Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 266 Dao Ancestor Puppet

Chapter 266 Dao Ancestor Puppet


Hongxue Tianshen was a little hesitant.

Before, he shot Qin Ke in private once, which can be regarded as the fulfillment of the friendship between the brothers and sisters.

Now I have helped again, more because of the relationship between Chi Ming Daozu and Sanshou Daoist.

But now...

Although Hongxue Tianshen is a god, he also has his own arrogance. He will not help others for no reason, let alone obey his words just because the other party is the Taoist ancestor.

"Of course, it's not for nothing. If you have any needs, you can ask them. I will definitely help if I can."

Chi Ming Daozu put forward his own conditions.

With these words from Chiming Daozu, Hongxue Tianshen finally nodded.

Hongxue Tianshen didn't learn from Sanshou Daoist's Star Picker, although he was said to be powerful, more of it was his own talent.

This time, he can learn a powerful supernatural power through Chiming Taoist Ancestor!
So he agreed.

The other six have always been dominated by Hongxue Tianshen, Hongxue Tianshen has agreed, and they will not refuse.

After the war ended, it was naturally impossible for Chi Ming Daozu to do the tidying up of the battlefield.

"Look at Xue Wu carefully!"

After Chiming Daozu sealed everything about Xuewu Tianshen, he spoke to Xia Mang.

He was worried that Xuewu God would do some stupid things because of Changqing Sword Immortal's rebellion.

"Yes, Master!"

Xia Mang nodded.

He is the host, and this kind of thing should indeed be done by him.

Chiming Daozu returned to the dojo he set up.

Qin Ke took the initiative to ask for advice.

"You have contributed a lot to this battle! I am very pleased to be a teacher."

Chi Ming Taoist smiled at Qin Ke.

This battle was able to win, Qin Ke did make great contributions.

First, he persuaded Qiyao God to participate in the exhibition, and then stopped the traitor Changqing Jianxian.

No matter which point it is, it is a crucial link, and the lack of it will affect the entire battle situation.

Chi Ming Daozu was very grateful for his previous decision.

"All of this is what Tuer should do, but Tuer is worried that Infernal Sect will make a comeback."

Qin Ke's face was full of justice, and then he spoke worriedly.

"It is indeed possible to make a comeback, but with Qiyao God here, there should be no problem."

Chi Ming Daozu thought about it, and finally felt that even if Wujianmen made a comeback, there should be no problem.

"But what if Wujianmen takes out a puppet with the strength of "Taozu"?"

Qin Ke beeped softly.

"What? A puppet of Daozu level? Did you inquire about the news?"

Hearing Qin Ke's words, Chi Ming Daozu's face changed drastically.

There is indeed an unwritten rule between the two sides that the real Dao ancestor cannot make a move.

But if it was a puppet of Daozu level, it seemed reasonable to make a move.

But for Chiming Daozu, this is devastatingly bad news!
"Master also knows that the traitor Changqing stopped suddenly when he was about to sneak attack Senior Sister Xuewu. In fact, it was because the disciple's soul attacked his soul..."

Qin Ke began to explain for Chi Ming Daozu.

What Qin Ke just used was a bloodline skill - Nine Nether Soul Prison.

It is a series of inheritance skills in the spiritual world Austin.

After Qin Ke devoured Austin, he also acquired this bloodline skill through other means.

If Qin Ke hadn't controlled too many god puppets at that time, that move would have been enough to injure Evergreen Sword Immortal.

"Then what should I do?"

After confirming that the Daozu puppet at Wujianmen was about to be completed and put on the battlefield, Chiming Daozu asked Qin Ke.

"Don't worry too much about Daozu. Even if there is a puppet of Daozu level, someone needs to control it. Otherwise, it won't be called a puppet. Since someone controls it, there is a way. Daozu also knows that I can control puppets. A method specifically targeting puppets, but the puppet controllers at the Daozu level of Wujianmen may be first-class real immortals, I am afraid it will be very difficult for me to deal with them, and maybe only Daozu personally took action."

Qin Ke explained for Chi Ming Daozu.

Ji Ning didn't show up all this time, there was really no way around it, he had to do his best and put some thought into it.

"But I can't make a move!"

Chi Ming Daozu spoke helplessly.

"Ancestor Dao, you won't say that when you learn how I manipulate puppets."

Qin Ke smiled inscrutablely.

Immediately afterwards, he conveyed the essence of the profound meaning of life and soul to Chiming Daozu.

The profound meaning of life and soul is not the way of heaven, maybe it can barely be regarded as the way of heaven!A kind of heresy, a very unpopular kind.

If you don't understand it, you don't know it. Once you are introduced into the door, people at the Daozu level can easily control it.

After learning how to cultivate, Chi Ming Daozu already had a clear idea in his heart.

"Heretic ways are indeed extremely ingenious, apprentice, if you come from Wujianmen this time, you will be No. 1 in merit!"

Having mastered this heresy, Chiming Daozu looked forward to the arrival of Infernal Gate instead.

It's best to bring that Taoist-level puppet too.

In this case, he can unceremoniously come down and strengthen himself!

"Disciple retires first, so as not to disturb Master's cultivation."

Qin Ke smiled slightly, and murmured in his heart, you know I've worked hard, and I just hope that you, an old guy, don't hide good things after the war is over.

Two months later, Infernal Gate really made a comeback with incomparably mighty momentum.

The leader this time is no longer the three great demon gods of Mumlong Mountain, but a spider-like mechanical beast that is a Taoist-level puppet that was fused by the traitor Evergreen Sword Immortal.

This is the first time that a Daozu-level puppet has been put into the battlefield. The leader of the fifth world, the God King, also came to watch in person to see how strong the Daozu-level puppet is.

"God Hongxue, go and stop that puppet first!"

Seeing the appearance of the puppet of Daozu level, Chiming Daozu forcibly suppressed the joy in his heart, and said to the seven people including Hongxue Tianshen.

He needs Qiyao God to cover him!

Without hesitation, Hongxue Tianshen once again formed the Qiyao Tianshen Formation with his juniors, and went to deal with Changqing Sword Immortal.

"Come on! Let me take care of you!"

Possessing a puppet of Daozu level, Changqing Jianxian can be said to be extremely inflated.

In his opinion, even Daozu can't do anything to him now, let alone Qiyao God?

The defense of the Taoist puppet is extremely terrifying, no matter how the Qiyao God attacks, it cannot be destroyed.

"Hahaha! It seems that this time, there is no suspense!"

On the top of the cloud, Mozhu Daozu smiled triumphantly.

The God King beside him also nodded in satisfaction.

The puppet at the Dao ancestor level did not disappoint him. The Qiyao gods in the realm of the invincible gods are so embarrassed. If the Dao ancestor does not come out, there is really no one who can do anything to this puppet!

This time, they won the battle!

Qiyao Tianshen was entangled by the Taoist puppet, and the three great demon gods of Wulong Mountain suddenly had no opponents.

The situation seems to be controlled by Wu Jianmen and the others.

But at this moment, the Taoist puppet on Wujianmen's side suddenly exploded, and Qiyao Tianshen retreated directly after receiving Chiming Taoist's order.

The raised Daozu puppet directly stretched out eight tentacles to grab the gods and immortals from the Wujianmen camp.

Caught off guard, the eight tentacles grabbed a total of seven gods, and only one avoided them flexibly.

The god who was caught was naturally sad, and was directly strangled by the Taoist puppet.

"Changqing! What are you doing!"

Immediately, Mo Zhu Daozu became furious.

What the hell is this Evergreen Sword Immortal doing!How to start with your own people!

(End of this chapter)

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