Chapter 172

Qin Ke's strength now displayed in front of him was indeed beyond the expectations of the yellow bear.

However, he felt that he might not be [-]% sure of obtaining the peerless supernatural power of its master.

As the spirit of the Immortal Mansion left behind by Daoist Sanshou, it naturally hopes that someone can inherit its master's mantle and carry forward its master's supernatural powers.

But Qin Ke wants to fight, and he can't stop it. It still depends on Qin Ke's decision. He can only give a suggestion.

However, when he learned that Qin Ke possessed divine consciousness.

The big yellow bear finally felt relieved.

Possessing divine consciousness, coupled with Qin Ke's terrifying fighting power.

Obtaining the supernatural powers of its master is no problem at all.

Qin Ke began the test of the Divine Ability Hall.

The test of the Divine Ability Hall is to kill all the tens of thousands of warriors in one place!Only then can you get the star picker of the Sanshou real person!
In it, although it is said that you cannot use your own magic weapon.

But Qin Ke's demon power can be used.

For it is a means of eternity to himself.

With these strengths, it is only a matter of time before Qin Ke wants to take down these tens of thousands of warriors.

After Qin Ke spent several hours beheading the last warrior.

Qin Ke disappeared from the space he was in just now.

He then came to an altar.

And right in front of him, there seemed to be a ten thousand zhang staircase.

Standing behind Qin Ke, the big yellow bear spoke excitedly, and said to Qin Ke, "Go! Accept my master's supernatural power."

In the heart of the big yellow bear, there is only one master, not to say forever, at least for now, and that is Daoist Sanshou.

Qin Ke was not polite either, and stepped directly onto the ladder.

He passed the test, and this inheritance also accepts it with peace of mind.

After stepping on the first step, Qin Ke felt a mysterious force enter Qin Ke's mind.

Immediately, a picture scroll appeared in Qin Ke's mind.

A one-armed god-man stretched out a hand.

In an instant, a giant hand with a length of billions of feet appeared behind him, reaching out to a vast world.

This giant hand of billions of feet directly crossed the great world and grabbed a star behind the great world.

In an instant, the star disappeared, and all the gods and demons on it died...

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Ke reached the highest point of the altar and began to accept the final inheritance.

After Qin Ke woke up, the supernatural power "Star Picker" had been deeply engraved in Qin Ke's mind.

He couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

As for other powerful beings who want to search their souls to understand this, it is impossible.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the strongest supernatural power from my master!"

At this time, the big yellow bear came over.

At this time, there were some smiles on his old-fashioned face.

The gaze that looked at Qin Ke was much brighter.

Qin Ke is expected to become his master's direct disciple!

At this time, Qin Ke got a good deal, so it was really difficult to answer.

"Where do you go to the futon, and do the ceremony of apprenticeship!"

The big yellow bear didn't care about these details, but looked somewhere and sighed.

I don't know if his master is dead or alive now.

Naturally, Qin Ke would not disobey the big yellow bear's opinion on such a trivial matter.

I went to the main hall at the beginning, knelt down on one of the futons, and knelt on it.

Just as Qin Ke knelt down, a majestic figure appeared in front of him.

About a thousand feet tall, with bronze skin, a bare head, and a simple animal skin on his body, his figure is almost exactly the same as that of a human being.

The most special thing is that he only has one right arm!
This is exactly the same as the person who Qin Ke just accepted the inheritance is to watch.

This is the Chaos True God Sanshou Daoist.

The one-armed towering figure looked down at Qin Ke, with a faint smile on his face, and said softly: "The supernatural power has been imparted to you, and you will be regarded as my disciple of the Sanshou Taoist when you survive the catastrophe and become a god. You need to study hard and practice hard, don't slack off, and you will lose my reputation."

After finishing speaking, the right hand of the one-armed towering figure slightly pointed at Qin Ke.

Five golden lights reflected into Qin Ke's body.

Qin Ke quickly sat down cross-legged.

He felt that his hands were changing.

The feeling given to Qin Ke is that Qin Ke's current arm, even if it is a two-handed wrist guard without armor, is not something that ordinary people can easily hurt.

His hands seemed to have become a magic weapon.

After a while, the light dissipated and everything returned to normal.

Qin Ke's hands looked the same now as they did before.


The yellow-haired bear stared blankly at the appearance and disappearance of Sanshou Daoist's phantom, muttering to himself, hoping to get a reply from his master.

But he also knew in his heart that the phantom was just a trick left by this kind of person.

No matter who can get the supernatural power of Sanshou Daoist, come to the top of the altar, kneel down on the futon, the phantom will appear, and then help the inheritors practice the star picker.

As a star picker, one cannot cultivate after obtaining supernatural powers, but also needs some means.

And this method is naturally only known to those who have practiced the star picker.

That is to say, only Daoist Sanshou can do it, not even him, the spirit of the Immortal Mansion.

But in the future, when Qin Ke succeeds in cultivation, Qin Ke can also pass on the star picker hand.

Qin Ke waited until everything calmed down before looking at his hands.

Gently urging the star picking hand, Qin Ke could see a divine pattern appearing in the palm of his hand.

This is the Star Picking God Pattern.

There are a total of six rotations in Star Picker.

The first turn can only be practiced at the Zifu level of body training by gods and demons!
Vientiane level, you can practice the second turn.

At the Yuanshen level, you can practice the third turn.

Then there is the Void Returning Earth Immortal, the God of Heaven.

If you want to cultivate to the sixth rank, you need the realm of a true god.

Qin Ke's current Chiming Nine Heavens Map is only the fifth level peak, and has not reached the cultivation base of the Zifu Realm.

You can't even practice the first turn!
The current Qin Ke can only watch without being able to cultivate, which is a sin.

After that, nothing happened.

Qin Ke also left Xianfu and returned to the Ji clan.

The Ji clan set up formations on Niujiao Mountain, tens of miles away from their main city, Wanjian City, waiting for the humanity from Xuelong Mountain to come.

Qin Ke also went directly to Niujiao Mountain.

Seeing Qin Ke disappearing suddenly at first, the Ji family began to wonder if Qin Ke deliberately punished them, and they all began to hesitate whether to hand over the Yuanshi vein mine to the Daxia Dynasty, and then share [-]% of the profits themselves up.

But after doing this, he realized that this method was not feasible, and Xue Longshan had already intervened in it.

In desperation, the Ji clan could only follow Qin Ke all the way to the dark.

Now that Qin Ke is back, they are much more confident.

Adding Qin Ke's words, there are seven Zifu Realm on their side.

Moreover, Qin Ke's combat power is comparable to that of a real person in Wanxiang, so he can indeed fight!
(End of this chapter)

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