God-level treasure chests starting from Ao Bing

Chapter 206 Stripping off the 6 latitudes of Guanyin, Hongjun's little lolita (please subscribe

Chapter 206 Stripping the Six Wefts of Guanyin, Hongjun Little Lolita (please subscribe!)
There are only three ways to become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the Three Realms.

Sanctification of merit:

The combination of merit, luck, and primordial purple energy can forcefully push it up.

Behead three corpses and become holy:
Cut out your own good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions.

Relying on the unity of innate treasures, one can step into the realm of Hunyuan.

This is the path taken by Hongjun and Luohu!
Sanctify by power:

Relying on the comprehension of powerful laws, step into the realm of Hunyuan normally with a strong cultivation base.

This is the orthodox method of sanctification of heaven and earth, just because it is too difficult.

Since the creation of the world, only Pan Gu can do it.

In order to break through, ascetics have found an easier way.

But this relatively simple method is beyond the reach of countless monks.

And the strength obtained is also discounted!

Sanctification by merit is the weakest, followed by sanctification by beheading three corpses.

Only by proving the Tao with strength can one obtain the full power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This realm is divided into nine levels, and each level has a gap in strength.

Relying on the endless superposition, the dark Guanyin forcibly piled up the power to Hunyuan.

This is the so-called proving the way with strength, and it is also the reason for her strength.

During the period of disappearance, it is estimated that it is to break through.

But just entering the Hunyuan, at most it is only the third heaven.

And Laozi, Yuanshi, and Nuwa have been sanctified for a long time.

At least he has the strength of six or seven layers, but he is still beaten.

And at this moment, Chu Lingxuan who took everything back also did it.

And what he relies on is the law of space, one of the three supreme laws.

Chu Lingxuan's body seemed to blend into the space.

Space is him, and he is also space!
The domineering Chu Lingxuan took a step forward, and his figure disappeared.

Appeared again, already behind the furious Cihangdao people.

Because he is like space, there is no trace of sound when he appears.

The Dark Guanyin didn't notice it at all, and continued to bombard the barrier indiscriminately.

But at this moment, Chu Lingxuan stretched out a finger and pointed at the dark Guanyin.

"Space confinement!"

The Realm of Hunyuan is the representative of law!

Words followed the law, and this space began to imprison the body of the dark Guanyin.

People are always small, even if they continue to practice and become stronger.

Finally, live in nature!

Maybe after cultivating to a certain level, he can claim that he is no longer afraid of the law.

Little did they know, there was a stronger law that hadn't come yet.

But now Chu Lingxuan, who was the rule, spoke up.

The dark Guanyin feels as if it has entered the stickiest glue.

Every movement is like slow motion!
Chu Lingxuan's voice also woke her up, and she turned her head in fear.

"It's you."

"Of course it's me!"

"In terms of realm strength, I may not be your opponent, but in terms of law."

"You are too young!"

Chu Lingxuan exploded with all his strength, and the space that was originally like glue instantly turned into steel.

Even if the Dark Guanyin can smash this piece of steel, there will be new ones appearing.

She was stuck all at once!
Chu Lingxuan didn't pursue him, and he couldn't win the battle head-on, and it was too strenuous.

What needs to be done now is to curb the terrifying growth rate of the Dark Guanyin.

"Eleven Latitude Space~"

The tree of the world grew out, and its thick roots stretched out like spirit snakes.

Entangle the Dark Guanyin again!

One flower one world, one leaf one bodhi.

The number of worlds contained in the roots of the world tree is terrifying.

The Dark Guanyin couldn't break free this time, so he was hung on the World Tree.

"Bastard, let me go!"

"Otherwise I will destroy your Shang Dynasty!"

Since he couldn't break free, the Dark Guanyin could only threaten.

As for the safety of her life, she was still sure.

The attack just now cannot be reproduced in a short time, otherwise she would have died long ago!

"Yo heh, are you threatening me?"

"Okay, I will seal you in this space forever now!"

The dark Guanyin stopped talking immediately, the seal is very annoying.

She is trapped now, and she is not sure how long Chu Lingxuan can last.

It's just some mortals, it would be bad if he gets angry.

Just wait for Chu Lingxuan to make a move, so as not to change!
And Chu Lingxuan was naturally trying to scare her, if he could seal it, he would definitely not beep more.

Unless he is guarding here all the time, the Dark Avalokitesvara will be able to get out of trouble sooner or later.

Chu Lingxuan began to sit cross-legged quietly, preparing to activate his abilities.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is definitely not an ordinary four-dimensional creature in terms of latitude.

It's hard to estimate how high it is, but the dark Guanyin definitely exceeds the six latitudes.

The difficulty of stripping a person's latitude can be imagined.

Sealing is actually the easiest way!

But this is very unsafe, it is better to completely strip.

With the ability of World Tree, Chu Lingxuan began to sense the latitude ability of Dark Guanyin.

This ability should be a mutation of the power that Hong Kun left in her body back then!

Then the two may be related, just take it back when the time comes.

Time is passing by, and everyone is paying attention here.

Including Daozu Hongjun who had arrived but hid.

For him, two people become enlightened in one day.

And it is a way higher than his way of preaching, it is worth waiting for him to watch quietly.

The appearance of two uncontrolled saints may be a good thing for the Three Realms.

But it could also be a horrible disaster!

But one thing is certain, a new era has arrived.

The era when saints dominated the Three Realms has become a thing of the past.

A new cultivation system is about to appear!

As long as people see hope, the power of desire will push them to the top.

It's the same as the way he threw out the merits to become holy at the beginning.

How many people flocked to it, creating a great era of saints coming to heaven.

So will it usher in a great era of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's outbreak next?
It's something to look forward to!

Chu Lingxuan, who had been sitting quietly for a long time, had already finished his preparations, and suddenly opened his eyes!
"Six weft deprivation!"

As his words fell, the whole world tree began to flash green light.

Like a green veined river, some kind of power from the dark Guanyin has been extracted!


"What are you doing, stop!"

The dark Guanyin who was originally very honest suddenly struggled violently.

Because Chu Lingxuan touched the foundation!
This ability is her powerful guarantee, and she must not lose it.

The dark Guanyin went crazy, because he couldn't break free, and even started to explode himself.

She has a thousand hands, and each arm is like the most terrifying bomb.

Even the roots of the world tree composed of countless worlds were destroyed.

It's just that she wasn't surprised yet, more roots were entangled.

Round and round, she was completely submerged in the sea of ​​roots!


"I will fight with you~"

As the ability was drawn, the dark Guanyin was completely furious.

Another golden body appeared, and then it was detonated by the dark Guanyin.

It was what she had reunited, and now it was gone.

The golden light swallowed the world tree, and the dark Guanyin paid a painful price.

But she got out of trouble!
Just when he was about to attack Chu Lingxuan, he found that he had already run away.

A more powerful barrier appeared, and Chu Lingxuan looked at her leisurely.

The weird smile made the dark Guanyin stop.

She was really frightened by Chu Lingxuan, afraid that he would do some tricks again.

"Good good!"

"Since you are so ruthless, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The dark Guanyin looked at the enchantment angrily and made up his mind.

Taking out Lao Tzu's bloody heart, the dark Guanyin shouted into the distance.

"Wutian, lend me the millstone for destroying the world!"

The sound spread far away, and Wutian, who was hiding in the dark, exploded.

With so many saints present, this dark Guanyin actually exposed him.

He has a saying in his heart that he doesn't know if he should say it or not!

Hurry up and throw the Mieshi Millstone out, and Wutian turns around and leaves.

Otherwise, he will be caught by the saint soon, and he will be completely cold.

And the dark Guanyin took the Mieshi millstone and smiled strangely.


The power of Mieshi Mopan was pushed to the extreme.

The destructive light wave appeared, sweeping through Lao Tzu's heart non-stop.

Lao Tzu's heart was destroyed, and then endless purple aura began to gather.

A streak of primordial purple energy appeared at the position of Lao Tzu's heart.

A strange breath spread out towards the entire chaos.

Countless demon gods living in chaos have been revived.

As if smelling the most alluring fragrance, the bee pupa came towards the direction of the majestic purple air.

Because this is the origin of the primordial universe, the four nines of the sky, suddenly one.

There are only 49 primordial purple qi in the entire universe.

Hongjun only got seven of them!
And Primordial Purple Qi, as the origin of the universe, can not only make people holy.

He could even step into a higher realm with the help of the Primordial Purple Qi.

So the demon gods in the chaos surged wildly, and even Hongjun frowned with the breath of the demon gods!
The Dark Avalokitesvara shrouded the majestic purple air with the terrifying light of destruction, and then pushed it into the Three Realms.

If Chu Lingxuan cut off the shortcut to practice, then she would destroy the Three Realms.

After doing all this, she tore open the space and left here.

But Lao Tzu, whose heart was ruined, has undergone a terrifying change.

Not only was he vomiting blood non-stop, but his aura also plummeted.

Yuanshi Tianzun was shocked, and let's not talk about other things.

They are all transformed by Pan Gu Yuanshen, but they are brothers.

Seeing that Lao Tzu was about to fall out of the holy position, Yuanshi Tianzun was also in a hurry.

Even the leader Tongtian from the Emperor Hong's camp ran over.

Everyone in the world has a tradition, no matter how fierce the fight is.

When facing foreign enemies, they can also let go of their prejudices and unite with the outside world.

What's more, the three of them were only fighting for the luck of the sect, not life and death.

The Sanqing are all saints, and those who were beaten to death are all disciples.

"Take back the purple energy!"

The Master Tongtian had a fiery temper and rushed directly towards the Primordial Purple Qi.

But now the halo of destruction contained in the purple air is too powerful.

The Master Tongtian was only illuminated for a while, and the Eucharist collapsed.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who followed immediately, came to a sudden stop.

The two found that there was nothing they could do, and hurried back to Lao Tzu's side.

"It's too late, I'm about to fall out of the Holy Realm, I have to make a choice!"

Lao Tzu sat upright with difficulty and began to mobilize his strength.

"Two junior brothers, take care!"

"Brother, what are you doing?"

When the two heard this, they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

I said this as if I was going to die!
Even if it falls to the holy position, it is just falling out of Hunyuan.

This kind of injury can't kill him?
"Three cleanses in one gas!"

Lao Tzu did not answer their questions, his secret technique had already been activated.

All the powerful forces erupted, and Lao Tzu's primordial spirit manifested.

Then it turned into a stream of original fresh energy on top of his head.

Just like Chu Lingxuan back then, the three figures formed together.

"I turn one into three!"

"Using Confucianism, Taoism and Confucius, enlightening all people, and benefiting the human race!"

"Erhua Taishang Laojun, enter the heavenly court to protect the order of heaven and earth!"

"Sanhua Daoist Li Er, went to the west to preach the world!"

"Go ahead and protect the Three Realms for me!"

After Lao Tzu finished speaking, the three avatars kowtowed respectfully to him, and then turned into streamers and flew into the Three Realms.

These three people will be famous in the future!
The Taishang Laojun sits in the heavenly court and helps Haotian maintain the orthodoxy of the Three Realms.

Confucius taught and educated all the human races in the world, became the most holy of Confucianism and Taoism, and passed down through the ages.

And Li Erxi went out of Hangu Pass and stepped into the territory of Western religion.

It is said that he proved the Tao and became a Buddha, and he pioneered Theravada Buddhism in Western religions, and he was the Tathagata Buddha.

There is also a legend that Li Er led the Daoist Duobao who was subdued by Lao Tzu to become the master of Western religion.

Help him prove the way under the bodhi tree, and establish the Hinayana Buddhism.

In short, I can be said to be planning to reach the sky!
He is present in the three realms of heaven, earth, and human beings, and even hell seems to have created a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

And Lao Tzu's one-qi transforming three cleansing is not as powerful as Chu Lingxuan's at the beginning.

Because his remaining body actually began to slowly dissipate.

From this moment on, Lao Tzu, the sage of heaven and earth, has fallen.

When the saint died, the way of heaven also felt the same.

In any corner of the Three Realms, the situation suddenly changed.

Endless dark clouds covered the whole world, and then there were lightning and thunder, like the end of the world.

What's even more frightening is that a rain of scarlet blood fell from the Three Realms at the same time.

The whole world seems to be going through the end, which makes everyone feel uneasy.

And as they thought, the fall of the saint is just one of them.

The demon gods swarming in the chaos have already arrived.

Facing the terrifying demon god who is so huge that it can block the sky and the sun.

Especially the breath and dense quantity of these demon gods.

Even Chu Lingxuan's scalp is numb!
Primordial Ziqi is about to enter the Three Realms, and these demon gods are also scrambling to enter.

If it is not stopped, the Three Realms will usher in a catastrophe.

"Hurry up and stop them!"

Chu Lingxuan took the lead, and appeared in front of these demon gods in a flash.

"Space Barrier~"

A barrier across the world appeared, and powerful energy blocked these demon gods.

Facing the catastrophe of the Three Realms, all the saints temporarily let go of their prejudices.

They joined the blocking team one after another.

Moreover, some great powers in the Three Realms who are concerned about the dynamics rushed out one after another.

This time, the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation has obviously been upgraded to the Infinite Calamity.

If it is not handled properly, the Three Realms may be subverted.

Defending the Three Realms is everyone's responsibility!
"Devil God, the Three Realms is not where you should come, retreat quickly."

Facing such a large number of demon gods, every breath is far superior to Da Luo.

If there was a war, Chu Lingxuan couldn't guarantee that he would survive.

"Hey, just a few of you, can you stop us?"

"Surrender the primordial purple energy obediently, we are not interested in the Three Realms!"

A demon god opened his mouth, looking at the primordial purple qi that was about to enter the Three Realms with blood-red eyes.

"Hmph, there is only one way to enter the Three Realms, and that is reincarnation, otherwise there is no way to enter!"


The demon gods looked at each other, and the terrifying power of chaos erupted, severely impacting the barrier.

The saints of the three realms are all here, as well as the saints such as the ancestor Styx who rushed over.

The strength of the defensive enchantment is very strong, and there is no problem for the time being.

But at this moment, a more powerful aura suddenly appeared.

A terrifying giant hand suddenly appeared and grabbed Primordial Purple Qi.

The aura of this hand was so terrifying that all the Chaos Demon Gods along the way were knocked into the air.

Even Chu Lingxuan's barrier couldn't stop him in the slightest.

Like a speeding train, everything that is fragile is smashed through.

Chu Lingxuan and the others were also sent flying by this terrifying force.

No one can stop this powerful blow, and the Three Realms are about to be broken.

Hongjun, who had been observing secretly, finally couldn't help but make a move.

I saw him appearing suddenly, just raised a palm.

There was a terrifying loud noise, but this giant palm was easily frozen.

"Bastard, do you want to start a war?"

Hongjun spoke in a cold voice, and waved a palm in front of him by the way.

The terrifying energy giant hand appeared, and all the Chaos Demon Gods who took the opportunity to enter the Three Realms were sent flying.

And in the other direction, another giant hand appeared, bypassing Daozu Hongjun.

This is obviously not the arm of the same person, the crane and the clam compete, and the fisherman wins.

Just when the giant hand was about to succeed, Luo Hu's figure suddenly appeared.

It also firmly caught the giant hand.

"Xinliu, you still love to play tricks!"

"Will you all die for me?"

Luo Hu yelled at Chaos, he was not as gentle as Hongjun.

"Haha, who are you?"

Following Luo Hu's angry shout, both arms were retracted into the chaos.

Then two youths came out from the depths of the chaos.

One of them is short and fat, wearing a colorful gown, and holding a seven-color gourd in his hand.

The other was tall and slender, wearing a gray linen suit, holding a hollow willow in his hand.

The two looked at Hongjun and Luo Hu in front of them with some doubts, and asked.

"The Hongjun and Luohu I know are not like this, impostors may die miserably!"

"Idiot, if you don't cultivate the Dao, you can't even see the advanced magic trick!"

Luo Hu looked at the two with contempt, then nodded to Hongjun.

Suddenly, a dazzling brilliance flashed across the two of them, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

Everyone covered their eyes, and when the light dissipated, everyone turned pale with shock.

I saw two little lolis, one black and one white, where Hongjun and Luo Hu were originally staying.

Everyone was stunned by this change, and there was a bold guess in their hearts.

"It's really you!"

"Why do you fairy gods always like to cover up your own body?"

Xinliu's words confirmed the conjecture in everyone's mind.

It turned out that these two little girls in black and white skirts were really Hongjun and Luohu!
 Ask for a reward~

(End of this chapter)

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