Chapter 913
When Gao Cheng was enjoying a peaceful and leisurely life, the Red Girl incident aroused a wave of enthusiasm, but it could only be limited to the police and reasoning circles, because the changes in the Kingdom of Wispania suddenly grabbed the attention.

Although the red girl incident itself is a well-known case in Nagano Prefecture, it took 15 years to fully investigate the truth, but it is not as good as an international incident, especially the Queen of the Kingdom of Vespania had a visit to Japan recently .

Of course, these are not big problems for Gao Cheng, nor will it affect him.

In the red girl incident, there were ordinary people. He originally thought that he would get some daily skill cards, and maybe a housekeeping card, because Chengxiang was really good at cleaning rooms.

In the end, the system settled "Reconnaissance and Counter-reconnaissance", which directly promoted it to the proficient level.

In fact, since he became a detective, his ability in investigation has been improving. This time is just an opportunity, but also because of this, it seems that he has a tendency to develop into a super agent.

Special agent detective?To resolve international incidents?

It seems that there are such detectives in the world, but it seems that not many can survive, and there is no good life if they survive.

He suspected that the grandfather of the Kido Detective Agency was like this, but he was not famous.

Gao Cheng touched his chin.

The incident of the Kingdom of Wispania could smell a strong conspiracy atmosphere just by looking at it. This kind of case involving royal power and politics is particularly risky.

He has never received such a big case so far, and of course others may look down on him.

In any case, he still likes to live his own life in the office, and investigate cases by the way, and has no interest in being an agent at all, although the props such as camouflage cards drawn by the system seem to be more suitable for agents.

After slowly finding out the hidden BOSS behind the scenes of the black organization, he will almost become a world-class detective. He doesn't need to run around the world, and hugging Conan's thigh is the kingly way.


"Love novel?" Gao Cheng looked in surprise at Xiao Ai, who was playing with a petty temper.

Xiao Ai is obsessed with a new work "Phone, Sea, Me" by a famous romance novelist, and by the way, she also followed that novelist. When she saw the weekly magazine saying that the novelist's assistant is a lover, she didn't have a good face , I was so angry that I didn't even cook lunch.

Gao Cheng laughed and said, "What is there to believe in the words of weekly magazines? Besides, what's wrong with a novelist having a mistress?"

The novelist Jiayuanzi also mentioned it to him. When he was young, he was a famous handsome novelist with a large number of female fans. After that, he fell silent for a while, and he only regained his popularity now, but he is already middle-aged, and he is a greasy bald uncle. up.

It can't be Xiao Ai's dish, right?
"Because he wrote pure love novels!" Xiao Ai puffed, "I didn't expect the author's character to be so bad! Man!"

Seeing that the topic of men was about to be brought up, Gao Cheng quickly persuaded him, "Okay, it's just some gossip anyway, just ignore it..."

"But whether the author really cheated on his assistant is very important! I was really looking forward to the second volume of the novel!"

Xiao Ai folded her arms and sulked for a while, then looked suspiciously at Gao Chengdao.

"Will you become this kind of person in the future?"

"Please, I only have you as an assistant."

Gao Cheng was depressed and wiped his sweat.

"Since you care so much, let's go out to eat today. Sonoko and the others are going to play in the hotel where Shiliang lives. I heard Shiliang said that the novelist seems to live there too. Maybe we can meet him by the way."



In the hotel suite where Shiliang Zhenchun stayed, Gao Cheng and Xiao Ai watched Yuanzi three gossiping with expressionless faces, and the awkward Conan was sitting next to him, not saying a word.

Most of the time they were talking about Gao Cheng, and Shira Masumi even took the opportunity to ask him about the process of getting to know Sonoko.


It seems that they officially met in the bandage monster murder incident in the villa. Later, because they visited Yuanzi's sick sister, they gradually became acquainted with Yuanzi.

Even when he was killed, he would never have imagined that he would be with Yuanzi now.

After finally finishing the gossip between the little girls, Sonoko finally said, "Then everyone will go, right? Next week, the delegation of the Kingdom of Wispania will visit Japan, and there will be a great banquet in the evening."

"I'll forget it," Sera Masumi waved his hands again and again, "That kind of occasion is not suitable for me?"

"Because Shiliang doesn't even know how to wear women's dresses, right?" Sonoko has an expression that understands you.

"Although there is a reason for this, it's really not convenient for me next week..."

Shi Liang smiled awkwardly.

"You go."

Conan poked Gao Cheng with his elbow in private, and asked in a low voice when they went to the bathroom together: "Has your mother-in-law solved it?"

"Solve what? It's never been solved."

Gao Cheng glanced at Conan.

The relationship between Uncle Mori and Shinichi Kudo was not very good, but the uncle did not stop his daughter from dating, because there was no fatal conflict in the first place, and now that the uncle has started his career, it is impossible to have any objections.

But Tomoko Suzuki is different. Although he has now acquiesced in his relationship with Sonoko, he has never given up on the idea of ​​letting him marry in and inherit the Suzuki family.

His war with Tomoko Suzuki is still long.


In the living room of the suite, with Gao Cheng's departure, the atmosphere became a little more subtle. Yuanzi smiled dryly and looked at Xiao Ai whose expression had never changed.

This kid is still so strong.

"How about we go shopping at the mall at night? Fushahui has a new bag." Yuanzi suddenly suggested.

Xiao Ai raised her eyebrows slightly, her expression finally fluctuated.

"Going to the mall?" Gao Cheng, who had returned to the living room, asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to visit that novelist?"

"Novelist?" Shiliang Zhenchun asked suspiciously, "Are you talking about the novelist who wrote books in this hotel?"

"Yeah, Xiao Ai has recently become obsessed with his new work "Phone, Sea, Me", so..."


Xiaolan said happily: "I'm reading it too, but the novelist seems to be very busy, and several editors are waiting for his manuscript."

Several girls found a new topic and began to talk about the story of "Phone, Sea, Me".

Gao Cheng himself has a proficient writer card, but his knowledge is mainly about mystery novels. He himself has no feeling for romance novels, but the "Cowboy" card inexplicably provides a lot of knowledge about romance novels.

Gao Cheng has never practiced the Cowherd Card so far, and probably will not in the future, but the knowledge carried by the Cowherd Card is ready-made, probably because the card drawers have specialized in this aspect before.

In his opinion, "Phone, Sea, Me" is actually a very illogical love story, but little girls who can't stand this world like it.

The story is very nonsense, that is, the heroine picked up an old mobile phone full of bruises at the beach, but found that it was a new model that she planned to buy next week and had not yet been officially released.

The mobile phone sent from the future can still communicate with the future male protagonist via email. The female protagonist uses the male protagonist's prompt to change the future to prevent the incident from happening, and falls in love with the male protagonist...

"Sounds very interesting," Shiliang Zhenchun listened seriously, "And who is the leading actor?"

"Of course the heroine also asked, 'Who the hell are you? What does it have to do with me?', but the answer is always 'telephone, sea, me' in the title of the book," Xiaolan explained excitedly, "The heroine has a head Foggy, but then it seems that I finally understood the meaning, so I replied the same."

"Aha?" Yuanzi, who had never read the novel, looked puzzled, "So what does it mean?"

"The answer will be revealed in the final chapter published next week," Xiaolan said with a smile, "I can't wait any longer, but the original manuscript should be released today, I really want to take a look..."

"Hmph, maybe it can't be finished at all, I don't think even the author can understand it?" Yuanzi said coldly.

"Ah?!" Xiaolan's expression changed drastically, "Isn't it possible?"

Gao Cheng watched several girls discussing the plot with squinted eyes, and couldn't help but interrupted: "If it's the meaning of that reply, I know."

 I was wrong, I will retreat from tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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