes, Hades, who has a twisted heart, likes to use a video camera to take pictures of the explosion himself.

According to the magazine report, Minerva's mother was worried that being photographed by the TV camera would affect her daughter's competition, so she usually did not sit in the family box, but chose the ordinary auditorium in the shade.

Therefore, the location Hades chose to shoot should be the auditorium facing the sun, so as to clearly capture the moment of the explosion from the front.

This cannot be done after the game is over, because the camera may be blocked by the excited audience standing up...

Whether the game is won or lost, it is a cruel choice for Minerva, and Hades may send the video to Minerva afterwards.

This time, too, it was a revenge crime.

Gao Cheng silently observed the fans who came into contact with Apollo, most of them were just talking about cheering up, only the man in the middle gave Apollo a big teddy bear plush doll for the little boy to pass on to his sister.

Gao Cheng remembered the man.

He is an ordinary uncle with short yellow hair and gold-rimmed glasses, which is completely different from the image released by the police, but it cannot be ruled out that Hades had disguised himself before, or spent money to find passers-by.

The latter is unlikely, because the news released by the police has caused a lot of reactions. If there is a suspicious person, passers-by will definitely think of the prisoner, and it is impossible to determine whether there will be a problem in the middle.

With such an important revenge, it is hard to believe that Hades would pretend to be someone else...

When the game was about to start, Apollo was holding a bag with a plush doll and was about to enter the arena. He still seemed very worried about his sister who was competing in the arena.

Gao Cheng followed to the end, secretly watching Apollo enter the infield with his mother, and soon found the man with glasses in the crowd behind him, as if he had been observing the crowd.

No one else gave gifts, and there should be a bomb hidden in that plush doll, which is the only method Hades can use.

Gao Cheng made up his mind and hid himself deeper.

In fact, it is impossible for Hades to recognize Gao Cheng's current status. On the surface, "Jihuzi" is just an ordinary female student fan. At least Hades is always on guard against the more troublesome plainclothes police and others. Conan and his party with familiar faces, especially Kogoro Mori who may have helped the police unlock the code and appeared in various code locations.

I heard that he is still a famous detective in Japan, and his status in Japan is comparable to Sherlock Holmes.

The man with glasses watched the Apollo family enter the infield with the plush doll, smiled coldly, and followed through the aisle to the entrance of the auditorium on the opposite side.

I have already hidden the preview in the inner side of the wristband that Minerva will wear in the final, and she will be discovered at the beginning of the game. I really want to see her expression at that time.

Presumably Minerva's expression must have been wonderful when she received the videotape afterwards.

And as it should be, the woman who lost at the French Open last year and then won Wimbledon a month later by a landslide on the day of her mother's funeral, proudly holding up the trophy...

Of course, let this woman taste his anger and sorrow at that time, and see how her mother was blown to pieces...

The face of the man with glasses was slightly distorted, but he quickly returned to normal. He walked through the aisle like an ordinary audience, blending in the crowd unobtrusively. A guard questioned him.

Suddenly, the man with glasses who was about to enter the infield was startled for no reason. Before he could figure it out, his eyes went dark, and he collapsed against the wall uncontrollably. In a blur of consciousness, he only saw an Asian girl holding a wooden knife behind her. Pass by.

What, what's going on? !
Where did the little girl come from...

"What happened?"

"It looks like someone has fallen!"

As the Asian girl disappeared into the crowd, the police, who received an anonymous message, rushed to the scene. They were surprised to find that the shoulder bag of the man with glasses was open, revealing the wig and other tools used for camouflage, a video recorder, and a remote control with the battery removed. device.

Seeing the wig style and changing clothes, the policeman who had been patrolling nearby reacted angrily: "Asshole! He is Hades!!"


In the stadium, Minerva fell into a disadvantage just after the game started, causing a commotion among the audience, and even the commentator frequently exclaimed.

"It touched the net again, what happened to Minerva?"

"The first serve is re-sent!"

On the playing field, Minerva panted and wiped off her sweat with a towel, and gritted her teeth as she listened to the commotion in the auditorium. Who can understand this signal, and repeatedly play the HELP distress signal in his serve.

I noticed the note in the wristband when I was wearing it. I knew the prisoner's plan but couldn't do anything, because the prisoner could detonate the bomb at any time. In order not to let the prisoner find out, she could only use her own way, but it seemed that no one at all Perceived her signal.

"Please, someone, help me..."

"Did something happen?" There were many fans outside the stadium who couldn't buy infield tickets watching the game on the big screen, and Kyogoku scratched his head in a daze among the crowd.

Because he went to the UK to participate in a karate competition, he was pulled over by his friends to watch the competition. Although he didn’t know much about tennis, judging from the body movements of Minerva in the picture, it was obvious that he was a person with a strong grasp of the body and would make frequent mistakes. It's a little strange.

"Maybe it's because he's not in a good state," the friend next to him said disappointedly, "Minerva Glass' serve has always been one of his strengths, and he has never made such a mistake before..."

"It's Braille!" Conan in the auditorium gradually realized something was wrong, "Sure enough, what message did the prisoner hide in her wristband, it's probably another crime warning... What exactly is it?"

At this time, several policemen suddenly came to the auditorium and found Apollo's mother and son along the aisle, which quickly attracted Conan's attention, but before thinking much about it, Xiaolan came over with her mobile phone and said, "The police just sent News, it seems that Hades has been caught, someone reported that Hades gave Apollo a teddy bear with a bomb in it!"

"Is there a bomb in that teddy bear?"

Conan was still a little dazed, but looking at the actions of the police on the other side, it seemed that they were targeting the teddy bear that Apollo's mother was holding in her arms.

"Who reported it?" Conan came back to his senses and asked Xiaolan eagerly.

"The police didn't say anything, it seems that Hades had already passed out when they arrived," Xiaolan said not very clearly, "Now everyone outside is talking about a kendo girl or something..."

"Kendo girl?"

The passage of the stadium and venue happened to be temporarily rained and the game was suspended. Many people outside the entrance of the infield heard the news and came out to check the situation. Makoto Kyogoku outside the arena originally lost interest. In addition, he did not bring an umbrella and planned to go back to do karate first. Practicing, he suddenly stopped when he heard the voice of discussion from the central venue.

"What are they talking about?"

"It seems that the police caught the prisoner." My friend glanced into the museum and explained, "It's the premonitory murder that has caused a sensation these days. I heard that the prisoner is a very cruel serial murderer."

"So that's the case." Kyogoku nodded suddenly.

The game was interrupted for 30 minutes due to rain, and it did not resume until the roof of the central court was closed. At this time, Minerva also got the news that his family was safe, and rejoined the game to start to regain the score.

Gao Cheng removed the effect of the camouflage card, quietly returned to the stands in the pavilion, looked at Minerva who seemed to be unaffected, and breathed a sigh of relief.

After experiencing the opening defeat, Minerva finally launched a counterattack, and the smile on his face was clearly visible on the big screen.

The strength of the lawn tennis queen is indeed very powerful.

This result is not bad, after the end, go ask for an autograph.

(End of this chapter)

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