Fighting villain training system

Chapter 25 1 palm spike

Chapter 25
"What happened to the Jialie family?"

Xiao Ye lowered his eyebrows slightly and asked.

"People from the Jialie family beat Lu Xingchun in groups and insisted on forcibly taking away the card with 20 gold coins." Luo Dian could only tell Xiao Ye exactly what happened: "When you were beaten by the group, People from the Jialie family deliberately kicked Lu Xingchun's lower body. Lu Xingchun passed out from the beating, and his lower body...may have been crippled."

The chill on Xiao Ye's body was getting heavier and heavier, but he did not lose his mind. Xiao Ye controlled his emotions very well.

"Take me there first to check on Lu Xingchun's situation." Xiao Ye started to leave.

"Trash, I don't know who Lu Xingchun is. Judging by your looks, Lu Xingchun is probably a person with a foreign surname who works for your Xiao family, right? What a joke, how could a person with a foreign surname in your Xiao family take out 20 gold coins?" The card? Since people from our Jialie family said that the card did not belong to Lu Xingchun, maybe they stole money from our Jialie family. I never thought that your Xiao family is a thief..."

Galeo stopped Xiao Ye with his dog legs, not letting Xiao Ye leave, and continued to taunt.

Xiao Ye was too lazy to entangle with Galeo, his fighting spirit instantly gathered in his palms, and then he swayed and slapped Galeo's chest.

In an instant, the two-star Dou Shi held out his palm in anger, and his battle energy erupted like a cannonball.

Galeo's face changed dramatically, Xiao Ye's movements were not captured by his eyes at all.Even the eyes can't catch Xiao Ye's movements, how can the body react to Xiao Ye's movements?
A palm fell on Galeo's chest like a landslide, and the power of the palm exploded, causing the ribs in Galeo's chest to break directly, and then his chest was obviously sunken.

Galeo left his feet off the ground, and his whole body flew upside down.

Then, under the horrified gaze of everyone, it fell heavily on the ground, hitting the ground with a deafening sound.

Galeo's chest, as if hit by a heavy hammer carrying terrifying force, was sunken so much compared to other parts of the body that everyone gasped.

With this appearance, even the Dou Wang powerhouses of the Jia Ma Empire, and the Dou Huang powerhouses will not be able to save them.

Besides, with the strength of the Jialie family in Wutan City, how could it be possible to invite the Douwang experts and Douhuang experts from the Jiama Empire to rescue Jialeo?
Therefore, Galeo's injury is sure to kill him.

Galeo was lying on the ground, until he was lying on the ground, he didn't understand why Xiao Ye's speed was so fast and his grudge was so fierce.

Blood sprayed out of Galeo's mouth like it didn't cost money, and some organ fragments were mixed in the scarlet blood.

With Galeo's occasional twitches, the broken ribs can even be seen exposed through the skin and flesh.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, but there is no way to hell, you just want to go." Xiao Ye glanced coldly at the dogs who had followed Galeo before: "You better kneel down and pray that Lu Xingchun will be fine. Otherwise, Your entire Jialie family is up and down, and no chicken or dog will be left behind!"

After speaking, Xiao Ye turned and left.

Luo Dian stared at Xiao Ye in astonishment, it took him a long time to recover, and he hurried after him.

He heard that Xiao Ye had undergone earth-shaking changes, but he didn't expect that Xiao Ye's earth-shaking changes made him not like Xiao Ye anymore.

Xiao Ye's strength has become so strong, and his attacks are so ruthless and cruel.

Xiao Xun'er followed behind Xiao Ye, her slender eyebrows were slightly frowned, feeling quite helpless.

Xiao Ye is really capable of causing trouble, and Galeo's appearance obviously won't make him survive.

Some conflicts broke out between the Jialie family and the Xiao family in Wutan City.

However, no one has ever died, and at most they have been slightly injured.

Because both the Jialie family and the Xiao family know what the consequences will be once someone dies.

That is, the Xiao family and the Jialie family are in full-scale war, and the two top families in Wutan City are at war. The Xiao family and the Jialie family are somewhat unbearable.

The Xiao family and the Jialie family can be ranked among the three major families in Wutan City at the same time, and the strength of the two parties is actually almost the same.

If you really want to fight to the death, no matter whether it is the Xiao family or the Jialie family that wins in the end, they will pay a heavy price.

This heavy price is likely to make the victorious party completely devastated.

Moreover, although the Xiao family and the Jialie family are one of the three major families in Wutan City, there are many other forces in Wutan City.

Even if he paid a heavy price, he won.

In the face of other forces, the winning side has lost the ability to protect itself.

The death of Jia Lieao will make the Jia Lie family and the Xiao family face this problem.

In this Fangshi street, the quiet needle drop can be heard.

The sudden change of things made everyone present not expect it.

Galeo was lying on the ground, already out of breath, his eyes were wide open, looking at the sky, full of nostalgia and unwillingness for this world.

The others didn't expect that the well-known trash of the Xiao family would kill Galeo with a single palm!

Xiao Ye, is it really the waste of the Xiao family?
Why, everyone has been rumoring that Xiao Ye is a waste of the Xiao family, who has practiced for many years and only has a fighting spirit.

Among the younger generation in Utan City, Galeo is considered to be the best.

Among Wutan City and Galeo's younger generation, who dares to say that he can instantly kill Galeo with a single palm?

Now everyone understands that Xiao Ye is not a waste of the Xiao family at all, but a real genius, the strongest evildoer in Wutan City.

Why did the Xiao family hide Xiao Ye so deeply?

Xiao Ye directly killed Galeo today, could it be...

Many people think more and more deeply, it seems that the city of Wutan is about to change.


Xiao Ye followed Luo Dian all the way back to Xiao's house.

Lu Xingchun hadn't woken up yet, lying on his bed with his eyes closed, his face as white as paper.

"I have asked the pharmacist to show it to Lu Xingchun. Before leaving, the pharmacist said that Lu Xingchun can no longer be a man." There were still a few people with foreign surnames working for the Xiao family standing in the yard. Lu Xingchun is in a similar situation.

"Okay, I see." Xiao Ye could feel that Lu Xingchun's breathing was fairly steady, at least his life was saved.

Seeing that Xiao Ye didn't want to talk much, Luo Dian called the others and left the yard together.

Lu Xingchun was seriously injured by members of the Jialie family. Except for Xiao Ye, no one from the Xiao family came.

Xiao Ye sneered, and opened his white eyes. As the eyes turned white, Xiao Ye could clearly see the meridians of Lu Xingchun's whole body.

Looking at the serious injuries and mess on his lower body, Xiao Ye knew that what the pharmacist said was right.

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(End of this chapter)

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