Why am I invincible again?

Chapter 388 Trainee Pluto (67)

Chapter 388 Trainee Pluto (67)

But now that the corpse was sent there, it was found out that the cause of death had nothing to do with the hospital.
Now that the hospital is fully prepared, looking at the family members of the deceased, there are four people in a row, all with dreamy expressions on their faces.

Especially the old man, looking at the screen, his eyes were wide and round, his thin face looked extremely mean and stiff, his whole body was like a frozen block of ice, his neck was stiff and he couldn't move.

How can this be?

In order to be afraid that people from the hospital would steal the body, he had sent his most stable eldest son to guard it day and night.

Everything has been arranged, just waiting to be sent to cremation early this morning.

The matter was about to become a foregone conclusion, but he never expected that there would be a traitor in his family.

The two sons even joined hands to deliver the corpse to the hospital gate!
No matter how you think about it, even if your son loses his mind, it is impossible for him to do such a mindless thing.

So after watching all this, the old man shook his head frantically, pointed to the video in the curtain, and categorically denied it.

"It's fake, the hospital is so powerful, there must be someone who will, will make a fake video, that is, just put my son's face, P, yes, P! It must be fake, my family has been cremated, how could it be Send it to the door of the hospital!"

Yes, if the video is fake, the old woman has been cremated and burned to ashes now, how can she check?
His son will definitely not be able to do such a thing, yes, it must be a fake, the hospital has failed, and he has started to fake it!
The old man was convinced that the video was a fake, but Zhu Zhijun at the other end of the hospital showed no expression, and continued after the video was played.

"The video has been handed over to the technical appraisal department. We have full evidence to prove the authenticity of this video, including that the body of the deceased is still kept in our hospital."

After saying this, Zhu Zhijun raised his hand, patted Wu Han on the shoulder, and said loudly to the reporter, that is, to the public.

"I believe that all journalists and friends can truthfully report everything today. This is not only related to the reputation of a doctor, but also to the harmonious relationship between doctors and patients. I believe that everyone will not want to be a bystander who drives the doctor into a corner. Here, on behalf of our hospital, I would like to say a word to the general public. The doctors are benevolent. From the second we put on this white coat, we are ready to fight against death. Please believe us , we must believe in justice. If Dr. Wu is forced to resign today, tomorrow, more doctors will be affected. Over time, no one is willing to engage in this industry. At that time, please imagine for yourself, you, yours Family, your friends, never go to the doctor?"

After saying all this, Zhu Zhijun raised his hand and put it on his chest.

"Health depends on life.

When I step into the Holy Medical Academy, I solemnly swear:
I volunteered to dedicate my life to medicine..."

More and more doctors came out of the hospital, raised their hands and leaned on their chests, swearing in unison, with their heads held high and their chests held high.

This solemn and solemn oath hovered over the entire hospital and echoed in the microphones of all the reporters. They were dressed in white and appeared in front of the general public along one camera after another.

"... persistent pursuit, and strive for the development of the medical and health cause of the motherland and the physical and mental health of human beings for life!"

(End of this chapter)

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