Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 238 Chapter 238 Lord of the Abyss

Chapter 238 Chapter 238 Lord of the Abyss
Qin Ke is no longer worried about this layer of extreme flame abyss.

Now, Qin Ke had to consider other things.

For example, other levels of abyss.

Qin Ke is good at the five elements, thunder, and life.

Life, destruction can be ruled out.

There is no abyss with this attribute in the one hundred and eighth layer of abyss.

There are five elements.

However, Qin Ke is not in a hurry to find the Five Elements Abyss now.

He now wants to increase his lethality.

Therefore, he chose the thunder attribute!
Among the [-] layers of abyss, there is an abyss called the Thunder Silence Abyss.

That was a world belonging to Thunder.

Qin Ke planned to attack him to strengthen his thunder power.

This kind of destructive power is indeed irresistible, very tempting!

But this has to be done slowly. Now Qin Ke can let his minions slowly sneak into the abyss of thunder silence.

As for conquering the Thunder Silence Abyss, this is not what Qin Ke wants to do.

Qin Ke intends to let people from the ancient beast clan help him conquer the Thunder Silence Abyss.

It may take about 50 years for this ancient beast clan to have the strength to conquer the Thunder Silence Abyss.

Although there are five demon lords in Leiji Abyss, the ancient orcs can definitely be dealt with if they are strong.

Qin Ke must be able to afford the time.

After 50 years, it is still unknown whether Qin Ke has refined the Jiyan Abyss.

Refining the Abyss of Thunder Silence, no matter how you put it, is something after the Abyss of Extreme Flame.

So, he can take his time.

In order to increase his speed of refining the abyss, Qin Ke thought of a person.

That person is Austin, and he is the master of the abyss in the one hundred and eighth layer of abyss.

The master of the abyss is the super demon who dominates the [-]th floor of the abyss, and the bloodline level is above the tenth level.

There are three Lords of the Abyss recorded in the spiritual realm.

From morning to night are the Firelord, Austin and Castor.

Austin was originally an abyss, the ruler of the nether abyss.

But was killed later.

But the lord of the abyss is not so easy to kill, he left behind a trace of immortal soul.

And his remnant soul is left in the netherworld of the spiritual domain.

The nether world is derived from the broken corner of the original nether abyss.

Before that, Qin Ke didn't dare to do anything to that Austin.

After all, he is already a powerhouse beyond the tenth-order bloodline.

Qin Ke is not absolutely sure that he wants to deal with that level.

But now, Qin Ke's strength has reached the tenth-order bloodline, and his real combat power ranks high in the entire Eternal Galaxy.

Even if you can't deal with that Austin, you can definitely protect yourself!

So, Qin Ke planned to attack Austin.

If he stole Austin's memory, then Qin Keli would have the confidence and direction to break through the limit of this world and reach the ultimate realm above the tenth-order bloodline!

Therefore, Qin Ke sneaked back to the Luobo Realm through the passage of the Cold and Silent Abyss.

There are four demon lords in the cold abyss, and Dawson, the leader, is extremely strong.

Qin Ke was not afraid, but he was worried that he would come here openly and expose his own gate of the realm.

That's why they came sneakily.

After arriving in Luobo Realm, Qin Ke returned to the land of riots and entered the Nether Realm without saying a word.

After arriving in Netherland, Qin Ke went to the Sea of ​​Nine Nethers.

This Sea of ​​Nine Nethernesses is connected to the abyss!And it's still the lower eight floors of purgatory!

This Austin guy is hiding here!
"Hey hey! I already feel you."

After Qin Ke realized it carefully, he smiled.

He spotted the guy's trail.

After all, although that guy's aura fits so well with the Sea of ​​Nine Nethernesses, it is not difficult for Qin Ke to find him with his current primordial spirit power.

The power of Qin Ke's primordial spirit, that is, the power of the soul, is definitely the most well-deserved number one in this world.

Of course, maybe the patron saint of this world, the immortal old demon Emperor Yuhun, who has more than ten bloodlines and has lived for tens of millions of years, has stronger soul power than Qin Ke.

After all, Emperor Yuhun is from the soul clan, not to mention, the avenue of cultivation is living soul, and the power of soul is very terrifying.

But Emperor Yuhun has been reincarnated now, so it is naturally impossible to compare the power of the soul with Qin Ke.

Qin Ke is the well-deserved number one.

"Come out! Great Monarch Austin, I am your most loyal follower! I am willing to help you return to the peak and rule the abyss that is now ownerless!"

If Qin Ke uses force, Qin Ke wants to pull Austin out of the sea of ​​​​nine seclusion, and it will be impossible to surpass the sky.

So, he can only use some means.

"Are you the great lord of that layer of abyss?"

Austin did not show up, but answered Qin Ke's words.

He could feel the aura on Qin Ke's body, which indeed belonged to the abyss.

But I never thought that people from the abyss could find this place!
"I am the Great Lord of the Extreme Flame Abyss. I have received the order of Lord Huangquan to come here to look for you, Master Austin. I really did not expect that Master Austin is really here. Please return to the Abyss with me and become a new Lord of the Abyss!"

Qin Ke spoke respectfully.

Among the current eight demon monarchs, Lord Huangquan is Austin's little fanboy and follower.

Speaking of him should increase Austin's trust in himself.

After hearing Qin Ke's words, Austin was silent for a while.

He also has some memories of Lord Huangquan.

It is indeed his former younger brother, but it is not clear whether he is still loyal or not.

"Where's Castor?"

After a while, Austin spoke.

After his death, but remember, Castor became the real master of the abyss with his arrogant attitude.

"Castor has been killed, and the abyss is now unowned."

Qin Ke replied.

"Hehe, it looks like that old guy is really scary!"

After hearing Qin Ke's words, Austin sneered.

Although he said he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could still guess how Castor died.

After all, what Castor is practicing is the dead soul mystery, which completely conflicts with the soul master.

How could Emperor Yuhun let Castor go?

"It is indeed time for me to return to the abyss, return to the peak, and seek revenge on that guy, and my dear brother, I haven't seen him for a long time!"

After contemplating for a while, Austin finally made up his mind.

If a demon lord helps him, he can regain his peak and become the lord of the abyss!

He had always hoped that the Nether Race would emerge with a few strong men, and then go into the abyss to help him.

But they managed to reach the tenth-order bloodline, but their combat power was pitifully low, and they couldn't gain a foothold in the abyss at all.

Coupled with the fact that the last five tenth-order bloodlines were killed by the human race, Austin was almost desperate.

Fortunately, at this time, the great lord of the abyss actually came to the door!

This made Austin hopeful again.

He must take good care of it and entice Qin Ke to work for him!

Well, when he becomes the Lord of the Abyss, let him be a Demon Lord!

"Huh? What are you doing?"

As soon as Austin appeared, he suddenly felt that Qin Ke had launched a soul attack on him.

While dodging, he opened his mouth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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