Chapter 841 Good Fortune
When the destruction was getting more and more intense, the gate of eternal life, like the sun, made a loud noise, the moment when it sprayed out the gods!
The moment of spraying fetishes at the Gate of Eternal Life is a moment of great opportunity, and it is also the most dangerous moment. Countless fairy kings will fight, countless heavenly kings will fight, and it is most normal to be killed in fierce battles. The ten heavenly monarchs are just a trivial matter.

There was a huge spewing sound from the Gate of Eternal Life. Immediately, the entire black storm between the heaven and the earth was reopened into a void. Countless fetishes formed a scene even more spectacular than the Milky Way. In a large area, a large number of fetishes were sprayed out.

Dayan Gold Essence, Yin-Yang Magic Stone, Innate God Jade, Tai Chi God Stone...


The Gate of Eternal Life started the second round of spraying again, and this time the spraying was even more violent.

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... out.

Among them, there is a talisman with the six words "Om Mani Padme" written on it, flashing the breath of the Dao, like the source of all things, like the root of the Dao.

There is a magic talisman, which says "Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Array, Column, Before, Front", nine characters, each of which flashes a meaning, and it is a new connection when connected. meaning.

There is a magic talisman, which says "gold, wood, water, fire, earth", etc., five characters, it seems that as long as you get these five characters, you can comprehend the ultimate five elements.

There are also "killing", "thunder and lightning", "void", "robbery", "human", "yin and yang", "mountains and seas", "wu" and "heaven and earth"...

At this moment, countless immortal kings fought fiercely to compete for the fetish spewed out by the gate of eternal life.

These ancient characters are extremely precious, worthy of the Immortal King's great efforts and fierce fighting.

A word is a kind of Tao, which contains the most profound understanding. As long as one understands it, it is easy to become a heavenly king.And some fairy kings, if they get it, comprehend the mysteries of it, and their cultivation can be raised for several epochs again.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Countless fairy kings are fighting for some powerful ancient characters.

And some ancient characters with less power were scattered around, and the heavenly monarchs started to compete one after another.

Boom boom boom!
There was another violent sound from the Gate of Eternal Life, and it began to spray divine objects again.

This time, it was the third time and the last time.

The void was trembling, and three thousand streams of light flew out of the Gate of Eternal Life, like a goddess scattering flowers, and flew around. These are the cheats of exercises sprayed by the Gate of Eternal Life, all kinds of killing secrets.

After spraying the fetish, the Gate of Eternal Life turned into a stream of light and disappeared.


A new era has begun!

After experiencing the cataclysm, the whole world was devastated. In the whole world, there were less than [-] living beings, most of whom were heavenly kings or immortal kings.

At this time, thunder and lightning fell from heaven and earth, single-cell organisms began to grow in the sea water, seaweeds were born one by one, and primitive creatures were born one by one; then creatures were born in the ocean, including invertebrates, vertebrates, reptiles, birds, etc. .

Gradually, the whole world became lively, and mythical beasts were born one by one.

At the same time, some innate gods were also born. These innate gods were conceived by heaven and earth and contained boundless good fortune, such as water gods, fire gods, thunder gods, electric gods, earth gods and so on.

At this moment, in the void, the two ancient characters fled away.

These two characters are the word "good luck".

In the gate of eternal life, countless ancient characters were sprayed out, most of which were intercepted by the Immortal King and fell into the hands of the Immortal King.But some ancient characters fled out, evaded the interception of the Immortal King, fled away, and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, two ancient characters fell down.

A remnant soul appeared, it was Wang Bin.

While the figure flickered, the remnant soul merged into the two ancient characters, "Good fortune, the supreme good fortune! I never thought that the two ancient characters hit my head!"

At this time, the void flickered, and the two ancient characters absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, and gradually transformed into a brand new creature.

"I'm finally resurrected!"

Wang Bin took a deep breath. At this moment, he was contaminated with the breath of this world and turned into a native of this world. He will never be discovered by the gate of eternal life.

"Hey, I just took shape, and I turned out to be a fairy!"

At this moment, feeling the breath on his body, Wang Bin was slightly surprised.

In the world of eternal life, it is divided into ten layers of physical body, ten layers of supernatural powers, ten layers of longevity, and ten layers of immortals.

He has just transformed into an immortal, even though he has the cultivation base of an immortal, even though he only belongs to the cultivation base of a celestial being, and belongs to the first level of an immortal, he is considered to be extremely powerful.

At this moment, there is a strong primordial aura exuding between the heaven and the earth, the grade is very high, and the lowest is holy grade; as for all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, all kinds of elixir, spiritual things, etc., they are all over the place.At this moment, the creatures between the heaven and the earth are extremely rare, and there are fewer people, more land and more treasures.

"It's such a beautiful era. It was born at the beginning of the era. It really is a great luck and a great blessing. If it is in the later generations, it may be fighting for some elixir and spiritual things; but now, just walk around casually, and you can get some treasure!"

This is a beautiful era, and it is the spring of practitioners.

Three years later, Wang Bin stepped into the fairy realm;
Ten years later, Wang Bin realized that the mystery is mysterious, the door of all wonders, and stepped into the realm of the mysterious fairy;

Thirty years later, Wang Bin realized the immortality of gold, condensed the law, and stepped into the golden fairy realm in one fell swoop.

A hundred years later, Wang Bin realized the true meaning of "ancestor" and stepped into the realm of ancestors and immortals in one fell swoop.

For 300 years, Wang Bin read a lot of books and realized the mysteries of heaven and earth.The era changed, and the mana was returned to the Yuan in one fell swoop, creating the Yuan Wonderland.

Five hundred years later, Wang Bin comprehended the mysteries of "Holy" and achieved the realm of the Holy Immortal.

Thousands of years later, Wang Bin enlightened to the most fairyland;

After another ten years, he understood the mystery of the same longevity of heaven and earth, stepped into the realm of emperor, and became the supreme emperor.

After 5000 years, Wang Bin cultivated to the peak of the emperor, only one step away from Tianjun!
At this moment, he is only one step away from Tianjun, and he may enter the realm of Tianjun in the next moment; or he may enter the realm of Tianjun after decades or thousands of years.

In the realm of the same life of heaven and earth, the lifespan is almost endless, as the saying goes, the same life as heaven and earth.Many innate gods, at the beginning of the birth of the heaven and the earth, obtained the supreme good fortune, the rapid state, and entered the same life of the heaven and the earth;

But at the end of the era, he still failed to step into the realm of Tianjun, and was still in the realm of Supreme Immortal Emperor.

Cultivation requires resources and a sense of the Dao. In theory, there are enough resources, accumulated, even a pig can become the Supreme Immortal Emperor, but it is destined to be a pig, not a strong one.Cultivation resources can accumulate cultivation, but cannot accumulate mentality, understanding, etc.

If you have a bad mentality and poor understanding, no matter how many resources you have, it’s useless!
At this moment, Wang Bin is also stuck on the edge of Tianjun and has encountered a bottleneck.

(End of this chapter)

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