Why am I invincible again?

Chapter 93 Strongly popular (20)

Chapter 93 Strongly popular (20)

How many people in this world are going to commit suicide because of fever?

Just fucking Zhou Ye!
If you disagree, you will commit suicide, and if you disagree, you will jump off the building!

Aww, I want to cry but have no tears, why is his life so bad?On the stall is such a master who is afraid of pain and tiredness every day?

Seeing that Zhou Ye was ready to jump down, he yelled.

"Don't! Not only will you not die if you jump from here, but nine times out of ten you will have a broken bone. If you are unlucky, you may end up with paralysis. At that time, the pain will be much worse than a fever. Even if you want to die, you won't be able to die!"

Words worked.

Zhou Ye was silent for a second.

Then he jumped off the window sill without hesitation.


No one can die by jumping off the second floor.

She fell into the flower bed, and apart from being muddy half of her body, let alone died, she didn't even scratch her skin.


It turned out that the heart stopped beating, that's what it felt like.

He regretted it, he shouldn't think Zhou Ye is smart.

Zhou Ye is a savage, he hasn't changed at all, his brain can't be much bigger than Guaziren.

The current situation is that she is standing in the flower bed, it is raining, and there is mud under her feet.

Aww, Zhou Ye has been convinced.

She has a rebellious bone in the back of her head, but she has a rebellious bone!
Others say east, she goes west.

When others beat dogs, she chases chickens.

Aowu felt that he needed to change his way of getting along with Zhou Ye.

"Master, why don't we go to the doctor? The doctor is the most powerful person in the world. He can make you feel no pain at all!"

One shot of anesthesia will make you sleep like a dead pig.

Aww, I hate that I don't have an anesthetic needle in my hand, otherwise I will definitely prick her!
Zhou Ye looked at the sky.

It's cold.

So she climbed back along the raised decoration on the villa wall.

What lesson did this incident teach Zhou Ye?
Human beings were not as weak as she thought, and they couldn't die by jumping off the second floor.

Try the third floor next time.

She thought so, and then found Fu Wenjun's bathroom.

Aww remind her.

"Ask for permission from other people before using their bathroom."

He was heartbroken.

Zhou Ye turned around and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

The structure of this house is very similar to a certain villa under her first world name, so Zhou Ye quickly found the door of the master bedroom.

"Knock, knock three times."

Zhou Ye raised his hand.

"Dong dong dong."

After about a minute, there were footsteps in the room.

The next second, the door was opened, and the man stood at the door, wearing gray pajamas, his slender fingers grasping the edge of the door, and his delicate fair face was full of impatience and irritability.

"what happened?"

Zhou Ye raised his eyes.

"Can I use your bathroom?"


Fu Wenjun refused very simply, with no room for change.

"Do you have any medicine?"

Zhou Ye continued to ask.

Fu Wenjun turned his face and was about to close the door.

Aowu was afraid that if Zhou Ye didn't take the medicine, he might come up with some messy method, so he hurriedly taught him.

"You have to tell him that you have a fever."

Zhou Ye followed suit.

"I have a fever."

Sure enough, the bedroom door that was about to close was opened again.

Fu Wenjun twisted a pair of thick eyebrows, under the messy bangs, his narrow eyes glanced at her.

Apart from being a bit dirty, he wore a lot of clothes, so he probably didn't come here to sacrifice himself.

"You wait."

He dropped a sentence, turned and walked into the room.

Zhou Ye stood outside and waited.

She had a terrible headache. Not only did she have a fever, but she also had a hangover and the effects of drugs, and her whole head was about to split open.

The weakness of her body made her already anxious heart feel like it was being roasted on a grill.

(End of this chapter)

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