Why am I invincible again?

Chapter 187 Doomsday Invincible (39)

Chapter 187 Doomsday Invincible (39)

Tyrant's reaction to her departure was a little strong.

The main manifestation was that she was pulling her clothes and not letting her go.

Zhou Ye didn't say anything, he was like a screaming chicken being stimulated, chattering bad things endlessly.

"I don't feel ashamed of a male mixed like this! Master, don't spoil him, or it will be like the last world, and you won't be able to leave even if you want to!"

Zhou Ye thought it made sense, and then firmly pressed his shoulder, and tied the tyrant's hair with the rubber band tied in his own hair.

The long curly hair on the forehead was bundled into an apple head, and the curly hair exploded like a flower. Under the flower was a face that was prettier than a flower, porcelain white as jade, with delicate features.

Zhou Ye liked it, so he lowered his head, imitating what Fu Wenjun often did in the previous world, and kissed the tyrant's face.

Take a sip.

Cool, slippery, very comfortable.

Without the cover of his hair, Zhou Ye turned on the TV in the apartment.

"watch TV."

The tyrant was really honest, but he didn't watch TV, he just stared at Zhou Ye and watched her go out.

Closing the door, he sighed.

"Master, there is still a task. After you have a man, you are not as fighting spirit as before."

Thinking about the first world, from the beginning to the end of entering, in less than half a year, more than a dozen brothers and sisters of the Zhou family were wiped out by her alone.

That's called a clean and neat, not muddled.

Aww, I miss that decisive Zhou Ye.

And expresses contempt for her now.

Zhou Ye, who can be swayed by beauty, is not a master.

"Look, until now, the value of evil thoughts is only eighty points."

Zhou Ye coiled the jade beads and walked all the way down, thinking about the changes in his mind quietly.

But the time for self-thinking is from upstairs to downstairs.

She never had any troubles.

Follow your heart, do what you want, do whatever you want.

Now she likes the man who looks different but tastes the same, so take it with her.

Let's talk about it when she doesn't like it.

So she said it very naturally.

"I don't like hearing you say he's not good."

Awow, the dragon's body shook.

"I didn't, I just stated objective facts!"

"Well, next time you dare to state these facts, I will turn your head off."

So ruthless.

So indifferent.

Aowu didn't have much fear of Zhou Ye's threat, only sadness and grievance in his heart.

"I have been with you for more than 700 years, and now you are going to turn my head off for a man of unknown origin. You are too much."

Zhou Ye didn't expect Aowu to be so sad.

Hearing choking and sobbing, she didn't know what to do again.

The cafeteria was right in front of him, and he had a happy meal at first, but now hearing this, Zhou Ye was in a bad mood.

She doesn't like to hear other people cry.

The other person turned his finger to woo woo.

"do not Cry."

Zhou Ye walked into the cafeteria, grabbed an egg from the mobile dining table, and said bluntly.

"Eat eggs."

Aww, it was very coaxing before.

Zhou Ye was also used to bullying him, and subconsciously wanted to twist his neck and chop off his head, but she wouldn't really chop it off.

Was this fat dragon scared by her?

Aww, he was still sobbing, he was really sad, but Zhou Ye, who had no brains and no heart, couldn't think of an idea at all.

The cold war is useless to Zhou Ye.

Because she is dull.

If you don't tell her, she will never know where she is wrong.

Just such an arrogant and dull woman with flaws all over her body.

Aowu stretched out his paws to wipe the tears on his face, turned his head angrily, and sat down on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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