God-level treasure chests starting from Ao Bing

Chapter 113 Haotian is defeated, the mysterious Hongkun (please subscribe!)

Chapter 113 Haotian is defeated, the mysterious Hongkun (please subscribe!)

Blossoming golden lotuses of merit and virtue bloomed all over Haotian's body, and the golden wheel of merit and virtue also appeared behind his head.

The number of laps is endless, and even Qingyun has appeared, which is the standard equipment of a saint.

With the Tiandi Sword drawn out, Haotian soared into the sky, and rushed straight to Qinglian without fear.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed~"

Not to be outdone, Tiange pushed the formation to the extreme, and today he is going to test how strong the power of a saint is.


The two sides collided in one place, and terrifying ripples swept out in circles.

Many mountains, rivers and rivers in the heaven were annihilated, and many immortals, birds and beasts fled in terror.

The power of the holy level, even the heavens cannot fully bear it.

Otherwise, Honghuang would not be smashed by the saint.

boom boom boom~
The two sides were at a stalemate, but each was sweating coldly.

Haotian's god position is borrowed, and it is impossible to use it endlessly.

He never expected that the ants in Chentangguan, who could be easily killed by shooting, now have such terrifying power.

And the heavenly style is also sweaty on the head!

With Da Luo's strength, he mobilized a large formation capable of fighting against saints.

Even if he has primordial celestial power, the terrifying consumption is too much for him.

The recovery of Primordial Immortal Power couldn't withstand this huge consumption at all.

But he wasn't that afraid, both sides obtained the holy power forcibly, so he didn't believe that Haotian could last for a long time.

And he has countless resources, can't he still take medicine if he can't beat it?

Tiange Dige takes turns controlling the formation, one fights, and the other knocks medicine to refine.

As for Nezha and Longji, they were exhausted as soon as they started fighting.

Nezha modified the Dapin Chaos Jue, which only had Chaos Immortal Power, and he couldn't stand this kind of consumption at all, let alone Longji.

Long Ji's major is the power of blood, and the original power of the dragon and phoenix is ​​much stronger than the realm.

The two sides have come to a stalemate like this, it depends on who can't hold on first.


The two sides were fighting in darkness, and the entire fairy world began to tremble.

If you fight for a while, this fairy world is estimated to go back hundreds of millions of years.

But a turning point soon appeared, Ao Bing seized an opportunity, and all the petals of Qinglian flew out.

Just like the most terrifying bomb, it kept exploding beside Haotian.

That space was blown back to chaos, and Haotian was also submerged in it.


The two of Tian Ge Di Ge were panting heavily, and the battle with the saint level was too exhausting.

Haotian can't be regarded as a real saint yet, he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

The violent energy was gradually calmed down by the world, and Haotian's figure also appeared.

At this time, he was also panting violently, his clothes were a little torn, and he looked quite embarrassed.


Haotian spat out a mouthful of blood, and he hadn't been able to kill the corpse yet.

It is also a huge burden for him to exert the power of a saint.

Most importantly, he actually lost!

With the strongest power in the Heavenly Court, he was defeated by the Dragon Clan who used to be regarded as ants.

And it's just a rising star in the Dragon Clan.

As the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, is Haotian really so weak?
"I'm not willing, let me die~"

Haotian roared furiously, regardless of his own injuries, he raised his sword and rushed towards Qinglian again.

"So what if you don't want to be reconciled, even ants will roar, let me, a little ant, crush you, the supreme being of the Three Realms, today!"

Heaven and earth roared at the same time, burning the dragon balls at the same time, urging a more powerful force.

The terrifying Qinglian bloomed with endless brilliance, and then evolved into a giant axe.

This is an ax that opens the sky, and before it swung down, the sky was already split by the sharp energy on it.


The world began to tremble violently, as if it couldn't bear the force.

But Haotian was completely stunned.

He can't bear this power, he doesn't have the immortality of a saint.

If you can't take this blow, you will die!


Haotian went crazy, and all the luck and merit poured out of his body, trying to resist.

It's a pity that everything is in vain in front of the Ax of Opening the Sky.

The sharp air cut through everything, and before it fell completely, a crack spread down between Haotian's eyebrows.


Haotian wailed unwillingly, seeing that he was about to die, but an accident happened suddenly.

I saw an exquisite pagoda intertwined with a piece of floating dust descending from the sky, and firmly received the giant ax that opened the sky.

Immortal music sang in the sky, and Qingyun appeared all over the sky.

An old man riding on a green bull appeared in the clouds.

The green bull was stepping on the clouds, and the golden wheel of merit and virtue raised up behind the old man.

The person who came was one of the sages of heaven and earth, so was Laozi Taiqing.

And the treasures supporting the giant axe are Laozi's Taiyi Fuchen and Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

In the hands of different people, each treasure can display extremely different powers.

Needless to say, this Taiyi floating dust, Di Chen also has it.

But this Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is incredible.

This thing is the fusion of the mysterious and yellow energy of the Dao and the merits and virtues obtained after Pan Gu opened the sky.

There are a total of 49 floors, which coincide with the number of heavenly dao, and they are the most chaotic treasures of merit and virtue, far exceeding ordinary treasures.

"It's time for the farce to come to an end. The little dragons dare to attack the sky, so you can be convicted."

Lao Tzu spoke in a calm manner, but with endless coercion, it made people feel cold all over.

"Hmph, I don't know what crime I committed. If he wants to kill me, I will kill him. It's that simple."

Although there was a lot of pressure, Chu Lingxuan roared not to be outdone.

"You are stubborn, because you are all ants!"

After I finished speaking, my arm shook.

Taijitu rose against the wind and crushed towards Qinglian.

The terrifying power acted on the large formation, making an overwhelmed creaking sound.

Chu Lingxuan's pressure increased sharply, knowing that he was still too weak.

You must know that any large formation here is presided over by a saint.

If you don't come with a few saints, don't even think about breaking the formation.

"An ant?"

Chu Lingxuan was in a daze. In front of the saint, even the Emperor of Heaven was an ant.

Laozi claims to be inaction, but everything has his shadow.

Heavenly Court, Human Race, Monster Race and even the future Buddhism.

They are nothing more than speculators who run wherever there is benefit.

The Great God Pangu stood upright, but the Sanqing that he transformed were all not good.

One is full of inaction, but speculates everywhere.

One likes to bully the small with the big, thick-skinned.

On the contrary, the leader of Tongtian has a decent personality.

He is upright and caring, and likes to adopt all kinds of animals.

Cut off and teach a nest of demon clan, if it comes to future generations, the Animal Protection Association will definitely give Tongtian an award.

Anyway, a saint is a saint.

But Chu Lingxuan is not reconciled. After fighting for so long, is he still an ant?
Even if it is an ant, he has to be one that can bite.

"Open it for me~"

The two dragon balls burned violently, and the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the array were withdrawn and merged into the small ax in his hand.

The Pangu Ax was divided into six treasures, and now the three pieces are combined into one, and its power has skyrocketed.

Chu Lingxuan blew on the small ax in his hand, and the Pangu ax quickly became bigger, and then he chopped it out.


Pangu's ax attacked Wushuang, and even knocked the Tai Chi diagram into the air.

"Hehe, there are a lot of treasures, but it's a pity that you are too weak. Come back to Bajing Palace with me and think about it!"

After Laozi finished speaking, he shook out the map of the universe, intending to wrap Qinglian away.

"Don't try to succeed, just tell me if you fancy my treasure."

"I have three great ancestral artifacts, what can the saint do to me!"

After Chu Lingxuan finished speaking, he sacrificed the Creation Green Lotus, the Pangu Axe, and the Primordial Chaos Orb.

The three great ancestral artifacts protected Qinglian with the power of three talents, and the map of Qiankun was directly thrown back.

Lao Tzu frowned, could it be that he is an imposing saint, and he can't fight hand-to-hand.

Tai Chi Diagram, Taiyi Fuchen, and Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda went into battle one after another, but they were all sent flying back.

In the current situation, Chu Lingxuan and the others are like a tortoise shell with thorns, and even Lao Tzu is a bit troublesome.

Finally, after some thought, Lao Tzu took out the futon under his buttocks.

This treasure is named Fenghuo futon, which contains the avenue of wind and the avenue of fire.

Has the merit of catching people and collecting treasures, and it is not within the rank.

As soon as the Fenghuo futon came out, it stuck to Qinglian like glue.

The two chains of the Dao lock the three ancestral artifacts and the Qinglian Formation respectively.

Brine some tofu, one thing down one thing.

Chu Lingxuan is now a hedgehog, so I took out a big melon.

Piercing on the hedgehog's back, it was pressed in place instead.

Relying on this principle, I broke down Chu Lingxuan's defense in one fell swoop.

"Where is the Yellow Turban Warrior, take it back to Bajing Palace!"

"Follow the order~"

Several tall and strong warriors appeared, and they wanted to carry the futon and take Chu Lingxuan and the others away.

But the faces of the few people in Qinglian were extremely ugly.

Unexpectedly, instead of competing with him in strength, Lao Tzu played tricks to overcome strength with softness.

If you really entered the Bajing Palace, it will be difficult to think out.

I'm afraid that not only all the treasures will be taken away, but people will also be refined into elixirs.

Thinking of this, Chu Lingxuan wanted to recall the Primordial Chaos Orb.

Relying on the space power of the Chaos Orb, Nezha Longji and three other ancestral artifacts were sent away.

As for the two of them, it's a big deal to blow themselves up, and don't become sacrifices in Lao Tzu's alchemy furnace.

And at this moment, the Primordial Chaos Orb locked by the Fenghuo futon suddenly exploded.

A terrifying force of space spreads to the surroundings.

The few golden warriors who approached were cut into pieces in an instant.

The Fenghuo futon also creaked under this force.

I was shocked and quickly took the treasure back.

High power, even a saint would not dare to take it lightly.

The Primordial Chaos Orb was growing bigger and bigger, and then a bright light lit up.

A handsome young man dressed in white, surrounded by a vortex of terrifying space, stepped out of it.

"Stop the war, stop here!"

As soon as the young man appeared, he said to Lao Tzu lightly.

Lao Tzu frowned when he heard this, he couldn't see through this person who appeared suddenly.

"Who is coming, sign up to come."

"Under Hongkun!"

The youth reported his name, but his expression was already indifferent, as if he didn't take the saint seriously.

"Hmph, I haven't heard of it."

"Don't pretend to be a ghost there, the act of cutting down the sky is an unforgivable crime!"

As a sage, Lao Tzu is also the most powerful person in the Sanqing, so naturally he will not be frightened by others.

The powerful coercion on his body erupted, and he seemed to want to make a move.

"Then Hong will be offended!"

"One-dimensional blockade~"

The young man clasped his fists together, then stretched out his hand and pointed at Lao Tzu.

A terrifying force of space appeared, descending on Lao Tzu without anyone noticing.

 Ask for full reservation and monthly pass~
  Thank you Xuanhuang Avenue for your support~

  Let me talk about the level of the magic weapon in this book: magic weapon-magic weapon-spiritual weapon-spiritual treasure-sacred treasure-chaos supreme treasure-chaos ancestor

  And about Tianting, this is a hodgepodge version, please don’t take it seriously~
(End of this chapter)

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