Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 844 Teacher Kido is Right

Chapter 844 Teacher Kido is Right
At the entrance and exit of the haunted house of "Surprise Sick Building", the man with glasses was escorted out by the police in a dazed manner. Under the watchful eyes of many onlookers, the body of the victim, An Cai, covered in a white cloth, was also carried out on a stretcher. The police officers on duty outside hurriedly evacuated the crowd. Passage down the stairs.

The man with glasses took one last look at the corpse being carried away, opened his mouth but was speechless.

"A dead body isn't such a beautiful thing, is it?"

Gao Cheng pulled Yuanzi and passed by.

"Miss Anca is so obsessed with the authenticity of death that she even swallowed an overdose of sleeping pills to experience the feeling between life and death... To be honest, I don't really understand, but for Miss Anca, it's not like she made a promise with Hashiguchi-san It was a promise, that's why I worked so hard...

"Of course, no one knows exactly what happened now."

Looking at the few college students who were silent, Gao Cheng and Yuanzi turned to go to the main stage of the Academy Festival. The uncle's speech has not yet ended, and it seems that he is still in high spirits. Although the students in the audience are impatient, most of them left early .

"But," Yuanzi still didn't quite understand, "if he just wanted to find witnesses, why did he have to come to Uncle Xiaowulang, a famous detective?"

"Because his goal at the beginning was not uncle, he just wanted to find someone close to uncle to deal with Miss Ancai. It happened that Xiaolan didn't come, so he could only find you, Yuanzi. At first, he probably thought you were the uncle's daughter, so he purposely made love to you." Let's talk about that..."

Gao Cheng said casually.

There was probably no time for the celebration reception in the evening. After all, Police Officer Mu Mu was busy with the follow-up work of this case, but the settlement of the case gave him a blank camouflage card, accumulating to 30 cards.


The campus festival of Mihua University has caused great repercussions in the society. Homicides in institutions of higher learning have always been very influential. After all, they have different meanings, just like the previous Kirin Wings incident, which was widely known because it involved Nihonbashi.

But for Gao Cheng, life is still dull and fulfilling, and he even had time to change to the latest touch-screen mobile phone to play. The previous touch-screen mobile phone was put into a drawer and lay in ashes. .

At this time, the touch-screen mobile phones were still very simple, and the battery was not very durable. For the busy detective work, it is better to use a flip phone with a long standby time as a backup.

"Going to Nimai TV to record a program?" During breakfast, Xiao Ai played with her mobile phone for a while, and was surprised when she heard Gao Cheng's itinerary.

"Yeah, I called yesterday and said that I must participate, and the appearance fee is okay, mainly because it's not easy to refuse."

Gao Cheng changed into a suit that he usually wears on formal occasions, and dressed himself up like a professional elite. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Xiao Ai's mobile phone screen and wondered, "Can I change the picture? I just ate sweets once, so I In the eyes of those children, it's very ugly..."

"They won't see it."

"is it?"


Gao Cheng did not go to Rimai TV to record a program for the first time. Speaking of which, he and Rimai TV have cooperated many times. Although they are all interview programs, people from various departments have seen a lot of them. You can also get a nod when you walk in the TV station building.

This time I participated in an interview-type variety show. I heard that there were several other guests besides him. It seemed that they were doing promotion for the new series, and they could also meet well-known veteran artists. Masaki Sakai.

Although Gao Cheng's only impression of this old artist is the Monkey King in the old Japanese version of "Journey to the West", he rarely watches the programs hosted by the other party.

Studio No. 3, when Gao Cheng approached, the staff was still busy.

"Kiroto-sensei, your lounge is here."

"Okay, you don't need to call me teacher."

Calculating carefully, Gao Cheng is now a person with a little status. He will sell TVs and participate in programs in the future, and of course he will have his own independent lounge.

After all, he is not only a world-renowned great detective, but also a special consultant of the Metropolitan Police Department's first search section. His social status is not low. The only shortcoming is probably his age. In an environment that pays attention to seniority, he will appear to be at a disadvantage. Of course, education is also a problem. .

But to be honest, in the current Conan world, he really has no way to finish his studies, and entering the society early is of course the best choice.

Recorded programs generally have a rehearsal session, and even prepare scripts. Of course, it is not too strict. When the special guests are relatively big-name and it is a talk-type program, at least Gao Cheng only needs some simple requirements for the script. , including program topics and time control.

When it was time for the rehearsal, Gao Cheng, led by the staff, walked into the video studio, just as several other guests also came over, including a young man with a ponytail who looked familiar.

"Hello," Gao Cheng took the initiative to hand out his business card to the nearest middle-aged man with a serious face, "I am Kido Gao Cheng."

"Well," the middle-aged man took the business card, glanced at it casually, handed it to the assistant next to him, and said, "Sorry, I don't have the habit of preparing business cards, but I think you probably know me too."


Gao Cheng watched the middle-aged man pass by a little stiffly, when the staff approached and said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Dahe is like this, he doesn't like dealing with people very much, let me introduce you, one of the main players Mr. Shinichi Oga, a well-known actor, and Kimura here..."

"I don't need to introduce," when the staff mentioned the young man with ponytail behind, the other party smiled and said, "I have met Mr. Kido a long time ago."


Gao Cheng was stunned for a moment, watching the young man with ponytail react.

"Ah! You are Kimura who appeared in the opera house incident last time!"

"Long time no see, Mr. Kido," the young man with the ponytail shook hands with Gao Cheng, "Actually, I've always wanted to cooperate with you again, but I didn't expect to meet here first. I'm very concerned about the recent news about the teacher's case! "

"So, don't call me teacher..."

Gao Cheng smiled slightly embarrassed.

After all, this world is very different, and he usually doesn't pay much attention to the Japanese entertainment industry. The ones who are more clear are the actors in the Zuowen TV series, Okino Yoko, and Hayami Reika.

It seems that Kimura is doing well.

When we first met, not long after he solved the opera house incident, he took over the job of Xiaoqiao Group and acted as a consultant in the film adaptation. Kimura was an actor in that crew. It felt like something happened in the last century. No wonder he didn't remember.

In addition to Kimura, there are several actresses behind, and there are many people who look at Gao Cheng a little more, but they are not too enthusiastic.

Gao Cheng has always been an outsider, neither a director nor a screenwriter. Although he can be considered a celebrity, there is no rumor about this meeting, and everyone is only curious.

During the rehearsal, no one was a newcomer to the show, and with the experienced Masaki Sakai, nothing happened, and the subtle barriers between Gao Cheng and the actors were also brought over.

"So that's it. Kimura and Detective Kido have cooperated before, so do you plan to cooperate again in the future?" Sakai Masaki asked jokingly.

"Of course, I'm also very optimistic about Kimura. If we cooperate," Gao Cheng looked at the casual young man with ponytail on the opposite side. "Actually, the Zuowen series has a new plan recently. If Kimura is willing, he can make a guest appearance. Of course the lead role There is no way."


"It seems that Detective Kido can be considered a celebrity in the show business circle."

"Speaking of which, I actually played a cameo role as a samurai in a Dahe drama," Gao Cheng regretted. "Unfortunately, it seems that the filming was not completed because of a murder case. If possible, I would be very interested in the performance."

"Then the director probably has to worry again, because a homicide is likely to happen, right?" Sakai Masaaki joked, and quickly said to the audience, "Just kidding, I think the crew with Kido detectives should be the safest crew Right? At least if something goes wrong, we can find out the truth soon.”

There was laughter from the audience.

"It's true. Most of the time, our detectives just catch up, and it happens to be a relatively prominent case. In fact, there are also many cases in other places, but the media rarely follow up and report them, and they don't attract much attention. "Gao Cheng continued the conversation seriously, "If everyone can have a considerate heart, there should be a lot fewer cases."

Masaki Sakai nodded in agreement, and after a burst of applause, he asked again: "Just now Detective Kido said that he played a cameo role as a samurai in a Taiga drama. It seems that there have been rumors that Detective Kido is very good at swordsmanship. Is it true?"

"It's not particularly good. The main reason is that detective work is relatively dangerous. Learning swordsmanship can help you defend yourself... I usually like to practice with a baseball machine."

"A baseball player learning swordsmanship?" Masaaki Sakai looked at Gao Cheng in a daze, and confirmed it again.

"Yes, by the way, you can also exercise your body."


In the evening, Gao Cheng was eating dinner while watching the program he participated in being broadcast on TV, and Xiao Ai beside him yawned.

The effect doesn't seem to be very good.



Mori Detective Agency, Mori Kogoro and Conan are also watching TV, just in time to see Gao Cheng's part, but suddenly receive a call from Xiaolan.

"Are you going to live in school today?!"

"I'm sorry," Xiaolan apologized, "Because the karate competition is approaching, everyone's enthusiasm is high, and we don't have to go to school tomorrow, so everyone lives in the school and continues to practice. Just now the teacher agreed..."

"Hey!" Mori Kogoro asked hurriedly, "What about dinner? I'm starving to death!"

"Why don't you go to Polo's restaurant downstairs? By the way, it's not bad to ask them to make you a sandwich for breakfast tomorrow. If not, you can go to Senior Kido's house to have a meal first. Anyway, it's not far away... "

"Impossible, I won't go to Kido's for dinner!"

The uncle looked at Gao Cheng who was talking nonsense on TV, his old face instantly sank.

"That's it," Xiaolan hung up the phone and said finally, "I'll go back at noon tomorrow, remember to take good care of Conan!"

"Hey, wait a minute..."

The uncle's face darkened when he heard the busy tone on the phone: "Really, is that karate competition so important? Didn't you already win the championship last time?"

Conan laughed dryly at the side: "It seems that dinner will be settled with the bento from the convenience store..."

"What?" The uncle raised his eyebrows and glared at Conan, "What are you talking about? I still have the money to go to Poirot's restaurant!"

"But Poirot didn't open the door today. The owner of the restaurant said that he invited people from the neighborhood committee to go to the hot spring today..."

"is it today?"

The uncle was startled, and hurriedly ran to the window to poke his head out, only to find that Poirot downstairs was not open, and the nearby shops were not lit.

"Oops, the restaurants nearby are not open either!"

"Yeah, it seems that I have dated a lot of people..."

Conan asked his uncle, "Then should I go to Brother Chenghu's house? There should be time..."

Seeing that the uncle was silent, Conan took out another stack of leaflets and said, "I brought all the restaurant leaflets that others stuffed in the mailbox, maybe you can go and eat."


The uncle took the leaflet and gave Conan a sideways glance.

This brat has prepared everything. In fact, he just wants to eat delicious food, right?
"Let me see... Toramitsu who sells Edomae sushi... Tsubouchi who sells miso tonkatsu, and Kondo who sells Hiroshima Kaze Okonomiyaki... I don't really want to eat any of them..."

It's full of expensive shops...

"Huh? This one is very good, just take two steps and you will be there."

"Damn delicious... Ogura ramen?"

On Kubato Commercial Street, Conan followed Mori Kogoro to stand in front of an old ramen shop, which looked deserted and unpopular.

This is of course, the facade does not look very good, probably some years old.

"Obviously the photos on the leaflet are beautiful..."

Conan muttered in the cold wind.

If he came here to eat ramen, he would rather go to the Kido Detective Agency to make a living, at most he would get Haibara's eyes.

"Uncle, let's go to another store..."

"Idiot!" Mori Kogoro scolded, "Just because it's an old shop means it's a very popular and delicious ramen shop! Besides, it's so cold tonight, of course it's better to eat ramen!"

It's not because it's cheap that he doesn't come!


At Kido Detective Agency, Gao Cheng sneezed for no reason, looked depressedly at the window where the cold wind was blowing in, and said, "The weather seems to be getting colder again."

No way, the weather here is always like this.

Just as he was about to close the window, a police siren sounded in the distance in the night.

"Strange, where did the case happen again?"

"It seems to be on the side of Cupo Commercial Street," Xiao Ai said looking out the window, "What? Do you want to go?"

"I want to go and see, but..."

Gao Cheng was helpless.

Even if he is a special advisor to the Metropolitan Police Department's first search section, it doesn't mean that he can intervene in the case casually. Either the Metropolitan Police Department asks for assistance, or he just happens to be on the scene.

"Forget it, Tokyo usually has a lot of cases."

At the Ogura ramen shop, Mori Kogoro and Mu Mu who rushed to the scene looked at each other tacitly.

"The victim's name is Nishizu Tokumori, 51 years old, the president of a real estate company in Kubado..."

Takagi Hui who returned to his position reported: "The cause of death was cyanide poisoning, probably ingested from the mouth while eating ramen..."

"It's cyanide poisoning again," Mumu felt tired, frowned and said to Mouri Kogoro, "Then you also happened to come here to eat?"

"Yeah, by chance..."

The uncle scratched the back of his head with a stiff smile.

At least that Kido guy was right.

It just happened to be in time...

(End of this chapter)

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