Why am I invincible again?

Chapter 324 Trainee Pluto (3)

Chapter 324 Trainee Pluto (3)

Zhou Ye, who was about to take a lunch break, opened his eyes expressionlessly, watching the office door being pushed open by a bull's hoof, followed by Bull Face No. [-] shouting at her with a smile on his face.

"Pluto, I played your favorite music for you, enjoy it, don't work too hard ~ By the way, the Meng Po in the Naihe Bridge management office is absent from work again to go on a date in the world, you must severely punish her~"

After speaking, the ugly face disappeared, the door closed, and the music in the room became more cheerful and cheerful.

Zhou Ye raised his head, looked at the big horn above his head, stretched out his hand, a long whip flew out from his sleeve, and flicked it four times, the big horns in the four corners were whipped and scrapped on the spot.

The world was clean, Zhou Ye closed his eyes and prepared to continue sleeping.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door again, Ma Mian No. [-] came in with his head out, and smiled innocently.

"Master Pluto, it's time for lunch. For lunch, there are fried scorpion and tiger tail, and your favorite braised pig's brain. Do you want to eat it in the office or in the cafeteria?"

Zhou Ye looked sideways, and cast a cold gaze towards the door.

This look, as if mixed with ice balls, makes people feel frightened when they look at it.

But Ma Mian No. [-] is not a human being, he has a good heart, and he can even look into Zhou Ye's eyes and continue to laugh innocently.

Aww cover your face.

It's over, Zhou Ye has encountered a hard problem.

Of the four sycophants in Hades, none of them has a normal brain, and perhaps because they are not afraid of death, all one or two have extra iron heads.

Zhou Ye turned over, ignored him, and continued to sleep.

The empty-headed Ma Mian No. [-] doesn't know what his boss means at all. He only has three meals a day for the boss in his mind, and he is only responsible for feeding the boss every day.

If the boss has an empty stomach, he is negligent.

As an outstanding employee of the [-]th consecutive year, Ma Mian No. [-] will never allow a hungry Hades in front of his eyes!
The three highs of the old Pluto were fed by him.

High blood lipids, high blood pressure, high blood sugar.

For the sake of good health, the old Pluto retired early.

Therefore, Ma Mian No. [-] worked tirelessly and continued to shout.

"Master Pluto, if you don't eat, you will be hungry after the meal time."

Zhou Ye waved lazily.

"Don't eat, we'll talk about it at night."

She watched over the whole night yesterday when someone jumped off the building, but in the end she was lonely in the end.

After living for so long, Zhou Ye rarely felt so tired.

Horse face No. [-] left, woo woo when he finally saw his face clearly.

As a result, 2 minutes later, the office door opened, and Ma Mian No. [-] walked to the desk with a full three-layer hollowed-out plate, then put down the plate, brought out the dishes one by one, and placed them on the table. A table was full.

"Pluto, it's time to eat."

Zhou Ye remained silent.

Ma Mian continued to shout.

"The fried scorpions are just out of the pan, and they are still crispy. Each bite is very fragrant!"

Zhou Ye turned over, sat up without saying a word, walked up to Ma Mian No. [-], raised his eyes, and looked at him.

"Are you deaf?"

"Lord Pluto, you must not doubt my physical condition. Every year in the Hades physical examination, my physical indicators exceed the standard. The ear, nose and throat department is especially healthy, and there is no hearing problem at all!"

Zhou Ye: "..."

Aww: "..."

If this kind of person is punched, he can still be wronged for a whole day.

It's a waste of energy to do it.

Aww carefully ease the atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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