Conan reborn as a detective

Chapter 954 9 years

Chapter 954 Nine Years


The sound of the gunshots and the dripping blood became more and more clear in the memory, Yamato Daresuke came to his senses, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

It has been nine years, and it has never been like this, as if it has returned to the day when the incident happened.

Looking at Gao Cheng standing in the aisle of the police building, Yamato Kansuke looked complicated.

This young man who seemed to be the compass of the case was too accurate. Yesterday's uneasiness turned out to be true. Something really happened at the Nagano Police Headquarters.

He is obviously just an outsider, if not for his fame, he would just look like a student...

However, if it was this young man, he should be able to find the murderer behind it, right?

Thinking that Gao Cheng easily saw through the Kamaitachi incident last night, Yamato Kansuke silently left on crutches.

He also needs to investigate all cases related to Police Officer Shigeru Taketa first, and find out who may have a grudge against Taketa.

By the aisle, Conan went to Uehara Yui alone and asked about Kuroda Hei.

He asked Xiao Ai about the characteristics of Rum, and there were actually two people in Nagano County who were very satisfied. Apart from Yamato, it was Kuroda Hei who appeared this time.

Relatively speaking, Kuroda Bingwei is undoubtedly the most suspicious character.

"Section Chief Kuroda has been in a coma for ten years in the police hospital, it seems because of a serious accident," Uehara Yui responded, "It is also because of this that he was sent from outside the police department to the local police station at this age. "

"The burns on his face..."

"It must have been caused by that accident. His right eye was also replaced with a fake one. It is said that when the bandage on his face was removed, the nurse was frightened."

Uehara Yui sighed.

"The original black hair turned white because of the pressure, it was like a different person."

"A person has changed?"

Conan became more and more contemplative, Gao Cheng looked at the side and didn't mean to help explain, Kuroda Heiwei was not so much sent as an expatriate, but rather came to cultivate, after all, this old man's position in the police department is not low.

Of course, it is also possible that he planned to move from the secret organization of the Police Department to the public, so he used the Nagano Prefecture Search Section [-] Chief as a transition, and he will be transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department soon.

"It's very strange," Xiao Ai, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly murmured behind Gao Cheng, her eyes fell on the information on the phone, "Why is it a woodpecker?"

"What's wrong?" Gao Cheng looked at the information Xiao Ai found.

In the fourth Battle of Kawanakajima, the Battle of Hachimanhara, the woodpecker tactic was just an introduction to the defeat of the Takeda army, and it was Kansuke Yamamoto who proposed the woodpecker plan, and it had nothing to do with Nobushige Takeda.

So he didn't quite understand the murderer's purpose of leaving the woodpecker mark, and it was still left on the forehead, so he didn't know what important meaning it had.

"Actually," Uehara Yui said, "When I resigned and married into the Hutian family to conduct investigations, my now-deceased husband once said that there was an organization called the 'Woodpecker Club' in the Nagano Police Department."


Yamato dared to come over with Zhu Fu Gaoming on crutches, and looked directly at Uehara with burning eyes.

"Did he say anything else?"

"This," Uehara Yui was taken aback, shaking his head regretfully, "After hearing that I used to be a criminal police officer, he kept quiet about it, but his tone should not be a good organization."

"I've never heard of any organization in the bureau," Dahe Daosuke frowned, "Could it be that Father Taketa was arrested by this organization, or..."

"Perhaps Officer Takeda is a member of the Woodpecker Club," Gao Cheng took over, and the direction to solve the case appeared in his mind, "I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the names of several police officers in the Takeda Group are related to General Takeda, just like you, Officer Yamato .”

Yamato Kansuke kept his face sullen and did not speak. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Indeed, I was also in the Takeda group before. It was a long time ago, and I never went back after that."

At this time, Dahe Gansuke's cell phone rang suddenly, and he didn't know who sent the email. After reading it, Dahe Gansuke left and said, "I'm sorry, I have something to do, please continue to investigate, and send me an email if there is any progress." .”

Gao Cheng seemed to be in a bad mood, and Dahe, who limped away, dared to help, wondering: "What's wrong with Officer Yamato?"

"Maybe it was because of the case nine years ago," Uehara Yui worried. "At that time, it was police officer Taketa who shot and killed Gan's friend, and he was in front of Gan. Later, Yamato quit the Taketa group."

"So that's how it is..."

"However, that incident caused a lot of casualties after all. A-gan also said that there was no other way for Officer Zhutian to choose to kill him. The reason why he quit the Zhutian team must be because he didn't want to recall sad things." Uehara helped explain.

"By the way," Mori Kogoro asked Zhu Fu Gaoming, "Did you find anything?"

This case is quite rare for him, but since he came here, he has no sense of presence, although he really has no clue, and he doesn't know how to intervene.

"Ganzhu and I have checked the computer in the reference room, and we have roughly reviewed the cases related to Police Officer Zhutian," Zhu Fu Gaoming said seriously, "The two incidents in which Police Officer Zhutian killed the suspect are the most interesting. Of course the first one was picked up nine years ago, and the second one was picked up half a year ago."

"half year ago?"

"Yes, the man who took hostages in the bank was shot in the head by Police Officer Zhutian just like the friend who dared to help nine years ago."

Hearing Zhu Fu Gaoming's words, Uncle Mao Li looked surprised. Yamato Gansuke also mentioned the style of police officer Taketa in Hechuan, but such a vicious criminal policeman was killed by someone, and he died so badly.

"So," Mori Kogoro continued to ask, "do the families of those two people hold a grudge against Officer Takeda?"

Zhu Fu Gaoming shook his head and said: "I thought about it before, but the person who hijacked the bank, his parents committed suicide because of his son's crimes, and he didn't have any brothers, and that friend of Ah Gan nine years ago, Both parents died of illness, and now only my grandmother, who is over eighty years old, is left."

"That's to say it's clueless."

"We can only wait for the news from Sanzhi police officers who are investigating around the scene..."

"Officer Zhu Fu," Gao Cheng asked suddenly, "can you let me see the files of those two cases?"

He has no doubts about the capabilities of the Nagano police. Whether it is Yamato who dares to help these people or the mysterious tycoon Kuroda Hei, they are not ordinary characters. Even if it involves the inside of the police station, they will probably be able to solve the case in the end.

But not enough.

If he guessed correctly, Yamato Gansuke should also be deeply involved in this case, and the murderer may have set up a trap against Yamato Gansuke.

"Okay." Zhu Fu Gaoming turned to Gao Cheng when he heard the words, Bai Jun's face like a noble son's military adviser flashed a little surprise, looked at Gao Cheng for a while, nodded and led the way to the reference room.

(End of this chapter)

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