Chapter 269 Almost Forgot
The God Realm is the same as before, although Qin Ke's second soul is not here this time, but with the Goddess of Life as the main god, the other gods can't make any waves.

After Qin Ke returned to the God Realm, he started to practice without being foolish.

After all, he had been away for a while, and during this time he could be regarded as neglecting his wives.

At this time, it is natural to make good compensation.

Anyway, he is absolutely safe in the God Realm.

Among other things, at least the God Realm will be fine for a million years.

After all, the God Realm series does not know how many more will be derived, and there is plenty of time.

Therefore, within one's lifetime, the God Realm is stable.

Indulging in tenderness, I don't know how much time has passed for a while.

"In the future... going to other places... I'm afraid that Xue'er will find out..."

Being hugged by Qin Ke, although the beautiful woman's face was full of shyness and satisfaction, she was still a little unnatural enough to speak.

Because she can be regarded as secretly borrowing her daughter's... to relieve her loneliness, which is not tolerated.

"Where are you going? I'm going to be here, Dong'er, when do you think we'll confess to Xue'er."

Qin Ke smelled the fragrance from the beautiful woman and said with an evil smile.

Qian Renxue had already discovered the scandal between the two of them, but she didn't say anything about it.

Only Bibi Dong was kept in the dark.

Well, Qin Ke doesn't plan to talk to her now.

"I'll never say it in my life."

Bibi Dong said angrily, how could she say such a shameful thing, and that person was still her own relative.

"It's okay, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

Qin Ke knew that Bibi Dong was very conservative in this regard, so he didn't provoke her.

However, his hands were stroking her belly, and he already had an evil idea in his heart.

I thought to myself, if Bibi Dong's stomach bulges, what will happen in the future?
Qin Ke felt that there was a way to do this.

Qin Ke's actions were naturally acquiesced by Bibi Dong.

She also loves and hates this man.

Even she couldn't stand this man's rudeness, and she was worried about what would happen to her daughter's thin body when Qin Ke tortured her like this.

However, Bibidong couldn't stand Qin Ke's tenderness, she couldn't resist at all, and fell deeply into it.

Chinese characters are so broad and profound...

After the modification, Qin Ke just entered into the practice of "Eight Nine Profound Art".

Practicing Bajiu Xuangong, Qin Ke called the Goddess of Life over.

Why?Because of the special physique of the goddess, it is a treasure that practitioners like them can't dream of!
There is no rush to practice martial arts, especially Bajiu Xuangong.

When it reaches a certain level, it has reached the limit of the body's tolerance, and it needs to be repaired before continuing, otherwise the gain will not be worth the loss, and the effect will be counterproductive.

However, the body of the Goddess of Life contains the source of life in this world, and it produces a steady stream of life force, which can naturally nourish the damage caused by excessive practice.

Qin Ke needs the help of the Goddess of Life if he wants to practice martial arts all the way to the end like flying a plane.

In fact, what Qin Ke said was all nonsense.

Because it may be true for others, but it is completely useless for him.

The power of life in him is much stronger than that of the goddess of life.

The reason why Qin Ke called the Goddess of Life to his side was just to satisfy his selfish desires.

He just intends to have a good relationship with the goddess of life.

After all, the newlyweds left soon, and there was not much communication between the husband and wife, so now they have to make up for it.

Husband and wife, you must be more affectionate than gold.

"Asshole, I told you not to do that, why didn't you listen!"

After practicing Bajiu Xuangong to the third round in one breath, Qin Ke took a break and had a good chat with the Goddess of Life.

The Goddess of Life is also very obedient, and she kept answering "um" or "ah" during the communication with Qin Ke, very well-behaved.

However, Qin Ke went too far behind, she looked at Qin Ke angrily, and complained.

Qin Ke seemed indifferent, he helped her hair, and said, "Isn't it difficult for your gods to hit? What are you afraid of?"

It is difficult for the gods in this world to give birth to offspring.

"That being said, there are so many... always a little worried..."

Hearing what Qin Ke said, the Goddess of Life breathed a sigh of relief.

But for some reason, she was thinking about what would happen if she was unlucky... oh no, what would happen if she was lucky.

Qin Ke smiled at this.

It is difficult for any god to give birth to offspring. As long as he takes action, the number of infertile people will be reduced by two.

He touched the head of the Goddess of Life, and after looking at it several times, he felt a little ready to move, and couldn't help laughing: "Come and stay with me during this time, okay?"

When the Goddess of Life heard it, her complexion changed, and she directly refused: "I don't think so!"


Qin Ke didn't quite understand, after all, all his wives wanted him to be with him all the time.

"People will die..."

The Goddess of Life gave Qin Ke a blank look.

This beast is always thinking about how to bully her. If she stays with him for a long time, won't she be tortured to a bad shape.

Qin Ke was speechless, but it was not the other party's turn to decide this kind of matter.

In a word, that is, he doesn't want others to feel it, but he wants to feel it himself!
Qin Ke intends to teach the goddess of life well during this time so that she can make a breakthrough.

To be honest, with the strength of the Goddess of Life, as long as Qin Ke guides her on the way forward, it is not difficult to reach Daozu.

So, under Qin Ke's persuasion and temptation, the Goddess of Life did not refuse.

If she didn't refuse, she would be acquiescing, and she was ready to be "tortured" by Qin Ke.

It may be that the life with the God of Destruction was too dull before, so the Goddess of Life is a little...

Although I said I was scared, I couldn't help but eager to try.

"Where have you been during this time? I can't find you at all."

The Goddess of Life got up from Qin Ke's arms, half-kneeled on the bed, and bent down after asking.

Qin Ke didn't hide it either, and explained to the Goddess of Life very seriously, except for the gate of Wuhun, everything else was said.

Because the things that the goddess of life will accomplish next will take a long time.

After taking all the top grade elixir, Qin Ke's Eighty Nine Mysterious Kungfu has reached the seventh rank.

And it's still in the middle of the seventh turn!
At this time, Qin Ke's body has reached the level of a pure yang magic weapon.

He doesn't need to dodge the attacks of ordinary gods or even real immortals, because they can't bring him any harm at all.

"Shu Tan!"

Qin Ke gently twisted his body, this comfortable feeling really fascinated him.

Cough cough cough, how many years have passed in this flash, almost three years?probably.

I almost forgot how to write this kind of thing... Time makes people old...

There were a lot of good ideas, but I just didn’t dare to write them indiscriminately. It’s just a little bit of indulgence. Compared with the previous plot, it’s too watery and bland. Now I don’t dare to read the comment area, nor Knowing whether this chapter can be passed, the leave slip is always ready!

I think back then, no matter how many people criticized me, I was fearless, and I even went back in the comment area. I don’t know why I don’t have the courage now.

Really old and old.

Here I suggest that you delete some "dangerous" things in your phone.

After deleting this kind of thing, you will find that life is so beautiful...

Next, I will start counting the words again. I should start writing Journey to the West tomorrow, and I will basically start harvesting everything there... I will transform into an emotional killer.

(End of this chapter)

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